Netflix Recommendations

So, I've never actually touched much of Netflix's animation work, and now with the lockdown, I'm considering watching more. Do you guys have any specific recommendations? It can be anything animated, though I lean towards action/adventure cartoons.

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Green Eggs and Ham
No joke it's a brilliant show

Twelve Forever

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Dragon Prince
Green Eggs and Ham
Glitch Techs

Anything Yas Forums doesnt talk about. Thats how you know its good.

Watch annimay instead

This. Marathon Eva if you haven't seen it

It's incredible. And the animation is top tier.

Also has a lot more emotion than I was expecting.

Hilda is also really cute. It's super cosy and perfect as a pick-up.

Dragon Prince is good, it has a 10/10 Scottish cutey elf girl in it.

>Twelve Forever
>Dragon Prince
>Glitch Techs
Imagine recommending this trash.

>imagine being this much of a pleb

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They're literally nothing else on netflix, unless you'll unironically recommend the horse show

How about just not recommending trash? Eh?

I love TF but I can understand if someone no. But Hilda? What's wrong with Hilda?

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Then recommend stuff that isn't trash.
Put your money where your mouth is.

I find them to be kind of a hard sell since even the ones that turn out good seem like they needed a season or two to figure it out first.

What little there is that's not trash has already been recommended. Netflix is pretty trash overall.

The Dragon Prince had a shit season and people are recommending that.

Are any of these good?

shit *first* season

If you're not autistic or a sociopath, Violet Evergarden is good

it's rough around the edges.

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I like She-Ra and Glitch Techs.

Fuck y'all.

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If you're OP, you'll most likely enjoy Kipo and maybe She-Ra (although that one focuses more on characters). I can't speak for all the other ones though.

Mfkz is on Netflix now
Ash vs the evil dead

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Try Carmen Sandiego.

Or are you looking for more "mature" cartoons?

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Anything that isn't anime or eastern tv shows is fucking garbage

I'm currently watching Kipo (I'm on the 5th episode), and I'm loving it. Kipo with her extreme friendliness and positivity is like a less retarded version of Akko, and the wolf girl is cute as fuck when she gets mad because nobody listens to her. The black boy and bug duo are meh, I would have preferred if if was just the bug, but whatever. The art style reminds me a lot of Ben 10 Omniverse but actually done right, and the music is by far the best part of the show (I love how there's a different song for absolutely every scene).

I haven't watched Twelve Forever, but Hilda is the opposite of what OP wants (action oriented shows). Hilda is like a slightly older version of Yotsuba&! set in a fantasy land.

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what the fuck

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this. But don't search for it online, when you are in Germany.

werkz on my machine
Why not? Does Kipo mean something weird in German?

Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters. It would've been right at home in the Hub with GI Joe Renegades, Transformers Prime, Dan Vs. and the like.

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It's the German abbreviation for "cp".

Secret of Kells

Green Eggs and Ham is a glorious return to hand-drawn animation.

And? All of the popular search engines filter CP-related results.

Do you want the algorithms think you're looking for cp?

I searched for the Kipo soundtrack on youtube. Of course, I got the soundtrack and a tv report on how pedos buy cp online.

Also, I'm getting Youjo Senki amv recommendations. This is just what you see. Who knows to what list they add you by searching for it.

Just watch the Hollow.

You could just go incognito mode or log out

I wasn't logged in. I didn't know I have to be careful when searching for the soundtrack, because I didn't know what "Kipo" means in German.

Incongnito mode probably doesn't help either.

Fuck off, Nico.

Anyway, OP, if you get Amazon Prime, watch Niko instead.

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Green Eggs and Ham
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
The Dragon Prince

Of course there's also solid stuff like Bojack, but that doesn't sound like what you're interested in.

As good as Green Eggs and Ham is, even with the hand-drawn animation I'm wondering how the fuck it's the most expensive piece of animation ever made.

Kipo, Trollhunters/3Below, She-Ra and first two seasons of Voltron for sure. I liked Puss in Boots, Mr. Peabody, and King Julien as well. The last one actually has a season with an overarching story and a bigger emphasis on adventure you wouldn't expect from a show like it.

Lucretia best girl

aside from the theatrical movie-tier animation, I guarantee a lot of the celebrity voice actors put a huge dent in the budget

Hilda, dragon prince, wakfu, kipo, she-ra, glitch techs, tweleve forever, MLP
It's all good :^)

Carmen Sandiego, Castlevania, Dragon Prince and Devilman Crybaby are all pretty good, despite what seething churchfags would have you think.

>seething churchfags
What about Castlevania lore fags

Real lore fags recognize the cartoon is going for its own variation/spin on events and characters and isn't going to be a 1:1 take on the game lore.

okay what the fuck is going on?

I'm a Castlevania lorafeg and I don't think it's bad, but my autism doesn't let me enjoy it fully

shit, forgot image

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Sell me on it please, I thought it was a kids show

It's got a lot of licensed music in it, which tends to be pretty pricey.
Even if in a lot of cases you might not even notice the songs because they only use a few seconds at a time

That's honestly a good way to describe it. A series that follows Saturday Morning action cartoon trappings, but a bit more modernized and self-aware without being grating about it.

A shame they didn't get more seasons.

