So what did we think of the return of Ahsoka?
Star Wars
I sw3ar if they make her a lesbian I will destroy earth
They already said they are deliberately not giving her a clear sexuality which is good enough for me.
They are 100% making her a lesbo, sorry user.
>Give The Mandalorian a kino fucking Star Wars splash screen
>Leave it out of not only the new movies, but also the new episodes of TCW
What an absolute shame. It's really satisfying to watch and would have made a great replacement for the long lost 20th century fox fanfare. I was hoping it would be in all future projects
Needs more midriff.
So this is the power of /swco/...
It's not that good, really.
Why the fuck does everything have to be about "muh dick HHHHNNNNNNGGGGHHHH"
Muh dick
Reminds me of around 11 minutes into this.
Is time for a Darth Ahsoka AU.
I thought Americans were supposed to be prudes. Are you implying that Europeans, for example, are usually pure and don't think with a dirty mind? Because that is far from the fucking truth. I'm sure you associate everything you don't like with burgers.
That episode was pretty damn bad. I get they're in Disney now so they've got to dumb things down, but the insane level of coincidences needed to get her to that point and then also set up a couple thuggy guys just so she could effortlessly beat them up was downright silly. It would be like if the Deathstick guy from Attack of the Clones started a fight with Obi-Wan just so he could show off how awesome he is. This isn't A New Hope, we don't need to be introduced to the abilities and the rubber slappy sequence wasn't exactly a great action scene, the comical music didn't help either. It just got worse and worse as it went on.
Anakin is an idiot and his relationship with Padme is the worst kept secret in the galaxy.
Yes, this is correct, we’re the only ones with dicks.
I liked it.
I mean, Like this guy Ithink it was really weird that she encountered criminals in a crime infested part of the city, and then even weirder that those criminals were involved with other criminals and a criminal enterprise too. Wow it was just so dumb, but I can live with it. And what are the chances someone’s going to be working on a ship next to a landing platform.
I’m also pretty mad that there’s sound in space.
They gonna kiss so get ready for it.
That's a lie.
What the hell kind of hairstyle is that?
>That's a lie.
It's not though
I didn't watch it because Star Wars is a hobbling corpse. Nothing of what I loved about it remains. I can't even go back and enjoy older material because of how fucked it's become.
Meh. If you liked the prequels you will get over the st too. Sent.
It’s called “the trigger”.
I haven't watched the new clone wars yet.
What has she been in since Rebels ended in 2018?
Star Wars characters in Star Wars.
When will it end?
his head
Forces of Destiny.
And she always will be. Rent free for the rest of time
That was the year prior
Not unlike noted prudes the French. Or the Spanish. Or Italians.
though I suppose they aren't horndogs anymore, just corpses.
Ahsoka/Barriss is cute.
Ahsoka with Trace is complete shit because she's fucking ugly.
Was still on going.
Thank you user. May the force be with you.
Meh, I guess her human cocksleeve makes sense canonically because Coruscant's lower levers probably are like space Sodom.
I really liked the demolition droids run cycle.
Reminder Ahsoka has monotremes.
in fairness he did marry her
expecting not to see her in his productions is like expecting not to see Johnny Depp nailing Helena Bonham-Carter when you walk into Tim Burton's bedroom
>last 8 episodes are about the Filoni OC
Oh well TCW had a solid run but its time to pack it up. Might catch the last of the episodes 2-3 years down the line.
Why do the new episodes feel like Garry's mod animations?
I'm not going to be mad just disappointed, it's just so obvious that they are
is Ahsoka gay yet?
>saw younger sister
>the hell is that hair cut?
>saw older sister
>oh god! younger sister is the good looking one
Because you couldn't find anything valid to complain about so you made up a fake critisism that you know can't be argued since it's entirely subjective
Why do you all want Ahsoka to be gay so bad?
because this is a tumblr shithole.
I dont want Ahsoka to be gay, I just know it gonna happen
You talk like you are begging for it though. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. It won't btw
It will happen and we will see her gay marriage
I wanna be Trace
The Rise of Skywalker.
that's uh
some serious what the fuck you got there pally
You should be happy for the artist who had some autist pay him for a 16-character drawing.
I hated the problem-hair sisters.
They were just every Solo stereotype rolled into one with a brown coat of paint. It didn't even feel like it was about Ahsoka and the supposed lesson, that Coruscant is a dangerous place, didn't even stick. They clearly managed and only got in danger because of their own greed and dumb choices.
Waste of an episode.