Marvels New “non-binary” Super Heroes


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I can't wait for the porn

Every one already knows. We're just waiting for the typhonic shitstorm to go full tilt.

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Only left is Non Binary, right is Male.

I wonder if they do it on purpose knowing how ridiculous non-binary and that is

Even the people who like this sort of shit are roasting this shit.

they don't look gay enough

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Non-binary is a word made up by trannies and homosexuals to make themselves feel even more special

i want porn but give blue chick a dick and pink boy a cunt

they hate non-binaries

correction- nonbianry is a word invented by teen girls who ARENT trans or homosexual and WANT to feel special

all words are made up

Is this what Yas Forumsblur has been asking for all this time. I thought you all loved sloppy second gays and trannies in your media.

This can't be unironic right? I mean I'm all for everyone to express themselves how they want, but this is either a mean parody by conservatives or on-the-nose satire by progressives.

No, it's simply recognising that there's more to gender than sex.

I still can't fucking believe this isn't satire


They’re the whitest black characters

Actually from what I understand homosexuals hate the alphabet autists

Is there a target audience they are going for?

Bankruptcy attorneys.

It's tongue in cheek and they know it and we know that they know.

>A Meme-Obsessed super teen whose brain became connected to the internet after becoming exposed to his grandfather’s “experimental internet gas.” Now he can see augmented reality and real-time maps, and can instantly Google any fact. Does this make him effectively a genius? He sure acts like it does.

>"I wanted to have teen characters who felt as "now" as the New Warriors did in 1990,” explains Kibblesmith. “The New Warriors have been zeitgeist characters from the beginning, you get edgy skateboarding Night Thrasher in the '90s and the Reality TV team in the 2000s, and now in 2020, we have New Warriors who have never grown up without the Internet, and one character who appears to essentially live inside it.

>“The word ’screen time’ is only ever used in a sort of restrictive sense, and because we’re doing a story about teenage rebels, a lot of the names are about teens fighting against labels that are put on them. So with Screentime, we liked the idea that he has infinite screen time.”

Expert googling is now a superpower.

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>you get edgy skateboarding Night Thrasher in the '90s and the Reality TV team in the 2000s

...does even a single person actually remember those?

are the particular people theyre aiming for as their audience even BUY comics?

>>A Meme-Obsessed super teen whose brain became connected to the internet after becoming exposed to his grandfather’s “experimental internet gas.” Now he can see augmented reality and real-time maps, and can instantly Google any fact. Does this make him effectively a genius? He sure acts like it does.
>>"I wanted to have teen characters who felt as "now" as the New Warriors did in 1990,” explains Kibblesmith. “The New Warriors have been zeitgeist characters from the beginning, you get edgy skateboarding Night Thrasher in the '90s and the Reality TV team in the 2000s, and now in 2020, we have New Warriors who have never grown up without the Internet, and one character who appears to essentially live inside it.
>>“The word ’screen time’ is only ever used in a sort of restrictive sense, and because we’re doing a story about teenage rebels, a lot of the names are about teens fighting against labels that are put on them. So with Screentime, we liked the idea that he has infinite screen time.”

name and the reasoning behind it are good, everything else reads like something an old person would write

Faggot here, I indeed hate the lgbt community, fuck who you want to fuck and keep it to yourselves you fucking degenerates

>"I wanted to have teen characters who felt as "now"
Okay but they wouldn't wear these dumb costumes, at least the meme king would probably wear some dumb minecraft foam armor and jeans.

This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. Someone got paid to write this, and call it a super power. I'm not even talking about the dumbass "internet gas" shit, his power is using fucking Google. Any asshole can do that! Powers are supposed to be unique, something people want to be able to do. If they wanted a meme obsessed fuckwad, he should have had his powers tied to mind control or manipulation via internet memes because its an easy way to get into a large number of peoples heads

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By saying "I'm non-binary," you admit that there are characteristics tied to sex, because you are outside of them. And by saying you're one of the 72 genders that aren't male/female, you are admitting that certain characteristics determine gender. It's circular logic.

You're both right! It's a term made up by teenage girls who pretended to be gay, then pretended to be trannies, and when both of those things got played out, then they became even totally unique and original.

I don't think it's that bad. If used well, he'd be like a digital telepath. The name and reasoning behind it is what's retarded.



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Is it intentional irony that "snowflake" is identical to Safespace, and therefore not a snowflake?

I hate that it's called a "community." That's clearly a power play, and they take that bait.

This. They could've gone the morrison sigil magic route, similar to how tv memed egregores into reality.

So, how long is this going to last? With the backlash and the virus keeping everyone inside?

No, because the audience doesn't exist. Trans people hate this shit too. This has literally no supporters anywhere.

You're asking too much from Mr. Wojack

They are most certainly not identical.
This incest vibe is bad enough as it is.

She's a "special snowflake" because she's nonbinary. Her brother is just male I think.

I give it three issues

Sorry. "Identical beyond the uniform color."

It’s a miniseries
5 issues

>I don't think it's that bad.
ITS FUCKING USING GOOGLE! A search engine is not a damn superpower

"Internet gas" is easily the worst thing about this.

And when has the phrase "screen time" ever been used in a restrictive sense? What does that even mean?

so basically this is what they can do. no wonder comics are going to have to be used as toilet paper soon. pure cancer from degenerate sodomites.

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Yeah, OP's.

Screen time is the time you spend in front of a phone or TV. Most parents restrict their kids weekly, and adults can restrict themselves by using a setting on some phones to be locked after a certain period of activity.

We've seen even lamer powers.
Although U.S.Archer at least got a pretty cool name.

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That's the big problem here.
He's not even a hacker, let alone a Neuromancer, or a Free Spirit.
He is just a user with a better interface.

Screen time is the time your character has on screen.
Time in any media format is limited.
Which is the same with page space for comics.
Therefore screen time is by its very nature limited.
Ironically enough, I can see him get very little space on the page, given he can't do shit.

>Screen time is the time you spend in front of a phone or TV.
I thought screen time was the time a character gets to be in the show. Like a character with lots of screen time is a character who who shows up a lot.

It is that as well, but now if you google "screen time" the newer definition is what you get first.


It's basically a different word made from the same parts to mean effectively the opposite thing on the other side of the screen.
In parenting it's the concept of limiting your kid's exposure to digital media, rather than the share of runtime you are to be seen on screen.

In any case, the name is pretty stupid as he does not require a screen at all. But not as stupid as his concept and origin.

Who's the artist? I'm having trouble reading the graffiti signature

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so you made the snowflake one a mtf instead of non binary?

>experimental internet gas
I don't even have a reaction image for this one

Fucking Kite Man is more practical than him. And I don't mean that as a shot to Kite Man, because the gliding he does actually takes skill

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Where are you getting that from?

Snowflake looks like the pilot of EVA-13/50

they're twins in the original, meaning probably both born male

It never said identical twins.
That is quite obviously a woman.
And the fan-redesign even more so.
Whether or not they're non-binary has no necessary bearing on their looks.
And believe me, if this was supposed to be a trans character, the author would have told us so.