Babs is hot

Babs is hot.

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Babs is best girl.

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Babs got shot.

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Here's your new Oracle, bro.

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she should have stayed in the wheelchair comics are all about inclusivity now and a superhero who is handicapped would be great

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>mom can we have oracle
>we have oracle at home

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>gets niggered for just a single issue of romantic triangle until she immediately hops back on the Grayson Dick
Well, at least they didn't show any niggered on panel, so I can HC it as a "just a kiss" fling that lasted a day, and purge it from memory.


>Frankie, you have to help me! I did something terrible!
>Oh God, Babs, what happened?
>During the middle of sex with Dick I called out Luke's name!
>Okay that's bad, but it's not the end of the world and I think Dick is the kind of guy who'd get over that pretty easily.
>But then when I was having sex with Luke I called him Jason!
>The dude with the busted leg? I mean, okay, that probably means you have a lot of things to unpack about your relationships and you probably need to sit down and figure some stuff out before you have sex with slept with Jason and called him Dick, didn't you?
>No! I, um, I called him Dru.
>Who the hell is Dru? How many guys have you fucked this week? Let me guess, you called him Jason.
>...I called him Daddy.

Stop posting here ric


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wew lad

Babs is a cuckqueen

Her Burnside arc mentioned her phone gps spent a night in Luke Fox's apartment. Given the wokeness of her modern series it's not that surprising desu, and they were written to have some chemistry.

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Well, still nothing on panel so I can still headcanon that nothing happened... Right?

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Accept it user. Babs has had more than a dozen bfs since the new52 started, some mentioned for no longer than one issue.

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To be fair she's only had something like 3 boyfriends since Nu52, the rest were hookups.

God bless Clay Mann

>tbf all women are whores so why pretend that they’re not?

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Why do all w*men write even fictional females as sluts? GodDAMMIT FUCKING SLUTS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Burnside was written by a dude, and she had one hookup and dated one guy during that period.

I'm glad they got rid of Oracle, it's dumb to keep her in a chair just because of a 30 year old story that was never meant to be canon in the first place.

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But both Cass and steph were better characters and her character growth through those struggles were great

I kind of want to reread Batgirl Year One now.

...Huh, I thought that was the Simone Vol still. My bad user. Anyhow, she got niggered. That’s the worst that could happen.

it's a shame DC's internal Dickfags had to ruin her as a character

Gotham is a crime-ridden urban area on the east coats filled with poor people of many different ethnicities. Not getting blacked would be against the odds for Babs. Still, it was a period in DC history when most young/teen heroines got a black bf for whatever reason.

The real issue isn't that her being in the chair didn't make any sense without bringing up a bunch of moral quandaries, the real issue is that Oracle was a popular character that had a good dynamic and fit a logical niche within the superhero community. You don't need Babs in the chair for her to be Oracle.

Luke Fox is second-gen wealthy, a business owner, and is into MMA. About the only way he could get more white is if his name was Brayden.

He's a hack like J Scott Campbell. When you can only draw one attractive woman with a palette swap you get old quick.

You kinda do simply because her own frustrations with wanting to be in the field are a part of it. Honestly change the origin, have her lose her legs in a car wreck or falling down the stairs, make it mundane rather than having it attached to joker. Something that makes her remember that she was a legend and that she was brought down to earth like any other person

It’s fiction; it’s whatever you want it to be.
>still shoots niggerjizz and produces nigglets
Nah, I’m pretty sure he’s a nigger.

>But both Cass and steph were better characters
Debatable. What matter is not if the character are subjectively better but if they're distinct enough, Cass is a cute badass and Steph is plucky white trash while babs is an smug overachiever. You don't even need to make her oracle to achieve that as that's baseline babs pre TKJ.

The problem is that, outside of being dead, you simply have no reason for a hero not to get someone in the superhero community to give them a fix and that leads us right back to the moral problem. Your best bet would probably be to give her a kid.

Does Batgirl have any good villains ??

Absolutely not

no, she's a sidekick

They need to put a writer who can do good villains on her book and an artist that can actually make memorable character designs

Honestly the interactions between Bruce and babs over Cass were so good and I don’t see that happening without babs being retired

That’s the problem with a lot of characters though

Making new villains would seem like the best part of writing superhero comics but alot of writers really half ass it

She's definitely one of those characters whose villains are better in concept than execution.

Bullshit. All you have to do is use some medical technobabble about her nervous system and comic book logic to say her legs are beyond repair. It only seems stupid when you try to further explain it like saying she turned down the chance to walk again or whatever it was originally.

Babs should move to another city. Be Batgirl in southern california or something

Most people don't move beyond "what I think is a cool powerset and design" when it comes to making heroes and villains.

they don't want to use their cool ideas for comics they have no creative control over, so they just use the same old names most of the time

>career ending pregnancy

This is sadly true though I can't blame them I suppose.


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You can replace anyone with babs in those conversation like Leslie Thompson or alfred.

h o r n y
all this classy lewd fanart is appreciated thank yall very much

Moth is great, they just need to use him more and realize what a good Babs foil he is.
I unironically like James Jr. His angle in interesting, not offering Babs a physical or mental challenge so much as an emotional one. He only gets annoying when they try way too hard to make him Joker-lite and then he's suddenly a super capable combatant.
Cormorant and Knightfall could perhaps be made into good recurring foes under the right pen, and with a lot of creative overhauling. And on the subject of Cormorant, they should bring back Slash from the same story.

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I think most of the villains introduced since Nu52 could be easily reworked into something more solid.

>Grotesque: Make him a false Robin Hood. He gives all these grand reasons for stealing, but at the end of the day he's just a violent thief making excuses. Keep devil mask, tux, and cane, it's a solid costume. Since the original and replacement Grotesques are dead, turn it into a legacy identity, different people under the mask with different excuses about why it's okay for them to steal and kill. But no matter what, it's all hypocrisy.

>Knightfall: Basically all the hot takes that Batman is an insane 1% using his wealth and power to beat the shit out of the poor and mentally ill. She's a blurred line between vigilante, serial killer, and mobster who exploits the angry and vulnerable to turn them into willing killers on her behalf. Few compunctions about who to kill and little concern for collateral damage. Very specifically never takes on supervillains directly, as she sees them as useful for distracting the Bat-family, though an unspoken implication is that she's afraid of them being able to take her down if she tried.

Even when you set aside the BatMoth shipping, I really like Yas Forums's version of Killer Moth.

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