What if Black Panther was white?

Everyone's getting new races playing their characters, so how about mix it up with a white formerly-black character? Show it's a new age of racial equality for all of us, and Whites can be as much Africa as blacks can be Europe and America!

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The average american doesn't know what a boer is, capeshit writers are no different.

I think a better example would have been Blade so not to trigger asshats like

His name is Black Panther, not WHITE Panther, retard.

What If? What are you talking about?

Black Panther has always been white.

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How is this Yas Forums

This image is shit no matter how much you spam it
Black Panther is, well, Black Panther. He was created as (allegedly) the first black superhero, and his race is arguably the most important part of his identity. Why not just make a new character at that point, since making Black Panther white would completely and utterly divorce him from his character?
The point I am getting at is you are using a bad example if you intend to counter racial changes in reboots. For example, Green Lantern didn't really have to be white as a part of his character.
I still think racial changes are silly, but your reasoning in this instance is flawed.

Literally fucking bullshit. Apartheid is one of the famous events in world history. You are a drooling retard if you think Americans don't know about white South Africans.

He's the first African Superhero, and the Afrikaaner are a part of Africa as much as the Blacks. Maybe an orphan of a farming attack, that someone in the Wakandan court took pity on and raised Wakandan alone.

Kasper Cole, he was white guy Black Panter with guns and a trench coat.

Isn't that the whole premise of white wolf?

Is it necessary for him to stand like such a faggot?

what is the source of screen caps like these I need to make an edit where homer isn't there so it's just a delusional grandma

Yeah, an Afrikaaner hero would be cool. I'm not all that strictly opposed to the idea of a racial change like that, it's just weird to make a character that has being his race as such a major part of his identity be a different race. I'd rather there be a new, different Afrikaaner hero for that kind of representation.

that is the most calm and collected response i have ever seen in co
you are very based

Wouldn't that just basically make him The Phantom? IIRC Africans actually really like The Phantom even though he's white.

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>Why not just make a new character at that point
That is exactly what everyone has been saying form the very start of this mass race-swapping bullshit. Why not just make new characters?

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Yeah, that's why I said I think race swaps are silly. I was talking to what OP was trying to say, which in my opinion doesn't make sense, with my other points. Although it's possible OP wasn't trying to say anything and was just shitposting.

>Why not just make new characters
Be careful what you wish for, user. When they make new characters we get Snowflake and Safespace.

The merch would no longer be profitable, the target demographic being alienated.

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Because Marvel has the creative power of a peanut.

Look at the New Warriors.

>Why not just make new characters?

No one supports the vast majority of them and they just end up becoming cannon fodder for events.

Star Wars is a good example.

Actually a change in race would show that his skin color never mattered and he is a great character on its own.

So Batman

I would've loved if mcu spiderman was just iron boy the new super hero.

>don't know about white South Africans
When a white women won a beauty contest in South African thousands of Black Americans took to twitter to be like: why is an African white?

They think Wakanda is a real country.

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Wakanda isn't South Africa. Wakanda is free, and has never been colonized, like a hyper Thailand or Japan. It is defined by its extremely native Africanness. The existence of the Boer implies a history of foreign subjugation. A Boer Black Panther as the first Panther would be conceptually as bad as Jake Skywalker

But is not a bad idea ... Wakanda is kinda isolating and exclusivist, and it really WOULD be a good example of that thing Marvel's been doing, with minorities of the next generation taking over the previous mono-ethnic generation of heroes ...

... you know, if Marvel really, like, genuinely believed in their whole diversity schtick they've been pulling, and not just banking on empty progressive brownie points

>Wakanda is free, and has never been colonized, like a hyper Thailand or Japan
Why didn't you say Ethiopia.

>Heres your tchalla

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This is pretty fucking great.

Because I'm really not sure how much it matters that you're free and have never been colonized when you're as sad as Ethiopia

But seriously here: Wakanda is more like Japan or Thailand in how well it stands on the world stage. It's, like, respected and stuff, unlike Ethiopia, which I'm pretty sure a large number of Americans prior to We Are The World in the 80s thought was just an old-timey fantasy land from their Bibles that just didn't even exist no more

They might know about Nelson Mandela and shit, but it's not a guarantee they know that the whites are still there.

>Yas Forums Yas Forums Yas Forums Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums/pol/ Yas Forums
Get it out of your head, schizo retard.

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>Wakanda is kinda isolating and exclusivist, and it really WOULD be a good example of that thing Marvel's been doing, with minorities of the next generation taking over the previous mono-ethnic generation of heroes ...
Exactly. A boy who has never known anything but Wakanda feels so divided from it all the same, and still providing reverance to the Wakandan culture and way of life.

This is actually a pretty good idea to be honest. A white guy with good heart and wanted to help both black and white and all other who needs a hero's help.
Kinda like back in the day during the civil rights movement, those white people who
help out and support the civil rights movement.
This will also explain why he wears mask and called himself the black panther, because he doesn't want people to see and think a white men is beating Africans
when he help to defeat warlords,dictators, and gangs that terrorised the civilian and local town's folks in Africa and America

It'd stir up some people, and be kinda funny. You know, the obvious crap. It'd probably become a meme character that Yas Forums steals.

It'd be a funny little shit show is all really.

People would see it as some white savior/white guilt bullshit. The Blind Side but with superheroes.

Didn't Priest write a story about a white guy being adopted into a Wakandan family?
I'ts been a while since I read it but I think he goes by White Wolf? Something like that.

>Green Lantern
>He is white or black


Then he’d be White Manther

It's just/tv/ trying to shit on its puppetiers.

>because he doesn't want people to see and think a white men is beating Africans
Resident Evil 5 flashbacks

Well, at least the backlash got us Sheva.

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I wanna live between Sheva's thighs

I'm not against this idea in spirit but it's too easy an idea to just fucking fumble through. The biggest positive these changes can make, is showing the next generation who looks up to these characters to see themselves in them, and to be inspired to do great things. It makes sense to pass the baton instead of warping reality to make characters the same age, and depending on how you do it you can give younger people the chance to see themselves the same way white kids got to see themselves for a long time. I feel like if they got some south African writers to try their hand at it, they might be able to use the steady hand this sort of thing really needs, and show everyone they have a place in every country and continent. It probably wouldn't work in this generation though.


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his name would be Hunter and he'd be the adoptive son of T'Chaka. He'd also have a heavy handed approach to threats to the throne and would have a brutal secret police force.

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This is why this is the only board i browse desu

You wanna know if it could work? Yeah it could work because it’s a fictional character.
Now the real question is, would it sell?

Black Panther is one of the rare heroes of Africa that is black.
For the last few centuries, almost all of them in literature, films, television and yes, comics have been white guys.
Can the dark continent not have some black heroes in peace?

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Kasper Cole was essentially this idea but done well. Well technically he was just very light skinned.