Will it happen?

Will it happen?

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Sugar is too afraid

Jasper feels older than the other gems, like she's in her mid-30s.
So I love the idea of Steven hooking up with this cougar war vet.

It did happen, at least Steven wants it, he followed her into the cave at night

I just love male student x female teacher

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Not now that she's dead
Yeah he brought her back but she was broken, the person she was is still gone

It already did

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>Steven leaves Beach City to find himself
>he drives along the highway, humming the tune to Being Human
>suddenly a large fuzzy ball zooms, past the Dondai and pulls in front, forcing him to slow down
>Jasper unfurls herself and stares down at a perplexed Steven
>she opens the door and gets in
>Uhh... Jasper?
>I am coming you, My Steven.
>Umm... Why?
>You don't get to find yourself without me. You need a quartz guard to protect you while you do that stupid sleeping thing.
>Do I have a choice about this?
>No. Plus, I want to explore more of this dumb planet. If Pink thought it was so special, maybe I can find out why for myself.
>Ok but buckle up! Safety first, Miss 'Quartz Guard'
>Jasper grumbles but relents and puts on her seatbelt that just barely fits over her body
>they drive off together, Steven smiles to himself while Jasper looks out the her side window watching the world go by, as a contended smile ever so slightly stretches across her lips
>Just a little time...

Oh shit

I want this. Please, Sugar. PLEASE.

we can only hope

she kicked him out. dont get your hopes up.

BUT she became loyal to him after he resurrected her.

>I didn't teach you that

>I bow before your strength, my Diamond
if the series ends with her still worshipping him, it's fucked up

This but with Lapis and Peridot joining in cause there's no way either of them wouldn't go with Steven.

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Not if it the last episode includes and it implies she finally found a friend in Steven and will be setting out to rediscover herself alongside him

Do the crew even have the balls to have Jasper and Lapis interact again? I'd say no but then again, they made Fragments

The goblin and the rapist can go and stay go

Peridot would be fine because she can chat with him on skype or whatever. Lapis would probably also be fine. She's working with Nice Lapis and their goal is to make a beautiful sculpture for Steven ready for when he next comes to visit.

I like the idea of the series ending with Steven and Jasper going to find purpose in space together, promising to come back often (maybe get an actual kiss from his gf before he leaves). I just think earth has anything to offer Steven anymore.

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I'm 100% convinced that something along these lines is gonna happen.

What sort of adventures would Steven and Jasper have?

I have been saying this forever but I think Steven and Jasper are the only characters who still have a lot of issues to get over, they're the only ones who still haven't really found peace or got their happy endings and feel lost without a purpose (part of the reason why Steven related to Jasper and ran off to train with her in the last episode). Peridot, Lapis, and everyone else at little homeschool already got their happy endings and are content with their new lives. They don't need any new development or big resolution to really conclude their arcs like Jasper does.

Mercenaries in some bloody civil war in the Middle East.

>a montage of Jasper and Steven fighting in wars, a la Xmen Origins
That would be pretty based

Would this be the greatest ending to a cartoon ever?

What if Rebecca made this post as a joke and is laughing at her own genius because nobody would expect her to spoil the final scene of the series on an anonymous image board.

Despite fragments being one of the most based episodes in the entire series, I doubt Rebecca could be THAT based

> t.sucrose

I have faith in her!

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And then i get the jaspeven spinoff show of my dreams?

Now do one about Jasper comforting Steven after shattering her.

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That's in episode 19 ;)

I just wanna see these two hugging it out in the bathroom right after she gets healed

Oh boy!

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Probably would've happened if Jasper didn't drop the D word. Now our lad's about five seconds from a noose.

what will the gems think after seeing Steven coming out of the bathroom with Jasper being a masochist sub?

Judging by the promo I don't think they approve.

only if he dominates

Assuming they weren't crowded around the door listening, they will be shocked to see Jasper there. Even more shocked when they find out he was living with her and training, then horrified to find out he shattered her. I think Jasper will explain what happened after he leaves, because he will flip and run away immediately.

>jasper calling steven my diamond
How long until he calls her mommy?

>Jasper was made by Pink
>so was Steven
Nice. We get dom-sub sibling wincest mommy AND amazonian snu snu all in one pairing.

>Jasper will explain what happened after he leaves
>"He shattered me, it was awesome."

I wish Steven had stayed in the manly hunk form Jasper brought out of him. That was the first time he ever looked like a badass.

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Why does Steven have more natural chemistry with jasper than with literally every other character?

He goes back to it in the next episodes. Probably at the end of Homeworld Bound judging by the promo.

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Look at her face as he warps away in the next episode, she truly has dedicated her entire self to him

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I was hoping it'd be because Greg dicked her down, but Jasteven is fine too.

Because characters that are natural opposites are more engaging to watch, you get to see them conflict with ideologies, world views and the like. Not to mention Jasper was Steven's first real enemy, not a monster-of-the-week, but an honest to god threat. You always hold a special place in you heart for your first.

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They're also technically the same character in terms of arcs.
>Steven has no direction and nothing to do with his power
>Jasper has complete control over her power but no direction

I think he's like 10 feet tall here. It's gonna be awesome to see him turning into Pink.

Oh he'll turn into something alright :)

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God dammit I am so fucking hype for the grand finale.

Same. Probably gonna end up turning on my blockers a couple days before just in case though.

I meant more permanently. It looks like that's just going to be what he defaults to every time he goes pink diamond mode now.

We're gonna see an even older Steven at some point in the finale. I don't doubt that there'll be another timeskip.

I find it funny how in art like that the creators feel the need to specify that it's a purely familial relationship because every time they keep giving jasper bedroom eyes when she looks at Steven

Your what?

Hmm, I dunno about that at this point user. They'll be straining the time as it is with everything going on. I think the final shot will be of Steven driving away and Being Human playing in full. That lets Rebecca create further content outside of TV using the characters and so on

I wish they would draw Steven like he looks in the show, they keep making him small and pudgy, even though he is 16 now

its too good of an ending to happen. im sorry user.

Sorry, posted without thinking. Word blockers, video blockers. To prevent spoilers and so on. It's a thing you can do on Chrome.