Left or right?

Left or right?

Attached: 186c0cb3-90e3-4c82-a374-e8558f6de390.jpg (611x629, 86.85K)

Attached: Hello Nurse Minerva Mink.webm (640x480, 1.43M)

At least they're more attractive than the character designs from Adventure Time and of course shit like Kipo.


Attached: Goofy-Movie-03.jpg (850x500, 102.41K)


Attached: hello_nurse_and_minerva_mink_by_mysticalpha-d6i9ra2.jpg (1061x1500, 269.82K)

Neither. For me, it's Slappy Squirrel

Attached: Slappy Squirrel.jpg (640x480, 31.4K)

Oh you motherfucker.

Attached: Slappy Plastic Surgery.webm (640x480, 1.34M)

You couldnt even put this joke in a modern cartoon


>bimbofied Slappy

Will they be in the animaniacs reboot?


Minerva is a supermodel?

Attached: buttermilk slappy.webm (480x270, 1.08M)

she's a pornstar

Attached: 1426885047989.png (404x951, 299.3K)

Attached: Chicken Boo kiss.webm (640x480, 1.3M)

Yeah, for only a few seconds.
>Boy, those flashbacks don't last as long as they used to!
>Nothin' does, baby! HAHAHAHA!


Attached: Histeria! - S01e38 - Better Living Through Science-38.mp4_snapshot_04.50_[2020.03.04_18.41.11].png (716x480, 487.4K)

You've heard of Elf on the Shelf, now get read for

both at the same times

For what? The suspense is killing me.


Attached: 1584117754419.gif (200x177, 2.21M)

Good gag.

nig on the fig

Attached: 1545169892956.webm (706x540, 1.6M)

Attached: Hello Nurse beach.webm (640x480, 1.97M)

Attached: 1545169765811.webm (706x540, 1.2M)

Attached: MM11.gif (944x726, 18.26K)

Attached: 1465179734811.webm (628x468, 2.97M)

Hello Nurse has a fivehead

She is better looking as an old hag.

Attached: Slappy flight.webm (640x480, 2.61M)

Attached: Hello Nurse space.webm (640x480, 2.65M)

Attached: Hello Nurse walk.webm (640x480, 2.78M)

>Hello Nurse never got a scene like Minerva where she shoved her foot into the camera


Left for sure

Attached: tail.webm (710x540, 2.89M)

Why wouldn't he wish for her to be his willing cockslave? He must like the chase.

I was just coming here to post Charity. Is that image from a DVDrip? I've been looking for those. My copy is from in2TV.

Attached: latest[2].jpg (640x480, 50.62K)

Attached: witches.webm (640x480, 1.53M)

Attached: 1460509543886-2.png (551x524, 423.41K)

Yeah snahp.it has DVDRips.

Attached: Histeria! - S01e37 - Super Amazing Constitutions-37.mp4_snapshot_18.31_[2019.08.05_00.48.52].png (716x480, 514.08K)

>can't think of a good synonym for "branch" that rhymes with fig

Look at the size of that Cock!

>Chicken Boo kiss
>no Blonde kissing a cock

Wrong Two Yas Forums.

Left Or Right?

Attached: ESiHs4SU0AAWJXI.png (720x540, 554.15K)

Attached: MM10.jpg (977x1480, 342K)

Based animators.

Attached: MM4.jpg (1109x1280, 94.21K)

What's the criteria for post removal? Screencaps only? Or If the Jannie feels his cock twitch?

Her titty jiggles at 0:02


Attached: hist.png (1116x432, 21.75K)

Attached: 1438201584490.jpg (640x480, 37.77K)

Attached: Minerva.png (1091x733, 259.88K)

Attached: 1457641552120.png (985x1480, 2.76M)

Attached: 1459221487208.jpg (720x480, 56.24K)

Lewdness. So OP is safe, not so much other folks ITT (although the whole thread may be nuked just due to sheer numbers). Caps may also be more protected, I'm not sure.

Attached: 1459227675351.gif (1200x800, 23.82K)

Attached: 1459227706349.gif (976x734, 20.5K)

I feel that Minerva was highly informative and invaluable to this specific time period.

Attached: 1483475331654.gif (960x675, 16.27K)