Hey, remember that time when marvel said that incest should be accepted in this day and age? Good times

Hey, remember that time when marvel said that incest should be accepted in this day and age? Good times

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Incest is okay though.

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You a bigot? love is love

I feel like for anyone to think this, their parents must have at least been cousins.

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Do you have siblings?

Remember when legion went back in time, masqueraded as his father and fucked his mother?

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Incest is less degenerate than gays and every other shit modern comics push.

At least Hawkeye knew that it's wrong and if it ever became public it would ruin them.

>t.inbreed mutant

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Reminder that this shit was so fucking awful the whole universe got canceled

>Reminder that this shit was so fucking awful the whole universe got canceled
>Ultimate Marvel cancelled in 2001 for Millar being an edgelord and turning two heroes into an incest joke
You're living in a better timeline than the rest of us, user.

So, David is a motherfucker, Nate is a motherfucker, how long until Franklin fucks Sue?

what exactly is wrong with it?
>inb4 muh deformities
deformities only become a problem after generations of inbreeding. a 20 year old dude knocking up his 20 year old sisters is about as likely of causing deformities as a 40 year old woman getting pregnant.

>>t.inbreed mutant
Fuck off Yas Forums

why does wasp have an incest fetish

>how long until Franklin fucks Sue?
not soon enough

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cletus pls

It was just one corn kernel in a sea of absolute shit user, pandering to bete degenerates isn’t a sign of quality


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because it should. what consenting adults choose to do isn't the government's business. and especially nowadays when you can see long before the baby is born if it'd have any defects.
even regardless of that, it's not the government's job to regulate who can and can't have babies based on genetics. should people with other genetic abnormalities be arrested if they have children?
the laws against it are fucking draconian.

Your Cousin Mary-Lu just hit puberty, didn’t she Bubba?

I don't think cousin marriage is even illegal.

>dude there is nothing wrong with incest IF people only do it once!

Who is talking about marriage? I’m talking about Bubba and Mary-Lu doing that thing they see the live stock doing every now and again

>if you let one guy fuck his mom then everyone will fuck their moms

They said that? Flyover kekistanis must be thrilled about it.

>what consenting adults choose to do isn't the government's business
But it is, incest lead to countless ilness and is a danger to the population health, the goverment allow things like lgbt bullshit because those fuckers are harmless to the rest of the civilization and are only killing their own bloodline.

why is incest still considered a white trash thing when it is much more common in black ghettos and middle eastern countries?

then who even cares. it's perfectly fine. it isn't hurting anyone and it literally doesn't involve anyone besides the participants so if it's consensual, why is there an issue?

Countries like Pakistan proved that if allowed incest will lead to large scale cultural norms and countless health problems that would last for all eternity even if their society decided to outlaw it later, incest is far from harmless, incest is actually extremely dangerous.

>it's perfectly fine
Objectivelly it's not fine.

again, why should the government be able to dictate who can or can't have children based on genetics? and with modern medicine and tech, even if the baby might be born with a defect, it can be aborted.
>goverment allow things like lgbt bullshit because those fuckers are harmless to the rest of the civilization
i don't even see the point you're trying to make here. something about aids?

Because it isn't, you're just posting what you want to be the case.

Because when your shitty country was 90% white most people were familiar with white trash but they didn't give a fuck about what people half a world away did and were lucky enough to not know anything about niggers. Is the same reason people in christian countries care about the influence of christianity (good or bad) and don't mind caring about the religions of others countries: Only the most retarded and autistic butthurt retard would go for the "but what about..." defense when no one else in their inner circle is familiar with the autism he is trying to spread.

it is fine. it can even be beneficial considering we now know how genetics work.

what the fuck kinda lunatic grabs a woman by the arm because he doesn't like how she's dressed

Her boss
That sounded better in my head

To prevent congenital defects further down the line. An incest baby might not have any apparent issues, but their kids might a different story. You sound like an anti-vaccer. Are you in St. Petersburg right now?

>it can even be beneficial considering we now know how genetics work.
Apparently, you don't know how genetics work.

When carol fucked her son to give birth to him

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truly an iconic moment in her history

>hey guys it's the 200th issue of Avengers, how can we celebrate almost 2 decades of avengers comics?
>Shooter: Carol getting raped by her son

Possibly the most incestuous shit in fiction

>in this day and age
Ultimates 3 was released 12 years ago.

Technically Nate fucked his aunt.

A clone of your alternate reality mom is basically your mom.

It's closer to his mom's twin sister.

One of the only times Marvel has been based in recent years.

In fairness, it wasn't supposed to be a rape, it was all meant to be consensual. Some readers thought otherwise, and Marvel somehow responded by validating their complaint instead of making it clear that it wasn't rape.

At the end of the day, it's still a really weird and off-putting decision to publish a story about a woman becoming miraculously pregnant and giving birth in the span of a few days, only for the child to grow to adulthood in a couple of minutes, then taking the woman away to an alternate dimension as his lover with nobody thinking anything was wrong.

Because people just spent 9+ years jerking off to the Lannister twins.

Upper-class incest is probably an equally prevalent trope in pop culture.

Well, sometimes the editor in chief of Marvel hates a character and wants to write them into literal Limbo, and has a weird idea of a happy retirement story for her. Validating the fans who would literally prefer Carol to have been raped than to have given up her career for love didn't do anyone any good.


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Jewish projection

Marcus was the equivalent of some guy going, "Hey baby, I just popped out of that vagina, how about we head to my place and I go back in?"

He also wrote this

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I'm terrified and curious as to the content of Shooter's F-List.