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Did that guy really ask that question? Because it's pretty retarded to get mad about a regional dialect.

it was a poorly animated spoof. The pussy gets upset over the smallest thing.

Assimilation is our people’s worst enemy

Funny you say that, the guy who did this short dresses up like he is facing a midlife crisis at all times. You can almost see an aura of insecurity being projected by him.

yeah I saw, it was pathetic.

He was probably going for some kinda meta "you're voiced by a white guy irl, why do you sound like an Indian?" sorta dead, but he comes off stupid enough to really be criticizing why he has an accent in the first place. As if Indians all loose their accent because the British and Americans had been putting crazy expectations on social standings, leading to greater decreases in lower caste poverty levels.

I bet this guy doesn't even know what the Indian caste system is.

Good... now kiss.

imagine how he's going to react when he learns astronauts in films are not real astronauts

Apu looks alot more respectable than the dude screaming at him.


>a regional dialect.
Uh huh. What region?


Really? Well, I'm from Maharashtra and I've never heard anyone say that.

I expected him to have an annoying voice but in reality his voice is just... passive.
Like, it really doesn't fit his look lmao

I remember when this guy totally missed the point of that South Park episode where they send Mr. Hankey to Springfield and thought they are "on his side"

That leatherboy outfit is cringe as fuck and I hope for this guy's sake he doesn't actually wear it in public. Looks like Andrew Dice Clay if he was a poo.

Adi Shankar is the reason why I will NEVER watch Castlevania

Oh, not in Maharashtra. No. It's a Karnataka expression.

Look at the city slicker in his fancy leather jacket!

It makes no sense for him to talk like that when he's been in the country for so long

There's people working in small stores like that who have lived in the west for years but still have their accents.

>the guy who made this is the Producer for the Castlevania show

why are you still watching the simpsons post 9/11 loser?

You know, these lamburgers are quite similar to the ones they sell in Kerala.


Acting is pretending to be someone you are not for the sake of entertainment. Voice acting is the same except with your voice. Why would you need an Indian man to voice an Indian character considering we can cast a black man as a character that's always been white?

>apu..ur so HOT

I mean, Apu having that accent IS stereotyping, no matter how realistic.

Because black people are not in a position of power you fucking racist shit.

>he has an indian accent
get this racist garbage out of here

the simpsons characters are all stereotypes you special little candy ass

Brown people got it good man, imagine being a japanese american. Damn now thats worse than being an NY jew lmao.

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Nah ur just hating your homecounty buddy

Knew a french guy that have lived in my country for 50+ years before he died, still spoke with a thick heavy french accent.
Him and his family only talked in french when they are together in private... anyone thats married into the family that isn't french have had to learned it to speak with them or they would be left out when visiting. Only time they didn't speak in french was when they are out in public, or there was someone who isn't married into the family visiting them.

Couldn't they have, just, IDK, used their brains and come up with an episode where he gets shot in the throat or something, starts speaking in a more natural Indian accent, and then it's revealed it's his natural voice, and he spoke like this because he wanted to be a voice actor as a child, and his vocie coach was some Patrick Stewart type and thought he should talk like that? And then use that to lead into jabs at the show and the VA industry?

Like the Handsome Moe episode, but no reset to status quo?

There. It's progressive, it has a good chance to be funny because the plot itself is a silly idea, and it required minimal brainpower for the current zombies manning the writers room.

Your idea would fit right in with current simpsons

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>Grow up to rich parents moving around between different regions of India, China, Singapore and the US
>Never stay in the same place long enough to pick up an accent
>Mad that some people do


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>local user sees a joke without any wojacks, has a stroke
>more at 11

The show should replace Apu in the Kwik-E-Mart with the most boring, flavorless, neutral speaking voice motherfucker in the world, and then make his skin a non-specific tone of brown.

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>has his own life outside of the main characters
>has his own fleshed-out backstory
>voiced by a white guy
>everyone turns on him in pc america

>just a blank slate for dweebs to self insert onto
>has no life outside of her relationship with the MC
>voiced a white woman
>the internet loves her

its not fair

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and make lisa gaga over him

Does he go around killing real life Indians who talk that way because it makes the rest of them look bad?

One of them was President of the US four years ago.

Never seen SU, does she have an accent?


No, but she's also not born and raised in India, unlike Apu.

nice get, connie

Well, what's wrong with it? Apart from people not liking the loss of his voice, which is an opinion, subjective thing (personally I think there is a point and they should remove it, but I don't think it's racist, bit of a heavy word that)?

It could be quite funny. As in, old simpsons funny, if it was done right.

Which is why they thankfully got rid of him.

>westernized indian claims that non-westernized indians aren't allowed to and don't have accents

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As a compromise, current voice when he gets nervous or excited.

No, they should replace him with a real Indian VA who has an equally stereotypical accent in real life. I think that would be the ultimate fuck you to the people who said it was racist.

Pajeets are exception, their English accent are the worst

or just hire an indian guy who can do a PERFECT apu impersonation and has absolutely no problem with it

Can i request a drawing of Apu frantically pushing the silent alarm button as this guy invade his personal space and ramble about Indian American culture ?

>its not fair
Well maybe because she hot, and Apu is not, cause Apu is a male and a male are not hot.

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wasn't Apu like 30 when he left India

westernized indians are weird as fuck. i see so many go full-out SJW and crow about things like socialism and systemic racism despite
1. they tend to be the children of doctors and grew up among the most privileged of white children
2. india itself being *the definition* of systemic racism

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Isn't that kinda the same for all minorities raised in wypipo's countries?

Okay anons here’s a hypothetical:
Your Sleeping right? And you woke up in a middle of the night and see Simpsons Adi Shankar looking over you. And he reeks of sulfur and chlorine and looks at you for 15 seconds and it’s just silence. Then he screams

And he shakes you violently

What will you do?

SJW's would still cancel him.

>Well maybe because she hot
are you sure?

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He's an emo lanklet living off of mommy's success, it fits him perfectly

Ask him if the crazy mode on Castlevania Curse of Darkness kicked his ass and if that's why Hector gets treated like shit in the Netflix series

Indians have a fucking caste system still in place and try to act high and mighty while wallowing in shit.