Marvel's Children of the Arom

Kino's on the menu

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Imagine going “I want to be gambit”
Just imagine

Gambit was always meant to be a black female

No one deserves to be gambit

girls always fantasized about being with Gambit, guys always fantasized about being Gambit. It's a fact Zoomer

>draw a black woman
>give her an afro

Also, this is the actual banner I'm seeing right now.

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Bit why

you are too young to know.

So what's gonna be the third strike this week? Are they just going to come right out and say "We hate what the old white men created"?

The fuck are you talking about? Do you actually think those in the OP are replacements and not the same conceptually as the U-men? How causal are you?

Gambit was created after I was born, and he always struck me as being lame as fuck

>thinks the writers read comics
no one writing this shit has ever read the source material

Neither did you in any case. This is even directly tying into HoX/PoX’s status quo, so claiming the writer has not read anything is fucking retarded

I never said I read the source material, I'm more of a darkhorse image kind of guy.
Funny that you try to label anyone who thinks this is stupid as a casual, it's cute but transparent.

No, if you’re claiming it’s shitting on old white men WHILE USING a concept and status quo modernized/created by old white men you’re a causal at best. Note whatever I replied to did not say they thought it was stupid. Good try though

Do you think i'm this user? Never even brought up race or politics, i'm just pointing out how shit this is.
Funny how you automatically defend this shit because you want to fight some culture war.

How the fuck am I supposed to know you’re not the original fucker and instead just a faggot white-knighting that comment? Learn how this shit works

I jumped in because you're defending a terrible comic, you sensitive little snowflake.

>He doesn't remember the Marvel vs Capcom/X-Men Mutant Academy era
Gambit has always been stylin'

I am defending the comic? Where? Calling some faggot retarded and casual for thinking this is somehow hating on white men is very different from saying this comic will be worth anything

I can't prove shit and don't plan to.I never claimed anything about race or politics so I told you that point isn't relevant to me.
Do you automatically assume people think it looks like shit because of left leaning politics or something?

>this week
Hello newfriend, it's been announced for like 6 weeks now

Ya you're clearling defending this shit, and failing to do so is making you sperg out.

Where the fuck did say it looks like shit

Well I better be paid by marvel then, ain’t doing it for free if some retard actually thinks I’m saying it’s good

They are really killing Marvel comics

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Do you lack the ability to understand context?

We get it, White looks goofy as shit. Post it 300 more times to really drive it home.

White also hates modern Emma and wants her to be the villain and not with Scott so fuck him

That's good, Emma Frost should be the villain or at least morally-opposed to the X-Men.
They should just copy Claremont, clearly the alternative takes have failed.

Fuck you white die in a ditch

Yeah I don't agree with a lot of his opinions, like on their age, but clearly Hickman is head x honcho anyway so white is a non-entity. Not worth your ire.

kek, Marvel is 50% market share and 50% of that is X-Men. Praise Hickman

I can still blame him for the shitfest of AvX and scrapping Utopia in the worst way possible though

Are you acting like a retard on purpose or are you just a seething DCuck?

Imagine still wanting Scott/Emma after she cucked him with Namor. Imagine being Scott and wanting her back after that. Even Bendis wasn't that retarded.

That’s all White’s fault in his crusade to ruin her, thanks for making my point!

Damn, Hickman is looking good. Looks a lot slimmer than he used to, and the x-man gray streak works.

He's my mom's favorite mutant die to the 90's cartoon.

>One has a TikTok
>One is a moderator for the mutant subreddit
Jesus fucking Christ WHYYYYYTYYYY?!?

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I’m convinced that boomers have an allergic reaction to whatever teens are into that stops their mental functions, even when it’s exceedingly obvious the entire point of the book is about what teens think of Krakoa

>new characters
>its just what if cyclops was a qt girl

Do people think characters = powers now? Are Scott and Cassie the same character?

Because they're teenagers in 2020? These are the things kids are into, user.

So these are Essex’s gen 1 Chimeras?


hell ya my fellow teen

And here come twatterati. You're not teenagers, you're aging millenials with a mental illness, stop trying to be hip

No seriously, it’s everywhere. It’s all my fucking cousins do

>what are the kids into now days?
>Tik Tok, lets add that to our super hero comics
that'll show them we're hip and with it

Mark Waid already did this with Daredevil you cunts. Nobody likes this shit.

Then how come kids read manga that have none of this shit?

Eh, it’s worth looking at how social media responds to the new mutie dominance, given how big it is irl. Especially tiktok, that shit is huge. Whether this will be done well is another matter, but as it is it’s just much-needed world building and making Krakoa feel more integrated in the greater MU

You think more kids are reading manga than watching tiktok? Plus, shit that kids actually read like dairy of the wimpy kid are full of this stuff

>Nobody likes this shit
What? It got tons of awards and does very well in trades. Trying to claim no one liked Waid’s daredevil is insane.

Plus you can directly compare this to what Morrison did. Using daredevil as a comparison is unnecessary in the first place

At least Hickman is kind of cute.

>kids are reading manga meme
Not in the west. They buy scholastic books, which have tons of social media references. Tiktok is still relatively new so there’s less of that as of now, but since it’s exploring it’s going to be in a lot of them too

Well I’m sure that if they were born earlier they would be doing something like Vine, MySpace, or Google+. If you’re going to make your characters relatable, you have to do more than have them be lazy knockoffs who just browse apps and sites that future generations won’t use.


>scholastic books
oh shit manga is in deep trouble

I don’t think the purpose of the book is to make these characters last. It’s the ancillary world building book for krakoa’s status quo. I’ll bet that all of them are being played by sinister

>he doesn't know

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So is this about Sinister's new Chimaera?

damn that outdated picture with no sources really showed me

Hey remember that time Marvel was going to do a comic showcasing new technology the military was going to be using as an effort to boost recruitment like some college education ad, and then thought it was a good idea put it in an Iron Man book?

It’s from bookscan, and 2018 is literally the latest data available

Wait, it’s not a good idea? Why not, iron man is perfect for showcasing the military industrial complex at work

cool so it is outdated info

it's one year old data you moron, just admit you were wrong