I've never read the webcomic Homestuck. Is it worth getting into?

I've never read the webcomic Homestuck. Is it worth getting into?

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Hell no



It will be remembered as one of the defining narrative works of the internet and a truly innovative and important work.
For better or worse.

Read Problem Sleuth instead

Read one then the other

it has a lot of really funny and really interesting moments, despite all of its flaws. if you’re willing to read a LOT of words I think it’s worth checking out


Homestuck is like the "most" thing I've ever read. There are so many memorable characters, so many things to keep track of, so many funny recurring gags and one off moments, so many emotionally affecting scenes, so many thought provoking moments, with so many ideas, so many concepts, with a universe with so much potential, that has so many successes and so many flaws. If by the end you really wanted to give your thoughts in depth, you'll probably have to write like a ten page essay at least because there's just so much to talk about. Personally I think it will probably stand as Hussie's magnum opus... which I'm disappointed by, because I would love to see what a post-Homestuck work by him would look like and think it would most likely be better, but I think he's still severely burnt out from how big of a project Homestuck ended up being and is suffering from writer's block. It's also possible that he's just milking it for all its worth, but I respect him as an artist enough to give him the benefit of the doubt. For what it's worth, the epilogue, while a challenging read and hard to swallow as canon, still feels very "Homestuck".

As someone who read the whole thing, that's a solid no. Its good moments will only leave you hating what it became even more.

Shity as fuck garbage payoff.

HS^2 only exists as extended fanfiction for two obnoxious ships and cherub wanking.

god no

hell even if i would recommend it, homestuck probably should have been experienced as it was coming out

It's really unique and no other media has even come close to what it has done and achieved. Although this applies to both good and bad achievements.
Only read if you want to sink a lot of time into getting your hopes up really high and then have it skyrocket down in the last few acts.

>hell even if i would recommend it, homestuck probably should have been experienced as it was coming out
In the earlier years, sure. The fanbase and the experience of the comic both took a hard nosedive in Act 6. It ended up being longer, more frustrating from a serialized perspective, and got everyone antsy, by the end most people who hung on just wanted it to be over. Act 6 is actually not nearly as bad if you're reading it all in one rather than waiting literally years to finish it. I would actually say that Homestuck didn't really have a decline in quality, the experience of reading Homestuck did have a hard decline in quality however.

ehh, might as well, you got the whole ass quarantine to read it.

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Look how many people got hurt by it. Its all about expectations, and HS made everyond believe.
Give it a shot, you finish the first act in 20 minutes.

>I would actually say that Homestuck didn't really have a decline in quality
Definitely had a nosedive at the end.

Read Problem Sleuth. If you really want more stuff by the same author, then read Homestuck.
Homestuck is definitely a maximalist work, which both helps and hurts it. The continual escalation of scale in the early acts is fantastic, but at a certain point there just get to be too many characters.

>but at a certain point there just get to be too many characters.
What characters? All I remember are a bunch of blobs with the word "gay" taped on them.

Oh yeah HS from 2009-2012 was a fantastic fucking experience. There was this constant feedback loop of Update -> Speculation/Hype -> Update that repeated almost every single goddamn day for more than two years. That continual momentum was something that really enhanced the experience.

Unfortunately, it's just not a sustainable way to work. I don't blame Hussie for slowing down; for that first 2.5 years or so his life was just "eat-sleep-work on Homestuck", which cannot have been healthy. He definitely made the right call for his own good. But it made the comic a lot less satisfying.

Yes, so you can siphon the good ideas from it.

>The continual escalation of scale in the early acts is fantastic, but at a certain point there just get to be too many characters.
Alternate universe where Hussie pulled it off.

best answer

No, its trash and a sign of how far up his own ass the main writer is.

Homosuck please go

Even if you think it fails in storytelling, it cannot be denied how ambitious and groundbreaking it was in terms of what it did with its format as a webcomic. It truly can't be easily translated to any other medium, it's a webcomic that takes full advantage of that fact. Even all the way up to the end it was doing out of the box things with the webcomic medium.

the beginning is incredibly boring. around the middle it starts picking up and becomes pretty good. at the late middle point to the end however it tapers off again
it's too long and bloated. the creator needed a more firm vision

This does lead to the question, why not plan out a more sustainable pace to end the comic while still keeping quality high enough fandom rolls with it. I know that definitely could've worked out well enough.

Here's what you should do instead
>read Jail Break
>read Problem Sleuth
>read any number of MSPFAs until you're fucking sick of them
>maybe read some Quests on suptg if you're feeling cheeky
>read Awful Hospital and [DECOMPRESSED] and Prequel
>consider reading Homestuck
>decide against it
Voila, saved you several weeks of trouble. Now you get the good parts of Homestuck's pedigree without the bad part.

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>I don't blame Hussie for slowing down; for that first 2.5 years or so his life was just "eat-sleep-work on Homestuck", which cannot have been healthy.

You know what's absolutely mental? That I (and a lot of other fans I think) have adapted this same style of interacting with HS. He made us obsessed with it, because he was putting obsessive amounts of work into it.

Which effectively made Homestuck into a pharmakon, a cure for boredom, but a poison for active minds. Which is exactly what the comic was trying to accomplish. To groom you into looking for patterns among symbols and colors, plot points and expressions and so on. The only cure is to read more, which worsens the poison's effect.

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Planning was kind of antithetical to the Homestuck ethos

As someone who read it all as it was coming out.

Also this

Point, but I was imagining Hussie had some sort of outline and ending he was following/following to and just semi-rush to it before everything inevitably burnt him out, even before any drama and sadness over the game, his dad, all that. Can't have been worse than what we got.

I still wonder what it'd be like if he ended HS on the Scratch.

Yeah the relationship I have with Homestuck as a work is weird and complicated, to such a degree that I don't know that I can say I liked it or hated it as a whole, or that it was good or bad. It just kind of was.

Homestuck has ~8100 pages
of those, from act 1 until act 5 act 2, it's a legitimately good webcomic that while has a lot of text, it has an insane scale and gets REALLY GOOD sometimes. That is about ~4100 pages of good, worth it content.
after that its nothing but suffering. And everyone recommends you stop at the end of act 5, make up your own ending and leave forever.
if you keep reading or not, it's your choice.

Anyways, what does /hsg/ think about this: change.org/p/andrew-hussie-kate-mitchell-should-be-fired-from-homestuck

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HS was never going to end on the Scratch, the Alpha Kid plot thread was introduced all the way at the end of Act 4 with the letter from Jake to John
Now Act 6 was supposed to be much shorter than it was, and Hussie should have stuck to that

>the beginning is incredibly boring
This man is your enemy.

>I was imagining Hussie had some sort of outline and ending he was following/following to and just semi-rush to it before everything inevitably burnt him out
In my opinion I think he pretty much knew where he was going after Act Five in terms of the doomed timeline and retcon and stuff but 1. kept coming up with more ideas and 2. didn't realize how long it would end up being, so by the time he actually did all of it he was dead.

this, data structures are based

Yeah, that makes sense, exactly the kinda thing I was thinking on. I just got bored of Act 6 even before realizing how much it began to shippers and tumblrinas and all that. Alpha kids are a great example of good concept and bad execution.

Do you like the feeling of throwing yourself down stairs?

Fuck off hussie your series is dead.

>I would actually say that Homestuck didn't really have a decline in quality
It absolutely did though. Act 6 is heavily littered with shipping bullshit and blatant attempts at appealing to a shifting demographic. That's not to mention the meandering story in general Act 6 is way fucking longer than it has any right to be and the obvious ghost writing in the end game.


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>from act 1 until act 5 act 2, it's a legitimately good webcomic that while has a lot of text, it has an insane scale and gets REALLY GOOD sometimes. That is about ~4100 pages of good, worth it content.
>after that its nothing but suffering.
I seriously don't get what exactly there was about Act 6 that makes people so miserable other than things not going exactly how you imagined them being in your overly chipper imagination. It's all wrapped up well and in a creative manner. Pretty much the only huge problem is that the Alpha Kids besides Roxy just aren't that interesting.

Hussie handing over his writing to his shitty ex gf.

I hope you dont sincerely think this will change anything

I think Dirk was good, and I was waiting big time for his Dave interaction. Saddens me by the time it happened it felt so anti-climatic.

right you keep using that word and i'll start suspecting that this is an inside op instead of someone being a dirkfag

it went from "funny webcomic about kids playing videogames" to your average teenage relationship drama shippingfest bullcrap with a sloppy meta that no one gave a shit about and only ruined the story.
it stopped being funny.
it stopped being cool.
it stopped being a good story.

No one that got into Homestuck during acts 1-4 likes act 6 because act 6 and act 5 act 1 are appealing to a completely different group that absolutely ruins everything it touches.

Homestuck Experience Tier List

>Shit tier
Reading the whole thing

>Fine tier
Watching all the flash animations with no context and coming up with your own narrative

>Enjoyable tier
Reading the first 5 acts and pretending the comic ends at Cascade

>Great tier
Reading the MC intermission exclusively (after reading PS, of course)

>Ascended tier
Not touching Homestuck at all and just consuming Hussie's early work instead.

petitions do fuck all and you're just giving them ammo to mock, you braindead dipshits

Yeah no anyone who has read the comic would be able to tell the tone took a massive unasked for whiplash of a shift and actually tried to make us believe moments in the story originally played for laughs and obvious gags was actually some sort of dark and edgy shit that had actual relevance.

Why is she the best fucking character in this comic?

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It saddens me to see Act 5 Act 1 thrown in with the dumpster fire that is Act 6 so often, I honestly think it has some of the funniest moments in the entire run of the comic, Hussie is at his building backwards, bizarre worlds that work on their own absurdist logic, and the Trolls really let him flex his creativity in that regard.
Don't get me wrong, Act 5 Act 1 also had plenty of issues, but it was still hilarious when Hussie wanted it to be. Act 6 completely lacked any charm that Act 5 Act 1 had.

not consistently, Vriska is really good until she gets revived
new Vriska is the worst character in the series.

>new Vriska is the worst character
In HS^2 she pulls a Karkat and now has ptsd for all the bad shit she did lol.

I wonder if a webcomic could be successfully made in a similar format today. Asking as an idiot boy with no knowledge of homestuck, what do you guys think?

there are many good webcomics in MSPA format on mspfa.com just take your pick that isn't Vast Error

read Problem Sleuth

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Prequel was somewhat successful, and really anything can be successful with the right amount of luck. So yes, and also no due to the decline of long form webcomics.

No I really am just a dirkfag obsessed with Detective Pony.

Although I realize when I said all that in the post, I sounded exactly like a Dirk splinter.

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