"When will all those fools learn that you can be perfectly healthy simply eating vegetables, fruits, grains and cheese?"
"Oh, cheese!"
"You don't eat cheese, Apu?"
"No, I don't eat any food that comes from an animal."
"Oh. Then you must think I'm a monster."
"Yes indeed, I do think that. But I learned long ago, Lisa, to tolerate others rather than forcing my beliefs on them. You know, you can influence people without badgering them always. It's like Paul's song Live and Let Live."
"Actually it was Live and Let Die."
"Whatever. It had a good rhythm."
"When will all those fools learn that you can be perfectly healthy simply eating vegetables, fruits, grains and cheese?"
We miss you Apu
Now these days, the writers would have had him say “No, I don’t think you’re a monster. I accept your different point of view, and you’re young and still learning, so there’s hope that you will realize that going pure vegan is beneficial for the environment.” But back then, of course they’d write a full grown man from a third world country becoming mildly upset at an eight year old’s world view with just a hint of perceived superiority on his part. Based classic Simpsons.
I don't get it. You want them to write a grown man from a third world country being mildly upset at an eight year old?
Hindus are vegetarian, not vegan (most of them anyway, some eat meat), and they do eat cheese.
If only more people were like Apu.
So uhh, when is this racist piece of shit leaving the show now? His disgusting face that does not represent true Indian Culture is still popping on my face everytime i watch The Simpsons on Disney +
>he doesn't greentext
But Apu isnt
Fun fact: all those vegetarian southern indians were short, skinny, and quite dumb when the brits discovered them.
>all those vegetarian southern indians were short, skinny, and quite dumb when the brits discovered them.
>brits discovered them.
And like that you have proven to be more Dumber, Skinnier and Shorter.
I think what they're saying is that nuwriters would sacrifice a nuanced characterization for the sake of having them soullessly expound an edgeless opinion that they already expect their audience to agree with. They wouldn't let characters treat other characters like in-universe beings, but rather play to the algorithm of which superficial race/gender/belief qualities should give them special privilege in a conversation with somebody else, based upon their own race/gender/belief qualities and nothing more sophisticated (or humanizing) than that.
>PoC/immigrants can only have safe, kindly characters as representation and their cultures must always be treated as "more enlightened", and above petty white flaws like pride
>white children can be put in their place, but if they're girls they need to be treated with the utmost respect with the assumption that they'll inevitably reach this perfect ideological ideal
Apu isn't what? A real Hindu but rather written like what Hollywood wannabe Buddhists like McCartney think Hindus are? True.
a vegetarian
are you american? do you eat burger everyday?
I'm not American but I'm fairly sure eating burgers every day has nothing to do with religion. They made Apu vegan because they're retarded and wanted a good savage to parrot McCartney's view, not because they decided that from a character standpoint it would make sense that he'd be the one devout Hindu who decided being vegetarian wasn't good enough in the 90s.
I guess I made it sound like they were uncontacted before the brits got to India. My sincere apologies, tall thick smart man.
My Hindu friend from elementary loved eating KFC and mutton
people choose to practice their religions in different ways
specialy when it comes to diets
I'm sure you're right and this decision in an episode notorious for being overly preachy because of demands from McCartney and his wife regarding Lisa's diet was totally a well researched artistic decision for character motivations purposes.
Why should it be well researched? Aren't most writers Jewish? That all the research you need
Are you retarded or just autistic?
Since Linda died not long thereafter of cancer, not yet 60 years old, one can assume her diet did not do wonders for her health.
>notorious for being overly preachy
But it's not? Apu's quote in the OP sums up the lesson Lisa learns about NOT being preachy and forcing your beliefs on others. The fact Lisa didn't learn that lesson and became insufferable later on isn't the fault of this episode, which actually had a good message about living your life the way you want and allowing others the same courtesy.
Solo Paul is pretty fucking lame. Seriously, Wings hasn't aged well and felt more like canned music product than anything.
Seems like a pretty hypocritical message when McCartney literally forced the writers to make Lisa canon vegetarian.
The episode's entire message would have been rendered meaningless if Lisa didn't stick to her beliefs in the end while also conceding Homer is allowed to stick to his. I don't think there's anything wrong with permanent changes to characters if they're in character, and this was. Lisa was always shown to be someone with strongly held convictions.
Wings was more just Paul with a bunch of professional musicians making inoffensive chart-friendly hits for money. I think if anything he probably made more money than he ever did with the Beatles (John said once that they certainly weren't millionaires). I don't think he was that close to his bandmates on a personal level the way he'd been in the Beatles and couldn't quite be as open with them about his feels.
I liked how the old guest stars were done, they appeared briefly for whatever reason, and that was it. New ones make the whole episode about them being in it, not just a brief cameo.
>guest star forces his belief on the writers
>writers buckle and make a message about how you shouldn't force your beliefs on others
How is that not an issue? Of course it's consistent with the message of the episode, but it's a "do as I say not as I do" situation.
Fuck vegans and Fuck vegetarians niggers!!!
Pescetarians are alright
>Solo Paul is boring
Hard disagree. Have you forgotten that Temporary Secretary even exists?
What is Yas Forumss opinion of Live and Let Die (the movie)?
>"When will all those fools learn that you can be perfectly healthy simply eating vegetables, fruits, grains and cheese?"
It's funny, but keep in mind some people actually believe this.
at least he never forgot how to write rockers. did solo John ever make a single actual rock song?
I'd say solo Paul is fine, just stay away from modern bluepilled Paul, he literally thinks Hillary is a good person who could have saved us.
Protip: Humans have eyes that face directly forward like all carnivorous mammals. Herbivorous mammals have eyes that face to the side of the head.
Like all aging rock stars he lives in a bubble and lost touch with the real world a long time ago. Pay him no mind.
Paul seems to be doing ok.
Linda dropped at 57, so she obviously didn't. Of course factoring in women's considerably different body chemistry and...stuff like that.
At least Roy Wood of The Move, Wizzard and ELO, believes Britain leaving the EU was a good thing, and Stewart Copeland of The Police said cultural integration is key to peaceful nations. Some aging rock stars are alright.
I don't think anyone ever claimed vegetarianism made you immune to breast cancer.
well that and Noel Gallagher is sounding increasingly right-leaning as he's aged while he used to be a vocal Labour supporter
Paul died in the 70's, so not that ok
No but then again breast cancer really seems to only be a phenomenon of developed Western countries, it has a very low incidence in places like Africa so it's almost certainly a result of First World lifestyles.
Right vs Left is meaningless without context, and said context shifts with time.
He could be Jain
Be that as it may, modern Labour is just a generic neoliberal globalist party and not really the same thing it was in his childhood when if you were a working class Brit, you supported Labour. That's just how it was.
India exists mate
Cancer in general mostly affects older people, of which there aren't many in poorer countries.
He gets married under fucking Ganesh.
>the poo goes all the way to South America
How does it feel being shat on by India, Brazil and Argentina?
Precisely. Labels are meaningless (without that magical context).
terribly fucking based.
Phil Collins received far more abuse in the press even though his solo career hits weren't any more cheesy and rote than Paul's were, simply because he was an open and vocal Tory supporter.
He also said at least on one occasion people really should look at his non-hits, which are "less mellow".
yeah that's just like all the hair metal bands who had killer hard rockers buried on their albums when 90% of people only heard the radio-engineered power ballads
Like Europe with Yesterday's News.
Best Bond movie. And I really fucking hate james bond. It's good enough to not even be a bond movie.
>New Message
>Mother Nature would like to have a word with you.