How do you piss off a nu-She-Ra fan the most?

Submit your suggestions below

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He-ra prince of power is based though?

Telling them She-male belongs in the kitchen

its almost too easy to do
something like that is so hilariously cartoony sexist that its not even sexist and yet itll work

Running out of ideas to obsessively berate the threads with?

This show has fans?

If dogshit like SU has fans than yes this does.

>start watching this due to Yas Forums hype
>first 5 minutes in, the high class white princess is trying to sneak in her nigger boyfriend
This is why I don't watch modern shows. Nothing but anti-white racemixing propaganda.

This. This is how you piss She-Ra fans off.

Shipping Kyle and Adora

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Tell them that Catra (or whatever her name is) is a shitty character who deserved everything that has happened to her

you should definitely post more edits of she-ra with big tits
I get so mad when you do that
just absolutely furious

Glimmer isn’t white, she’s la obese creatura


Would Adora be a good wife?

I like blond on blonde action

Wasn't there that artist who did some She-Ra redesign and got a lot of backlash for that?

was it a genuine redesign? or did he xD le meme and give her a nazi handband and big ol titties

either way post it

It's a genuine redesign and it looks like something I'd actually watch.

They're by @artydemon btw

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Apparently she made a new version.

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gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

>thinks it’s bait
>responds to it anyway
you new here?

>gives her more soul than the source material
>gives her more soul than the reboot

W-we... don't deserve sone people. That She-Ra is pure mommy energy, and has SOUL.

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Bring in He-man

gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

Original She-Ra is based thought

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Just draw shippy fanart of bow with hordak and see what happens

Would watch if they dialed down the blush

Goddamn it, she caved!

That’s not SOUL. It looks like that dull ass Lego elf cartoon.

Seething because the show just keeps getting better. Keep it up, it's delicious.

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I mean, honestly, my vision of She-Ra would be the best of both the original and the reboot.
Bow, Glimmer and Frosta would look exactly like their original designs while Scorpia would mostly look like her reboot design with minor changes. The rest of the characters would be midway between the original and reboot, with the fanservice especially pronounced

I like mermaid girl and frosta more in this one.

be mean to Catra

she did nothing wrong yet everyone is still mean to her

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Okay, but being better than "absolute dogshit" tier is not much of an achievement

Still more SOUL than the OP and the 85 series. She's hella cute in all three, but that one does something for me.

its true, im really surprised the show got this good starting from such dog shit material

I mean seriously how do you make a show this good out of a shitty toy line form the 80s?

No. But she'd try to be.

I'd like to see the type of body Shadow Weaver has underneath those robes

Draw all the cast as white, slim, and attractive.

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>Ben 10
What a joke

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Well, she is a Noelle self insert...

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you are the saddest faggot on a board full of nothing but faggots

Point out the huge age differences in the romance.

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>Bencucks still can’t handle the DIALS
Enjoy your Calarts reboot

enjoy your dwindling talent pool and stories being kneecapped by character wanking

>He wants to talk about talent and storytelling when Ben 10 is a literal Calarts toy commercial
Enjoy your Omnikix

I like amazon She Ra


Those are some really pointy faces.

>he doesn't want a Four Arms toy

Shove that toy up your asshole, Bencel

hows that green lantern cockring halcuck

Keep your fantasies to yourself Bencel

Will you two just fuck already

Everything in the fucking show is designed to not hurt any group so it's pretty easy to piss them off just by calling Glimmer fat or Bow being unnecessarily black. Be expect to get blocked by Noelle tho.

Catra fans are sadists who love to see their favorite character get hurt so they would probably agree with you.

This thread is dogshit and watching halfag and bencels fight is fun.

catra will get raped in s5
i work there

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Ship only hetero couples

>betrays everybody
>makes best girl Scorpia sad
>attempts murder-suicide on multiversal scale
>becomes Cat Hitler
>still the most popular character

can't stop won't stop

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cass fans from the tangled series are also catra fans....what does this mean ?

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but those are the best ones

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