3x3 Comics Thread

Post your favorites (comics, characters, artists, runs) and/or best, rate, hate, discuss, ask, recommend etc. All things sequential art allowed, from cape comics to euro comics to webcomics to manga.
Let's start off with some questions:
>What are you currently reading?
>Which comic(s) do you recommend everyone to check out?
I'll be doing some reading and rereading today, so my chart may change while the thread is up.

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I have an old bingo sheet for characters. Can't be bothered to make a 4x4 for series but I want to bump this thread because I like seeing other people's tastes.

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I recommend Charley's War and Lucifer (2000)

>OP posts 5x5

Based taste, user.

+ASS, +Ronin, +Moon Knight
How did I do?
>Charley's War
It's on my list. I like both Pat Mills and war comics.
I've been putting it off for a long time, but I'll get around to it.
I had a 3x3, but I want reflect a change, so I added more boxes.

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Trash me, co

1/1 only finished y the last man a few months ago. The ending is somewhat heartbreaking and bitter, made me sad
2/2 have that iron fist book too. Not sure what daredevil is that, but I've read lotta good runs so I approve anyways

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I finally got to update mine, just some minor changes, moved the parvaterra cover to show the title and added battlepug.

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Good taste.
I dig Sunstone, Punisher, Hellblazer and Y.
I like Girls, but unsure if I actually like it or if it's just too wacky not to. I don't like the rest.
I've not read top center right.

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No love for Woozy or Dave huh

Damn, I haven't read most of these.
+Punisher, Hellblazer
Not a fan of Sejic.
+Like a Velvet Glove, Dial H
+Hellblazer, Green Arrow, Lantern/Arrow
++New Frontier, Swamp Thing, Year One
What's center of row 4?
>I've not read top center right.
I missed Woozy. Which Dave?

Dave of Thune. Supporting character in Nexus, Judah's dad

Fuck, I didn't recognize him. I missed Dave as well. I skipped Baytor on purpose.


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+Salammbo, Arzach

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>Fear Agent
You're a man who like his Sci-Fi.

Is that fully grown up Tin Tin?

In the center (in yellow), it's Herge (creator of Tintin) and Edgar P. Jacobs (assistant of Herge and creator of Blake and Mortimer). In front of them are Jiggs (from Bringing Up Father) and I don't know the milkmaid. To their left are other Herge creations Quick and Flupke, and to their right it's Jopo de Pojo (by Joost Swarte, who coined the term ligne claire). Following them are a bunch of characters drawn in the ligne claire artstyle, including Alix, Jimmy Corrigan, Tintin, Freddy Lombard, Phillip Mortimer, Julius Chancer, and a lot of others I don't know.

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What’s that GI Joe run called?

GI Joe Deviations.

dial h

Prophet is great. I enjoyed its art


punisher kill krew was a real treat.

My fav comics of all time I've spend the weekend rearranging and setting up a nice reading nook, so hopefully I can get through some backlog.

at the moment reading The Darkness, it's completely shameless and fun. not really GOOD, but I like to read some trash too.

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>I like to read some trash too
Nothing wrong with that

Since OP had manga, I included them too.

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Damn, I still haven't read Buddha.

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Ex Machina and The Spectre are fantastic

I honestly can't get into Ostrander. I've tried with Suicide Squad and The Spectre.

What kind of comics do you like? Maybe give Grimjack a try

I'm the OP. I forgot to mention, I also tried Grimjack. All of his comics are good, but they don't grab me.

Just got to read Wika, which is the first Ledroit comic released in my country. Beautiful as expected, I hope they'll release more. Especially stuff that wasn't available in english or my native language so far.

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How far did you get into the Spectre before you decided it wasn't for you?

This would probably look different if I had more time to think about it. Whatever, it's 9 of my favorites.

>Boxers & Saints

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I like Vertigo, sue me. I've read a whole other lot of books, and I liked a vast majority of them, but, at the end of the day, if I'm being honest, my "favourites" are just stuff I enjoy or are tied to some period of my life or event. For example, Black Monday Murders would've been here if that bastard ever finished it, because it's a book and concept I throughly enjoy. But something like say, Hellboy, I "like", but mostly due to its use of the Gothic and Folklore legends and themes, less so because of the characters and stories. I like JonCon as a character, but Hellblazer the book isn't in my Top 10. You get where I'm going with this. In all media, I mostly like character studies, historical epics/period pieces, "mythical fantasy", some good sci-fi and boardroom politics/corporatecore, plus the usual Noir stuff. So I pick and choose, really. As for Batman, it's not one specific run, but rather a representatin of the whole IP. I love to many things about him/it to pick one. I've posted the chart before, but I've made some alterations since then. If I did a 4x4 or 5x5 you'd see some of the ommited stuff.

R8, H8, psy/co/analyze me, whatever. I'll do a character chart after I come out of the bath.

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You can't pick all of 2000ad, that's cheating. Pick 1 title of the lot

Fuck (you), I do what I want. If I had too choose one, then probably Nikolai Dante.

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>If I had too choose one, then probably Nikolai Dante.
My dude

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Is sad that Boxers and saints isn't more widely spoken about

Graphic novels don't get any coverage on Yas Forums, sadly.

New addition is Corpse on the Imjin! And Other Stories by Harvey Kurtzman. It's volume 1 of the EC Artists' library published by Fantagraphics. It's replacing The Last Look Trilogy by Charles Burns.

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She’s so damn hard to read though, I know it’s intentional but it’s annoying. She’s really great other than that


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Comics Books: I like Hellboy, Promethea and Sandman are okay.
BD: I like The Metabarons, Lone Sloane, Sharaz-de and Blacksad. Chninkel and Incal are alright. I really need to get to all of Ledroit's stuff.
Manga: I like Blame and Nausicaa. Children of the Sea and Berserk are alright.
I almost got through the first volume.
I like ASS.
I remember you.
I gotta read some more Harvey Kurtzman. I got Jungle Book on my list. How is Corpse on the Imjin?
What made you choose Waid Daredevil over the other runs?

>What made you choose Waid Daredevil over the other runs?
The art desu. Plus I feel it mixes a more light-hearted tone and the traditional angst and misery of DD pretty well

el bumpo

Are you me ?

has any of Wika been translated to English? I've never been able to find it. I want to read it so much that this month I made a Duolingo account and am learning French.

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What's the center manga?


Is it based and redpilled?

I'm actually not a fan of Dorohedoro, but other people love the shit out of it. I'd say go check it out.

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