Why do people hate Superman?

Why do people hate Superman?

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He boring.

Only Batsimps and Gokucks do. Everyone else knows he’s pretty cool.

1) His struggles aren't very convincing, moral or physical
2) He's held back by status quo

he doesn't have too many jump-in points

I love superman. :D

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I don't hate Superman, I just hate his current writer: Bendis

It's only silly batfags that hate clark

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This isn't Superman

His primary fans are comfyfags.

Because they're bald

Illegal alien

He can be kind of dick sometimes

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Superman follows an inverse bell curve of enjoyment.

Talking to a camera about your problems isn't therapy, most people don't even know what their problem is or simply won't admit it, that's why therapists exist.
The fuck was King trying to do with this shit.

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>The fuck was King trying to do with this shit.
He was trying to make a bad comic like usual

Becuase they think they're better.

People these days get put off by the idea that someone can be good for goods sake, we burned the idea of hope on an empty centrist and just stopped fighting the powerful and turned on each other I don’t know how we can fix it honestly

I like Superman, he’s a good lad

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goku is stronger

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We are better than that alien

Batman is better

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Get out lex


he did 9/11

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Make me!

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afair he's legally american due to being an infant orphan abandoned in the middle of american soil

Superman is the vanilla ice of super hero.
He's not bad, people do not hate him , far from that even. There are just better flavour.


Boring gary stu

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So fucking boring.

they don't

>Survey Says SUPERMAN is the Most Popular Superhero in U.S.A.


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Batman fans and weebs hate him, as these posts

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You don't know what "gary stu" means, Peter Parker is closer from being a Gary Stu than Clark Kent

Bland sometimes.
Forced dilemmas or mental blocks.
Some people seeing a good person as a oxymoron or doing good for the sake of it as preposterous.
Power level enthusiast going wild.

Superheroes are supposed to be challenged. His most popular villain is the bald man.

Batman has real challenges to fight, not Joker, Bane, the League of Assasins, Deathstroke, etc.

Superman is OP and therefore boring, he's always wanted about his power, he has 2 or 3 enemies that can physically challenge him but you already know Superman just gotta get stronger and will. Batman has to think and strategize.

Superman has to go "Super Kryptonian" his challenges are nothing when you know that he can already spar with Gods and beyond. Boring.

He could solve all crime on earth, instead of living things to other heroes, he can do 99% of it all.

Will it solve everything? No, but when you got a GOD that can't be challenged by anything on Earth what's the point.

The bald man can insult and think all he wants but Superman truly can't be challenged.

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I know you’ve never read a Superman comic but is everything just power level fagging to you?

>Superheroes are supposed to be challenged.
That's why there is villains like Zod, Brainiac, Bizarro, Cyborg Superman, Mongul and Mr Mxy.

You fucking casual.

He's an illegal alien. Trump was right, we need to build a wall around the planet to keep aliens like him out.

You know, I've always found it hard to articulate why. It's not quite even though those are contributing factors. Superman can absolutely struggle convincingly moreso than say, the Silver Surfer, can. The status quo is a problem, but being held back feels more like the symptom rather than the causation of the status quo. And it's occured to me in recent years I've hated Superman a lot less because...he isn't as prominent, the comparatively fewer stories he's in treat him with more nuance (Bendis notwithstanding) and much of that hatred has transfered to another character: Batman.

Batman is the only one who can punk The Batman Who Laughs, who is this multiverse level threat that offscreen the Phantom Stranger and Nix Uotan.
Batman is so important the World Forger's potential multiverse was based on him inventing a way to take down every villain in the multiverse before Perpetua could be summoned.
Batman has like 5-6 separate books and is DC's biggest earner despite what Tom King did to him.

And I think that's why: It's because Superman USED to be pushed in everything and made out to be more prominent than everyone for marketing purposes, at the cost of marginalising characters with powers and storylines I wanted to see explored more. Zatanna's a magician. Martian Manhunter has greater baseline versitility of powers. Captain Atom is effectively a nuclear god. Big Barda and Mr. Miracle ARE cosmic deities. However, Superman is the designated protagonist of DC comics so critical events and conflicts come down to HIM being the decisive factor, not characters whose powers would logically make them more critical to the ongoing conflict.

It doesn't help that certain writers, like Miller in Superman Year 1 or half of the Kingdom Come team, unironically depict Superman as respectively a power fantasy or fundamentally incapable of doing any permanent wrong even when he's demonstrated flaws in the story.

Because most people are to stupid to get his character. Not even that big of fan of his but I can see that supers is a good character.

Batfags hate him because they think they’re too smart and edgy for Superman and Gokucucks hate him because he’s stronger.

I'd just like to add as a final note: Superman's powerlevel in a vacuum isn't the problem, it's how that powerlevel is made integral to the narrative that is. When I said he's a power fantasy in Year 1, I'm talking about how in every story he gets some girl and in the second chapter he fights Poseidon to cuck him out of his daughter and in the third Wonder Woman falls in love with him at first sight. I have absolutely no problem with the Justice League having immense powers. The current Green Lantern run is amazing, and I've always felt Wonder Woman's never had good enough showings to live up to the hype of being a champion of myth.

Superman can absolutely be a good character when written well. A certain Pa Kent death scene from All-Star springs to mind, and the dynamic with Jon as a child shows his simplicity gives him practically endless potential to be recontextualised and reinvented. The problem, in a nutshell, is sometimes he's written as a marketing device instead of a character. And now Batmans' taking that role instead of him, his main problem these days is being written by Bendis more than anything.

Ironically, stories Doomsday Clock, Final Crisis and Milk Wars that actually flat out admit "yeah okay, Superman's plot armor is basically a tangible cosmic force, this is straight up his multiverse and you're all living in it, fuck you gonna do?" and discuss the implications of the story of DC revolving around him with tangible consequences made me appreciate Superman more. It bothered me a lot Superman often can't beat a reality warping enemy but always, always gets some last minute help or gadget completely unrelated to his previous efforts from a third party, and understanding this was an ongoing natural process of the cosmos made this easier to swallow.

I'm both a Goku and Superman fan, they to very different character with their own appeals. I personally see Superman like a cosmic leveled Captain America while Goku is more of a Jesus allegory.

As someone who knows a bit about Superman but Goku but wouldn't really call himself a fan of either, how does the part where Goku doesn't know how to kiss his wife fit into the Jesus allegory?

>I personally see Superman like a cosmic leveled Captain America

That’s a good way of putting it. I like Superman when he’s very extremely overpowered to the point of absurdity, it makes a good foil and contrast to the bumbling and clumsy Clark Kent.

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Injustice Superman is not Superman.

Because they're so cynical they can't appreciate a character who's meant to be a power fantasy that's also a model of aspirational goodness.

I'm sure that there's a lot of specific interpretations of Superman that you could hate for good reason. But I think anyone who have a disdain for the fundamental concept of Superman is just kinda broken inside.

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>Saitama, literally One Punch Man
>throwing multiple punches
This is one of the most retarded posts on a site with a lot of retarded posts

here, on the one hand I think the issue is there ARE a lot of greatly popularised specific interpretations of Superman which fall short of that ideal, whether as irrational or simply incompetant. There comes a point when if your product repeatedly fails to live up to the concept that you can't pigeonhole blame into one or two isolated incidents is like saying McDonalds is actually healthy, it's just a few isolated incidents of food that don't live up to the isolated quality.

On the other hand, I only found out about Mr. Rogers late in life and I still don't get the big deal so. Growing up with the DCAU and having the hindsight of seeing a lot of "Superman moments" being given to Batman (Ace springs to mind) while Superman himself's most memorable moments included being brainwashed by Darkseid, Justice Lord Superman lasering Doomsday in the brain and failing to defeat Darkseid by himself even after the world of cardboard thing kind of puts him in a bad light.

>inb4 DCAU hate
I'm not saying it's absolute or the only interpretation, I'm saying it's the interpretation I was first exposed to Superman by.

That's fair, but I guess I'm talking about a really specific group of people who aren't just like "nah, I don't really care for that guy" but have weird philosophical objections to Superman. The type of people who think Superman's an immoral person if not a villain because he doesn't kill every villain or straight up become dictator of the world in order to "save" it. Or who think the concept of Superman is fascist.

And while I do think your point about people seeing his worse stuff is fair, I do think a large portion of people who are adamant Superman-haters have never actually sat down and watched/read anything with Superman and get their hate for him through cultural osmosis. I'm legitimately baffled how people can think Superman is boring because "nothing challenges him." Like in their minds they really think every issue of Superman is just a Saitama fight outta One Punch Man.

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Tbh I've had this opinion for a long time but I couldn't really articulate my generalised distaste for Superman until this thread; I think something just clicked after years of being exposed to him and then trying to find out what he was about. I didn't get into Superman until later in life at all, S:TAS and JLU between them cultivated a strong disinterest in him for me because of how downplayed he was compared to the flamboyant and hammy villains. Even the rest of the League had more memorable drama, like Huntress dragging the Question off to take his virginity.

Based on the people I actually know IRL, 1. I think the objective quality of the Injustice games aside, it along with Man of Steel/BvS IS one of the most recognised interpretations of Superman at the moment, so the idea of Superman going bad is popular in culture at the moment; just look at Brightburn, or the popularity of The Boys which made Homelander a fuckton more competant. And 2. that a lot of his best moments come from older comics which not a lot of people aren't prepared to sit down and read through just to understand one character-whereas if you want to know about Goku's greatest hits, you can just hit up youtube.

I think my distaste for Superman started out as a /different kind/ of cultural osmosis and once I actually read the guy's comics advanced into a critique of his narrative role as enshrined by DC editorial. But I think for most people, it's a lot simpler: It's much easier to find and identify Goku doing cool things in a single continuity than it is for Superman. If I tried to introduce someone to Superman comics right now, I'd have to explain why they should avoid anything Bendis has touched i.e. HIS "MAIN" COMIC and...fuck, I'm not sure how I would explain Snyder's comics at all. I can already see some normie trying to ask me why Lex Luthor never ever uses any of his new cosmic powers like MCU Thanos did the Infinity Gauntlet, and frankly I have no good answer.

Because of higher up mandates and fanboy writers continuously circlejerking his massive power level, which has led to the character becoming alienating and commonly perceived as As he is now, he's a character that works far better for stand alone stories than serialized content.

He’s just very basic.

cuz he's generally regarded as being stronger than whatever character they like, either that or they don't understand the appeal of a moral-fag character

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they don't

Faggots like you are the ultimate retards.

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you are just letting everyone know you haven't read a superman comic before.