Why are most instagram comics so terrible?

Why are most instagram comics so terrible?

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Because Instagram is a terrible site.

Because it's instagram. I don't know what you expected.


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I'm sorry, what is the message of this supposed to be?

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>literal wolf in sheep's clothing
what did they mean by this?????

>caring about the feelings about a country that locks up muslims and harvests the organs of foreigners
>the same country that started the virus because they ate bats.
>the same country that knew about the virus for MONTHS and didn’t tell anyone

Fuck China. They killed so many people, they don’t deserve fucking pity. They deserve a goddamn punch to the face.

They are calling it chinese flu specifically because Chinese communist party officials were trying to publicly spread conspiracy theories that the US had the virus first or intentionally released it in Wuhan


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i'm not hip with the kids but instagram is basically just modern day facebook kids hang out, don't know why people, why you would go there to begin with is the real question.

not a chinese conspiracy, that was because the millitary word games that were in wuhan weeks before covid was discovered, because how Israel had a vaccine in development already, how Bill gates patented the genome and how Bill gates is pushing for tatto-ships to keep track of vaccinated people, all while governments crash their economies on purpose

>when you're implying that there's racism in calling it the "Chinese virus" except that's literally what it is and where it came from so the people that perpetuate the idea that calling it the "Chinese virus" racist are also racists themselves.

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>You are silly and wrong, thus I am smug and correct.

wow what a bitch


>bad white guy is wearing a nondescript red hat

>It's another "Trump is bad" comic.

Goddammit, I know that Trump can be incompetent, but can Americans stop using the fucking plague as another excuse to shit on the president again?

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Anti-racism just denies the world for what it is; people who cause problems or solutions.
The Chinese started the flu, they let it spread by inaction, they obfuscated and lied about oppression for brownie points.

People are rightfully calling it out as what it is; cynical and shallow. It's how we should approach every esoteric offense taking or historical qualifier, but we've been trained to view a few as sacrosanct, when they aren't. In fact, they're so protected, uttering the people that you already know I'm talking about is a banishable offense in several public forums. No debate or prove it like Chinese, just BANNED.

This is not coincidence, you have been trained to be too forgiving of people unworthy of your sympathy.

>Israel had a vaccine in development already
So do 20 or so other countries, that means nothing
>millitary word games that were in wuhan weeks before covid was discovered
So why would that be America specifically? There's many countries at those games
>how Bill gates patented the genome and how Bill gates is pushing for tatto-ships to keep track of vaccinated people
Now that you need a citation
Either way, Chinese conspiracy

the wolf wants to fuck the cat but the cat only fucks sheep


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This sounds like an /x/ or Yas Forums conspiracy theory but it sounds about right.

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>This is not coincidence, you have been trained to be too forgiving of people unworthy of your sympathy.
Yeah like when we're told not to punch Nazis.

Reminder that even during a plague trump still keeps sucking himself off.
Also fuck chinks.

Everyone knows Trump is only calling it the Chinese virus to deflect from is own incompetence in handling the pandemic. This way his supporters will foam at the mouth at the Chinese while ignoring their own destroyed health care infrastructure while hugging some pithy couple thousand dollar stimulus package like that fixes anything. South Korea managed to have an appropriate and strong response using their health care infrastructure and they're literally next door to China.


>>caring about the feelings about a country that locks up muslims and harvests the organs of foreigners
No, they lock up terrorist muslims who deserve it, and harvest organs from political prisoners. Foreigners just get deported or shot.
>>the same country that started the virus because they ate bats.
Again no, there is nothing Chinese eat that isn't cooked to hell, and that kills viruses every time. Every time. The virus spread because no one in China follows any fucking health regulations and treats laws like helpful suggestions.
>>the same country that knew about the virus for MONTHS and didn’t tell anyone
Now that is true. If you're going to shit on someone do it for the right reasons. Don't fabricate bullshit or you're just as dumb as the instagram poster that made this shit
or this joker
that sounds more like some demented Operation Infektion nutjob.

Also seriously, who calls it Chinese flu? Everyone I know calls it Wuhan virus.

>No, they lock up terrorist muslims who deserve it,
Stopped reading there you nazi. Muslims don't deserve to suffer just because you disagree with them. Back to with the rest of the magatards.

"Coronavirus" is basically just calling it "Flu". I guess people are ready to get culled by Jesus and expect not to have any future history.

Nobody said anything about the virus before the past couple weeks dumbass. Senile Biden was whining about his imaginary stuttering problem and Bernie was talking about all the free stuff he wanted to give every day. But surely it is Trump's fault, lmao

Kung Flu's the name I WANT to call it, because it's fun.
"It'll knock you out cold!"
But I know that's going to get people mad.

Guess how I can tell you're mudslime.

I love the delusion of the artist

>Don't fabricate bullshit or you're just as dumb as the instagram poster that made this shit

As the artist who made the comic?

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>he thinks corona is real

My girlfriend has been calling it Kung Flu since it started and when we're in public she'll pretend cough really loud even though she's not sick

Fucking Instagram and fuck Chinese

>No, they lock up terrorist muslims who deserve it
fuck off and go back to charlie kirk

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>My girlfriend
Sounds like you've got a pretty based woman. She's a keeper. Don't lose her user.

Then why did H1N1 not get called Mexican Flu? This new Wooflu took everybody by surprise because of its long germination period. Otherwise it would've been just a new blip on the radar instead of the clusterfuck it became.

>in public she'll pretend cough really loud even though she's not sick

That's really really cringy.

Yes it is

Anything to stick it to the Chinese

disease naming conventions avoid using regions or demographics, because that would take focus off of the disease itself which is the problem. it's called COVID-19 because it is COrona VIrus Disease 2019, which tells you all you need, it is a coronavirus disease that was discovered in 2019. If you think "China Flu" is more appropriate, then you should call H1N1 "American Flu" or "Kansas Flu" instead of "Spanish Flu".

>If you think "China Flu" is more appropriate, then you should call H1N1 "American Flu" or "Kansas Flu" instead of "Spanish Flu".
Well I don't want to. Chinese brought this stuff out, Spanish Flu started in Mexico all those years ago, and I'm not being told what to say.

>Muslims don't deserve to suffer just because you disagree with them
Oh yeah just because I disagree with their plans to murder me for being an infidel I'm the bad guy. The Uighers were caught blowing up public gathering places, stabbing people in the streets, and were captured and deported back to China by the dozen in Turkey when it was discovered they were planning to join ISIS. Honestly you Hollywood liberals are so damn out of touch with reality it's sickening.

>Spanish Flu started in Mexico all those years ago
Actually it started in Kansas

Actually that'd be funny, but would only work if it was first discovered in a martial arts school instead of the meat market.
Yes, the strawmanning is so palpable.

Why are you dating an autist

Everyone I know calls it coronavirus. Wuhan virus would be more accurate, but Trump has been pushing "Chinese virus" hard.


The chinks in the neighborhood hole in the wall brought this?

Chinese people also ty to warn about the epidemy early, and Chinese people also startedto protest about the fuck ups of the higher ones. Chinese gvernement =/= chinese people.

No he hasn’t retard

That level of tinfoil

Spanish Flu originating in the US is a theory much like it's a theory it originated in Europe (aka we don't truly know) and H1N1 was thought to originate in Mexico so I don't get your point since we know it originated at that Wuhan market

You were thinking white people were going to be immune to it weren’t you

He kinda did, but not directly. He just referred to it as a Chinese virus and because the crazier elements of the left want all the ammunition they can get, took that and drove it into the ground. Like it or not, he opened up that can and it's not closing.

People still mad about a Chinese disease called Chinese flu?

Speaking of strawmanning...

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The coffee shop staff should call trans people according how they see themselves to make them feel better.

Is that new? Because it seems like shit like Zika virus was still in vogue.

So he’s not pushing it
Stupid fucking moron. You’re a fucking puppet

Wonder what she thinks of the Spanish Flu

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That sounds retarded. Until we are all united into a single transhuman gestalt capable of reading thoughts and desires of nearby human flesh-sleeves, that's gonna kinda hard without knowing who they are first.

>still mad
user has been posting that same comic for weeks now, where have you been?

The artist's instagram page is full of strawman argument-comics.

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Okay be stupid. You're just giving liberals more ammo

So what's the deal with her gremlin Squidward? What's the point of that?

Leftists somehow think that stating the fact that the disease came from china is somehow "going to cause violence against Chinese in the US"
Only argument I hear against it

No. I wanted the borders closed as soon as it was outside of Wuhan. But 'muh trade' 'muh globalist system of commerce and finance'. So here we are.

Just a reminder that the Chinese government tried to pin the blame on American soldiers because the Chinese government knowingly did nothing to warn anyone about the virus which spread before anyone could do anything about it which caused shit like Italy going on quarantine and countless deaths
China doesn't want responsibility for that so they'll blame America and WHO will go along with it because the one Ethopian guy working there was bought by China

I'll call it whatever I want

ahctully no one is entirely sure where it came from, Kansas is just where the first reported case was but there's also the theory that some chinese fucks brought it when moving to france and britain
The guy from Kansas probably got it sometime after coming home from WW1

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She's got a point

I really wish one of you faggots would just try to punch me already.

You mean like that Atlantic article that was fully shilling for the CPC just so you could own the cons?
That's your "ammo"?

I’ve heard Kung flu, wuhan virus, corona virus, and covid 19. Personally I think it should Ching Chong Cough

It's a blobfish. It's ugly as hell. No surprise then that people who couldn't understand beauty if it hit them with a truck would find it cute

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It has though

it's sweet and sour sicken you fucking casual

I meant twitter

No, she does not. This is a poor demonstration of how criticism works. Especially when all of your works just show nothing but gay-on-gay all the time.

That’s literally what you’re doing idiot
Hope you can live off FEELING BASED AND ANTI WOKE XD

Yeah if you completely ignore where the complaints are coming from and how they are two different subjects


Watch geeks and gamers and tell me if people who live off outrage ever have good points

>"Hey let's make story, which proves the point that PC is important"

Please share more gay on gay

A few minutes browsing Yas Forums give me serious doubts about this being a strawman.

It's a repulsive creature so naturally she tries to subvert it as cute because leftism is literally a satanic religion.

Actually I live off cold cuts, home baked bread, and imported Finnish butter, and I seem to be doing better than everyone else around me.

I'm not the one desperately trying to make Trump look squeaky clean, nor am I the douchebags that focus on irrelevant bullshit like every tweet he makes on the toilet.

>One idiot attacks someone they would have attacked anyway
>"This is drumpf's fault for not accepting CPC propaganda that's trying to falsely say the US caused it"

Yeah it seems pretty realistic for the internet

It's not the gay-on-gay you think it is.

it happens here literally every day so you really shouldn't.

Oh dude I was already bored after cold cuts

I need to know. Please.