Daddy, why did you eat my fries?

Daddy, why did you eat my fries?
I bought them, and they were mine

Daddy, do you even love me?
Well I wish you'd show it
Cause I wouldn't know it

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reminder that the fries were a metaphor for rape


Oh my god


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>Song is about something incredibly frivolous as a way of poking fun at the tired emotional character beats that dramas like to exploit.

Why did Adventure Time forget what it was, bros?

>Daddy, why did you eat my rape?

i want marceline to eat my fries

also fin is in a coma and all the events in adventure time are just his imagination also if u watch adventure time at 6:66 pm fin will stare at you with hyper realistic blood eyes

But her dad really did eat her fries

Holy fuck that was so edgy I got cut just reading it.

forgot image

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Muto happened.

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The fries are stacked suspiciously neatly within the container. Usually fries jut wildly from the top of a cup, rather than being arranged in perfect container filling rows.

>All these unironic replies
>To something that was spammed as a meme as recently as just 5 years ago
God damn Yas Forums really is flooded with off-site faggots

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Did you even watch the episode?

>abandon your lover and child to the ruined wasteland of Earth
>rise from Hell just long enough to take her food

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>i put in the Nintendo cartridge and the nostalgia critic and peter griffin bled at me

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fries = cunny?

The original lyrics were literally about her father leaving her; "Daddy, why did you leave me?" and Pen edited them down to be less heavy. Pen leaving really did have a huge impact on how the show handled things, as often as it's already been said.

I'm sorry user I was 14 back then what were you doing on Yas Forums 5 years ago and why are you still here

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Just because bad drama ruined the show doesn't mean that the early seasons had no genuine emotional sentiment you autist

I've been here forever, I remember when the majority of Yas Forums threads were about Spielberg cartoons, the DCAU, Marvel/DC comics, and a peppering of animated movies. You're here forever.


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No, it was more like the last straw (or fry in this case) for her.

This happened before she became a vampire, when she was still half demon. After killing her werewolf friends and the tribe they belonged to because they summoned him, avoiding any chance he could to teach her anything about life or her mom, not even trying to save her when oozer zombies had tried to kill her when she was scavenging for food. This was the final thing that broke her. She risked life and limb for those fries and that soulless Hell spawn eats something she needs to survive when he doesn't even need to eat in the first place. There was also something about emotionally abusing her throughout the entire deal, manipulating her, and possibly bad mouthing Simon to her face. But this was what did it.

Shut up bitch, stop crying over french fries.

It's quarantine they've got nothing better to do

>I bought them and they were mine

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remember when Marceline was a character and not PB's cocksleeve?

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no we were set up to believe the fries were a metaphor but then it was revealed that they were quite literal, the whole falling out really was over him eating some leftover food.


Reminder that Season 1 to 6 from AT were the greatest animated show of the 2010s. You know it's true

>including season 6 in that
even 5 is stretching it

But agreed
even in the bad parts of AT there's a lot of worth to be found in my shitty opinion

It was weird how she was having adventures with Finn one day and then later suddenly was ashamed to have him offer her even the smallest assistance with any situation.

Even post Season 6 AT is better than Post Season 2 SU imo.

Explains why shes a lesbian.

I hate almost everything in AT past the first half of 5 but it's still my favorite cartoon ever

What was the point where it lost you?

>finally bring back Hunson for an episode
>it's a really really faggy episode

god fucking why

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Jake the Dog was when I started having doubts
Jake the Dad was when I stopped watching every single new episode
Betty was when I stopped watching completely

Nobody was talking about SU, fuck off with that faggot shit. I'm so tired of that faggot show living rent free in people's heads, it's fucking shit but what the fuck does it have to do with the topic at hand nigga

Ah, penis music

Was Jake the Dog because it completely cut short all the hype with the Lich/alt universe shit? People still seem to think that episode was pretty good but it felt like a waste to me and I still don't like it after all these years. Out of that 3 parter I only like the first episode.
>Betty was when I stopped watching completely
Fucking hell what a shit ep.

when's the Intensive Penis Unit YTPMV anyways

I liked The Lich and Finn the Human. The hype after the S4 finale was unreal, a parallel world without magic was such a fucking cool concept. I don't object to the fact that they returned to the normal universe so quickly. I object to the way that Jake the Dog wrapped up the conflict so carelessly and without any sense of lasting consequences. I remember being confused about whether the Lich was even supposed to be defeated forever or not.

With regards to Betty, I don't actually have a strong vendetta against it (though it is a very bad episode). It's just that was the last new episode of AT I watched for years, until I decided I wanted to see the whole series.

Jake the Dad was actually the biggest gut-punch to me. I felt extremely disappointed by that episode.

Jake the Dad was very illuminating by showing that even something as significant as Jake, the second most important character in the show, literally having five children wasn't a big deal in the slightest. It showed that the show could easily make up whatever bullshit it wanted to throw out a plot if they thought it was too much work or messed with the formula too much. The years have dulled my disappointment but if I think back to all the times AT shit on my dreams it's easy to get bummed out.

its scenes like this that made me slowly hate adventure time during its run

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Not that other guy, but I also stopped watching years ago and hearing they FINALLY took away Finn's arm for good after so much fucking build-up and bullshit left me just upset. Fuck Breezy for that shit, dude, ruined any impact it could have had.

It wasn't just the whole status quo thing, it's the complete mishandling of an established character. Jake's whole struggle in becoming a father should have been that he needs to become more responsible, that he can't keep on acting the way that he has been, and that Finn will have to realize that he isn't the most important person in his brother's life anymore. Instead, Jake's problem is that he's a helicopter parent? And the moral of the episode is that he needs to let loose and not care so much? And it's all fine because his children are magically adults?

One of the reasons people grew to love AT was that beneath its wackiness it fleshed out the emotional lives of its characters and treated them seriously. But that episode just shat all over that.

I'm glad I wasn't the only person amazed at that decision. Like even if the episode was shitty I could understand if it was significant in anyway but they just drag Marcy's dad back after 5 (FIVE, 4 plus 1) years just to do the same plot they did twice with him.
Plus he was a total bitch. Why make such a cool, charismatic, all powerful villainous character into a retard? Fuck's sake.

I don't understand why people push the hate on Breezy and not The Tower, which aired two episodes prior and wherein Finn gets a literal telekinetic arm he just wills into existence.

I thought it was a great episode but if there's anywhere your dreams of the consequence being permanent should have ended, it's there.

I feel like a situation where Finn gets a rando one off bullshit arm is different than it coming back good as new seemingly for good. At least it's some kind of change, and essentially the same end result as Finn getting a robo arm.
I don't think anyone ever expected something as blatantly terrible as Breezy would drop so soon after he lost his arm. It really blindsided a lot of people. Especially since of all the ways Finn could get it back he got it from a friendzoned bee jizzing on him after getting date raped by Lumpy Space Princess.

The fries were a metaphor for bitcoin.

He was just organizing them for her.

Remember when Princess Bubblegum was a character?

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She still is a character but an unsettling one because the show constantly depicts her as a terrible person but doesn't seem to notice.
At least she like, still does shit. Much more than you can say of Marceline.

This user gets it.

>he got it from a friendzoned bee jizzing on him after getting date raped by Lumpy Space Princess.
when you type it out at length I really have to question what the fuck happened to AT's writers where they decided this kind of shit was a good place to take the show

>Near beginning of series.
>Finn has crush on PB.
>Huntress Wizard has crush on PB and joins Wizard Battle to win kiss.
>Marcy has low level crush on Finn.
>PB assumed to be Finn endgame.

>Near end of series.
>Marcy and PB inseparable lesbians.
>Huntress Wizard now Finn's consolation prize.

That was a funny scene from a good episode faggit

>>Marcy has low level crush on Finn.
I like Finn/Marcy too but if you really believe that was being portrayed you're delusional

What's wrong with the episode Betty?

It was rushed to shit and entirely hollow and emotionless because of it, bringing Betty into the current setting was a bad idea, Betty herself was a shitty character devoid of personality, and personally I thought bringing Simon back so he could reunite with Marceline again was cheap and undid a lot of his earlier tragedy.

>Huntress Wizard
If she would have given up on wizardry at the end of the show I could see HW giving into her feelings and end up with Finn but I thought that didn't happen

Kinda sad how it took until then for you both to realize this