Greg Universe

>I know you're upset because you figured out that I priotised giving you freedom to such an extreme that you missed out on some essentials needed to prepare you for adulthood, including but not limited to schooling and health care, all because I'm an immature van bum. But know that I'm proud of you for telling me that and know that you can tell me anything, I'm not actually going to listen to it and offer an actual solution to I'm, I'm just gonna be as lenient as possible and hope ice cream will solve it.


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>implying the Gems would accept Steven going to a normal human doctor
>implying the Gems would accept Steven going to school, where they can't combine doing their stupid missions and hawk-watching him to prevent his penis from getting in the way

Steven's penis?

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Steven has to beg them to go on missions and he didn’t even get his powers until he was 12, plenty of time to go to school

Grass is always Greener

you try to give order, the kids want freedom
you try to give freedom, they want order

Greg was so restricted and had no agency under his parents that he lashed out the the other extreme. He doesn't offer solutions because he figures that Steven is mature enough to find it out on his own (and given how steven is it's not too presumptuous to assume that)

Steven is kinda just rebelling, asking what all people have asked and are still asking "what could've been" (though turns out what could've been was Diamond territory)

Every parent is shit in their individual way.
Realizing your parents a shit, hating them, then getting the fuck over it and reforming a bond is part of life.
>in B4 anons who are either too early to have had the realization or who are in the midst of a shitty protracted period of embitterment yell at me

Steven is a basically one step below a child soldier and has almost died multiple times.

Greg's parents may have sucked, but the grass was definitely greener. Steven had a loving family, but an absolutely abysmal environment and Greg absolutely could have done better than leaving him in the care of three women who dob't even understand what a baby really is when they first meet him.

I mean they are humans after all
imagine if you were a parent and have to explain your shortcomings where originally you could just blow it off as "the haters"

The Gems let Greg raise him until he was like six or whatever, surely Greg could have put his foot down and Garnet would have complied.

Steven would have still been involved in the conflict even with more structured and authoritarian parents. He would either do what Greg did and run the fuck away after realizing his opinions and agency doesn't matter or gel with them and be a bit more willing to see eye to eye with the policy of the galaxy conquering aliens.

Oh I'm planning on becoming a parent within the next twelve months.
I am going to fuck up real bad in some way and my kid will hate me for a year up to the rest of my life depending on how badly I fuck up, and it will break my heart.
My bet's on my autism shitting up my ability to connect and communicate the depth of my feelings- that's what's shat all over a lot of my other interpersonal relationships.

>Steven would have still been involved in the conflict even with more structured and authoritarian parents.

Yes and no. The events surrounding the Cluster would have Drawn Steven or someone else in eventually or else the world would end, but pretty much everything prior to that was trauma that he didn't need to experience. The gems could have kept dealing with the corrupted gems on their own.

Yes lol they should have just sent Steven to school so he could accidentally kill everybody with gem powers and also get blown up when the cluster emerges because nobody is there to stop it

Steven loved his life. It's just that as the responsibilities as an adult and Galactic ambassador is weighing down upon him he's wondering if he's prepared enough for him. He blames his dad since he's the source of his upbringing if it turns out he isn't prepared.

That's why he goes to Jaspers. Not a better father figure but definitely an alternative.

>show shitting on kids with too much freedom
holy shit was sugar redpilled the entire time?

you didn't read the screencap?

the fact the episode ends in tragedy on Stevens part tells that it was Steven in the wrong here

No one person is in the wrong here, Steven is wrong for not understanding but Greg is wrong for just offering platitudes and thinking ice cream will solve things

oh Steven understands perfectly but that just makes it worse (where you are upset but don't believe it's justified so you hate yourself thereby feeling more upset). Greg doesn't since his beliefs worked out well until that moment


why does greg always have a tan/sunburn as if he wears long pants and sleeved shirts all the time, yet we see him in shorts and a tanktop like 99% of the time

He wore longer pants and tees as a younger man.
I like to imagine he has somewhat permanent skin damage from a corrupted gem attack while he was hanging out with Rose and the CGs.
If they have water gems, I don't see why they wouldn't have UV/other radiation gems.

your kid will learn to copy your autism and be as crippled as you were at forming connections with other people.

Save both of you the trouble and make sure to get them a pet dog or something.

Also, Priyanka and Barb were examples of controlling/overbearing parents and their issues were resolved. There's not much to imply the DeMayos were worse or that it could'nt have been resolved the same way.

Greg is a great example of being a good person but an awful parent

Pretty much

Greg's a good natured dude, but goddamn parenting just isn't his schtick

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how do we know greg even had sex? what are the odds rose perfectly replicated internal human anatomy for the purposes of fucking cock and birthing a child the human way? they probably just fused once, rose learned about babbies, and molded one herself with greg dna.
greg's just a lifelong incel who we're supposed to believe is a cool guy

I still think Greg is a good parent. Perfect? Absolutely not. The guy could've provided his child with a bit more stability and not gave his minor son his own house while he still lived the van life. Greg was shown multiple times he felt like he was in over his head when it came to anything Gem related, but he still tried to give Steven the things he felt he needed, even if Steven feels otherwise. Greg passed on his kindess, his sense of wonder of the world, his empathy and his love of music and raised what I think everyone can agree is a pretty good and smart kid.

Wonder if they'll manage to cover that in 4 episodes
Or is the show just going to end on Steven hating his family.

This has really got my noggin' joggin'.
So like, what was the plan for Steven before he was born? Because the house he lives in wasn't finished until he was old enough to sing and play guitar. Did NO ONE plan on what to do once he was born? Rose just figured he'd live with Greg in his fucking van? And the gems said nothing till after the fact?
Whose idea was it to build the house? Gregs? Then why not stay with him? The gems? Why didn't they wait to have Steven till the house was built then?
And who the fuck payed for all this shit? Greg was a poor as fuck hippie with ZERO connections in BC besides the gems. Did the gems just steal everything for him? How the fuck did he afford to buy a car wash and storage unit let alone build a fucking house?
If Greg was on good enough terms with the gems that Steven lived with him for several years in the van (till the house was built) what happened to change that? If not, why the fuck did the gems let it happen to begin with?

Did ANYONE think about the kid before he was born?

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Didn't Greg put a whole bunch of his money for Steven's college fund.
That feels kind of out of sync with the idea that Greg didn't see value in schooling.

>Did ANYONE think about the kid before he was born?
welcome to the real world.
a place where the majority of people have kids without thinking at all.

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Greg chose not to live in the temple with Steven because magic stuff "freaks him out". there was a slight implication early on that he was suffering PTSD from Rose's death

The difference here being those people usually don't have resources. The gems have teleporters all over the Earth, they could have built Steven a hundred houses without paying a dime. Which is why it makes no sense they made no plans before he was born.
So the original plan was for him to live with Steven but then he got PTSD and no longer wanted to be around magic stuff? So he built a house for Steven so he could live with the gems without being bothered by their magic.
Was Greg actually the one to cause tension between himself and the CG's?

Pearl never liked Greg for obvious reasons and Amy fucked up their fuckbuddy relationship afterwards by triggering his PTSD. Garnet never had a strong opinion on Greg.

Well that's what i'm getting at, was the reason the house was built because they stopped being able to stand each other and the decision was made for Steven to live with them? That kind of makes sense. But that would mean the OG plan was for Steven to grow up in Gregs van, which is some next level retardation.

Ok real talk.
Greg isn't a great dad, but he at least cares about Steven, unlike Greg's parents, and frankly early CG (they eventually actually cared about him as an actual person)

But Steven really is just lashing out and is in the wrong, because Steven is a dumb selfish teenager, and he thinks he wants what Greg had because to him that SEEMS nice, but he would've probably hated it.
Greg tries his best, but it's clear he's just not equipped to deal with this, and really should send Steven to an actual therapist.

the gems are ancient and lived in a temple dedicated to themselves; they likely accumulated things of value over the centuries so money should not be a major issue. they also give few shits about basic human needs so they'd leave figuring that out to Greg. Once Steven displayed powers though the gems took over for everyone's safety. Also I think Greg got the car wash cause he was friendly with the previous owner.

>But that would mean the OG plan was for Steven to grow up in Gregs van, which is some next level retardation.
It's like this show is showing that Steven has an actually really fucked up and disfunctional family.

to be fair the Gems are fucking retards when it came to humans despite living along side them for millennia, for all they knew living in a van was perfectly normal for humans.

My assumption is that the gems helped with the house, that is weird to me because they waited to long to build it. But I guess if things weren't that strained yet it makes a little sense. At least until you realize the alternative.
It just makes everyone involved look, stupid. It's not even malicious in most cases it's just all four (five) of his guardians are morons in almost every way that matters.
I'm not asking for Nanny Mcfee over here but not even Garnet asked about building a structure for the child to live in?

the show already showed us the OG plan
Greg frequently freeloaded off of Vidalia. He probably would've just moved in with her if things developed differently

>It just makes everyone involved look, stupid.
That's because they are, they were young and stupid when they got Steven.
And the CG are utterly retarded when it comes to anything human related, thats the show.

Maybe that could be the case, I guess it depends on when a sailor stole her heart. No clue on that timeline.

They are morons, Greg’s a bum and the others are aliens

>How the fuck did he afford to buy a car wash
I always assumed the previous owner died or something and just gave it to Greg since he'd been the only employee for the past decade.

Greg fucked up, he's a van bum who should have got his shit together and provide Steven with a better version of what he had, instead he lived his own fantasy and steven is only alive because he's half gem.

But even so, there's a good indication that Greg did right by keeping Steven away from them. It's quite likely that the unread letters would play a role, and Steven visits his grandparents only to find that a they are indeed terrible persons, and then Yas Forums will lose their mind when old conservative couple are the bad guys, which might as well be awful if space Hitler turns up to be redeemable but not them, but I blame it on the tone of the previous episodes, because well it's a life fact that some people are unapproachable.

>greg sucks and steven finally knows it.

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they can't be worse than the Diamonds.
objectively, they can't

Pearl also sucks if not more, she has done more to harm Steven's mental health then Greg ever did.

They're fundamentally the same.
Toxic people that wouldn't let Greg/Pink do what they want, stuck in their old ways but also feeling really entitled to their love.
the only diffrence is that Gregs parents could only get someone fired after complaining to a managers while Diamonds destroy planets.

>instead he lived his own fantasy
do we even know what greg did for the whole of steven's lifetime besides running the carwash? i thought they implied he gave up playing professionally/touring before his birth

Wait, I just realized, Steven has never gone to school, never went to a doctor, he's probably not even fucking registered as a USA citizen.

there is no r government in SU. everyone loves in city-states that freely trade with each other

The show is clearly trying to pretend that Greg’s childhood and Steven’s were equally bad just in different ends of the spectrum, but they weren’t. Greg had no freedom but Steven didn’t even have the basic requirements of a proper raising (school, doctors, no risking your life, etc) and one is way worse than the other. I don’t like Greg even as a person anymore

You telling me this is some Unabomber society?

Steven is 13 at the beginning of the series, he becomes 14 in the birthday episode.
He might've developed his powers earlier if his father had taught him to act his age, as Steven's body clearly matches whatever maturity his mind has reached.

this show is redpilled as fuck once you look beneath the tranny surface layers

What the diamonds did was the equivalent of a teenager begging for her own business because she swears she's responsible, so her parents give her the resources to build a small coffee shop in the front of their store, assuming it should be a pretty easy first job because the store gets enough foot traffic that it can't fail. Then she proceeds to use it as a hangout for her friends and it just bleeds money.

They let her constantly throw parties, gave her all sorts of playhouses and zoos, and handed her new toys whenever she broke one. From everything we've objectively seen about the diamonds, they spoiled Pink rotten.

And someone Mcveighed Russia

They were still fundamentally toxic because yes they spoiled pink, but only with material goods, they showed no genuine love to her, and treated her like a kid waiting for her to grow out of it so she could be exactly like they wanted.