Why do leftists call Stonetoss a nazi and call for him to be murdered when he's never violent in his strips...

Why do leftists call Stonetoss a nazi and call for him to be murdered when he's never violent in his strips, while leftists draw violent shit all the time and bawwwww what innocent victims they are when called out?

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Here's a better question:
Why do people follow Stonetoss when his art is totally shit?

Because it's simple on the eyes.

Everyone who thinks for themselves is a nazi in the eyes of leftists.

Simple. His art is not shit and his comics are generally witty and funny.

Literally! Fascism!

>Why do leftists call Stonetoss a nazi
Because he is one.

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ok stonetoss

so what?

So his opinions are irrelevant.

He's a nazi because he points out you have completely destroyed the meaning of "nazi"? Way to prove him right, nazi.

What a nazi thing to say. Just what I would expect from a nazi.

Fuck off nazi. Far right is the first cause of terrorism in the US
Vomiting Yas Forums memes is not thinking by yourself

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Besides the fact a picture means nothing without a link to the original tweet, and how he could be joking he does have a sort of point.
At this point the word Nazi has completely lost its meaning, it's used on anyone and anything now by people who can't handle other opinions. It just doesn't matter if you get called that because fucking everyone gets called that now.
Plus his comics are still funny

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He's a nazi because of his racism and far right views.

>only i can beat eisenhower
Okay that was funny

>Sure he consistently expresses Nazi beliefs but he's not a Nazi because I am feeling spiteful towards you.
Good job goyim keep voting for the pro-Israel presidents.

He looks like that guy from Supercool, or it was Project X?


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>At this point the word Nazi has completely lost its meaning
It means a far extremist trafficking racist opinions.

Are you drake and joshing?

Was that the far right guy who got capped by a security guard in Dallas?
What a loser.

>Plus his comics are still funny
The example you used sure isn't very convincing.

I have no idea what that means.

Which you arbitrarily define as anything you don't like, so yeah, thanks for proving nazi is a meaningless word and the correct response to being called a nazi is "So what?"

>the same people getting upset over mean words spends hundreds if not thousands of dollars supporting the film industry full of rapists and pedophiles
He's right

>anyone who has opinions I call "racist" is a nazi
Stone is more liberal than you.

I don't think you know what that word means.

Speaking of

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He's never attacked anyone for their speech, unlike antifa nazis.

Stonetoss thinks having sex before marriage ruins a woman.

>Vomiting Yas Forums memes is not thinking by yourself
Fair point, but consider that leftists are even worse in this regard because they consume corporate, manufactured memes served to them by the media, talking heads and various alphabet agencies. Right wing memes are at least organic and authentic (or were, because Yas Forums is dead).

The death of Yas Forums and infinity (the natural evolution of imageboards) signals the death of the Internet as a whole, and the fact nothing actual people want will be listened to. The death of Yas Forums, its perpetual shilling, botposting, provocations and so on are proof that the people in power hate us and that there's no free speech, no freedom as such and that democracy is just pure bullshit.

Why did black people let the guy who can’t remember what office he’s running for win?

And you're obviously falseflagging if you are going to pretend as if labeling people Nazis isn't the lefts favorite past time in the last few years

Honestly not a bad description, especially since you didn't actually limit it to one side or the other, since both can get like that at times.
Still don't think Stonetoss is one though

ar•bi•trar•y /ˈɑrbJˌtrɛri/ adj.

>decided on or done by personal discretion, rather than by reason:an arbitrary decision.

>having unlimited power; despotic: an arbitrary government.
>unsupported: an arbitrary demand for obedience.
>Based on or subject to individual judgment or preference.

Yeah, it means exactly as I mean it.

Antifa hasn't killed anyone yet while nazis and racist are responsible for several spree killings.

Because he had a black friend once.

Oh well let me clarify.
Nazis are far right extremists trafficking in racism.

Bernie Sanders defeated socialism?

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This video breaks it down.


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Silly user, only the white side can be racist.

So do muslims, you're saying muslims are nazis? That's an islamophobic racist attack on minorities user, I'm going to have to report you to the police.

>you're saying muslims are nazis?

That video is pure idiotic bullshit tho, discarded.

Trannyism alone killed more people than any "right wing extremism."

But let me guess - that's the fault of cis scum like me, right? I should totally be okay with cutting off genitals of little kids and all that.

>you're saying muslims are nazis?
Close enough

You didn't watch it tho.

So you think Stonetoss is a nazi for having an opinion, but you don't think muslims are nazis for having the exact same opinion? Are you retarded? This is a rhetoric question by the way.

From what I recall of this stupid motherfucker:

>picked a location that was already heavily secured, so when he decided to pick a fight, shots almost instantly came back
>his location meant he was also taking fire rear of his position because a security post on the opposite end of the road got involved
>fumbled reloading his weapon because the dumbass is incompetent
>wore one of those old-fashioned flak vests, which aren't bulletproof, stupid fuck died of a torso wound because rounds tore through it
>used a sight that would be more appropriate for use on an airsoft or .22LR rifle

If only all shooters were as incompetent as he, we'd be covering them for the sake of comedy.

Who has Stonetoss personally murdered?
>Antifa hasn't killed anyone yet
Save for all white people being murdered for being white in South Africa, but those don't count eh?

>So you think Stonetoss is a nazi for having an opinion
I don't think stonetoss for having an opinion but for being a far right racist.

This one I like do to hoe accurate it is. Dude isn't even denying what happened or the numbers that he's been told but he's still instantly silenced for questioning anything. Very accurate let me tell you

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>Save for all white people being murdered for being white in South Africa, but those don't count eh?
Yeah because that doesn't happen.

But it's only your opinion that he's a far right racist, your definition of far right and racist are arbitrary bullshit.

People don't need to go inside it to recognize a sewer.

Lucky boy.

I don't want to make this a contest but that black guy from a few years earlier did a lot better job.

It's no surpise channers always close their eyes when nazis and terrorists use their imagery,their memes since Yas Forums most dominent feature is cowardice and hiding between thirty layers of irony, an avalanche of nazism where no snowflakes feel responsible,desensitvized zombies who still think Internet work like in the 2000s.But consequences are very real:Charlottesville, Christchurch,the list is growing,of the last 5 mass shooting perpetrated by alt-right,all of them quoted memes that originated from Yas Forums on their manifestos .It's for you neckbeard to grow up and see what your indolent libertarian attitude did

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Nedroid also looks terrible but it's funny. Art doesn't matter in humor comics.

>But it's only your opinion
But it's not my opinion but a fact.

Yes, it does happen and you don't care because the victims are white.

I would rather support trafficking racist opinions than support human trafficking

Sad fact is most people are too burned out to actually keep up with politics these days. They drift towards name recognition and familiar teams because following this shit through the dishonest media around it takes time and energy a lot of people with a full time job(s), kids and other responsibilities might not have, or simply just don't what to give to something that exhausting.

It's because his programming is:

Everything beyond that is just talmudic wordplay to obscure this fact. The above is the core belief of leftism and its purpose for existing. It is a tool, a weapon against white people. If it ever ceases to be valid it'll be discarded and replaced with another ideology, because ideology doesn't matter - it's a tool, a means to an end.

Delusional pedo.

But stonetoss isn't funny.

Very edgy

No, it's literally just your opinion, which you want to force on everyone because you are a nazi that does not tolerate diversity.

No, it's a myth perpetuated by racists who want SA to go back to apartheid.

Actually the dayton ohio mass shooter had a twitter splattered with posts like "make racists afraid again" and he shot up the bar because it was frequented by cops and republican-types

on top of that they've attempted terror attacks since the 70s, they're just not very good at it and fail 90% of the time

My friend emigrated to Croatia because he was afraid for his life in SA. His family was down there since the age of sail. You're just anti-white like the rest of your kind.

Only beyond desperate people would emigrate here.

>it's literally just your opinion
No it's fact.

>Why do leftists call Stonetoss a nazi
A good chunk of his comics have neonazi propaganda user, there’s no denying that

>40 minute video about some guy obsessed with the idea that edgy internet comics will lead to the 4th reich

more cringe than nu-schmorky himself lmao

Say what you will about him but he does draw cute girls. Which is impressive considering the artstyle itself

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>attempted murder victims are a myth when they're white
You are disgusting.

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You don't have any friends.

>Plus his comics are still funny Yet the ones posted aren't funny or witty. Are you hoarding them or what?

It's merely your opinion, and everyone is free to disagree with it.

Why are you talking about yourself, user?

Yeah, nice try.

You people sicken me. You're fundamentally double-faced and amoral but cloak yourself in the robes of saints.

>10 black attackers
The reports says it was only 2 people with no mention of race.

>pretending to have friends
Now that's a good one

Silly user, humor is subjective! I can't guarantee you'll enjoy everything I post.

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75,000+ targeted farm murders and the leaders of the 2nd largest political party singing about "killing the boer"

da nile ain't just a river in egypt

The report in your racist leftist head?

>citation needed

I find all his comics ITT funny, I have no idea what's your problem.