What if Reggie started to take her femininity seriously? Maybe more dress Ep with Esther.
Twelve Thread
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Why does that fudgesicle have a face and a body?
Ugh. How heteronormative.
Leave Esther alone!
Why did Esther ever offer her to wear this dress?
>What if Reggie started to take her femininity seriously?
Hilarity ensues.
Nice, user! But she's still a cunt.
I don't give a fuck, bro. Evaposting is played out.
I meant both girl's, why does Eva have to do with it?
I also thought if she will ever have hot's for older user?
Why be a fully grown woman when she can stay a kid loli Forever?
what happened to them
There were Julia's shota fantasy so most most likely scrapped.
What's Kanji doing there?
That's Tristan
Is this official? It's got the Netflix logo and everything.
I still love Reggie so much. She's my soulmate. Why is she not real? Life is so much pain.
If she was, she be in her 30's , so a milf Reggie.
>she be in her 30's
Not in my degenerate fantasies.
True, Asuka's is in her 30's and still looks 13, so why not Reggie?
No socks.
That looks so super cute
What color are her panties?
Who needs them!
Fair point, I'm sure Iowa is full of emotionally stunted woman-children. Go get 'er, tiger!
I want to give Reggie a sensual and thorough bath. Lots of special kisses as well.
I find it internally amusing how after decades of depraved stuff the shifting sands of passion invariably bring you back to more emotional and subdued desires.
From the pilot
>12 forever thread
>Filled with pedos
That's definitely something I would have liked to see more of, and I imagine Reggie would have been more receptive to bonding over girl time with Esther than with Judy. I could see her becoming something like a mentor, teaching her how to put on makeup and all these things. Or at least it seems to me Reggie is particularly unwilling to talk about these things with her mom. It's not just the message, it's where it's coming from. If Esther was on it, she probably could have worn down her defenses eventually.
Yes, case in point actually, she got her to play Soulmate Fever. Reggie got really into it too.
Nice, thank you user
Let me guess, this is from tumblr.
Thank you, user! But i meant who's Kanji?
Oh snap, the show's creator is in the thread?!
It's just that one dude who always posts about wanting to rape Reggie, requesting more crossover shit with her and some bullshit anime. It's the same dude
So, it's been you all this time, user? Don't be in in denial just admit it to yourself. You feel better!
Nah. I love her and I would cuddle with her, but I wouldn't rape her. And I don't like those NGE crossover stuff either. There are more anons whos pretty much love her too.
>implying not the same thing happening in every thread which is based on cunny shows, like The Owl House or Hilda.
>I imagine Reggie would have been more receptive to bonding over girl time with Esther than with Judy.
Well yeah, just look at Mall Forever. It's not that Reggie doesn't like girly stuff, it's just that she doesn't like the context of it being mature. Ether made trying on all the dresses fun so she actually enjoyed it. And she had fun doing Todd's make up in the dance episode.
I"d just wish she done that in later episode maybe if we do get another season they might explorer her body and femininity more. a period episode when Reggie bleeds all over herself in endless or school
I'll be honest, "Fourteen Forever" would have been a better show, a lot more to work with than 12
What kind of "cool" video games would Reggie play?
A period episode would have been a must somewhere down the line. I feel like there's a ticking clock element to Reggie. She's going to get older whether she wants it or not, but is she going to be prepared? That's where Esther getting her acclimated to femininity in the context of maturity becomes relevant, getting her to come to the school dance, all that stuff.
DOOM Eternal
Nier Automata
She seems like the type to just be into everything. Mario Kart, Street Fighter, Zelda, Pokemon, etc.
Then go watch the rebuilds, bro. And what's wrong with Reggie's body? It's fine the way it is!
From what we know about her, the toys we see her playing with, like Beefhouse and Mack, I'd say a fighting game would be a good bet, maybe something wrestling themed. I don't see her having the patience to wade through a Zelda or Pokemon though.
How about Nier Automata it's action pack?
Maybe not long term, but I think that'd be true of any game for her. But a fun adventure quest sounds right up Reggie's alley. I could see her preferring side scroller beat-em-ups though.
Reggie is pretty much an action loli. She likes weapons and she can use them easily. So DOOMs, Blood, Quake etc... fps games.
Of course, she's also into animes, so yes Nier Automata, Yakuza etc...Maybe everything which isn't turn-based, because IMO Reggie wouldn't like that.
How about the Eva Dating Sim Rpg or Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel? She's old enough to have played those games.
Maybe Sims 1-2-3
Reggie, even without all her baggage, still probably won't like that kind of stuff. She likes action, not drama.
Yeah, and those old Newgrounds hentai games like Sex kitten RPG
They must've reasoned that they could have done more with two people who are still struggling through their own issues than one guy who seems mostly secure. The fact Ester and Todd aren't white probably made it more appealing too.
Imagine if Reggie would discover Zone's hentai games Just as I did when I was 11-12y or younger
Shit, me too! Gotta start them young, and imagine Reggie started to masturbate for the first time?
Seems probable. Dustin's computer probably frequents porn.
Any new news about the show?
Go crazy!
I already imagined that a long time ago. It would be hot af and wholesome Just like in Lewdtime's drawings
Never played it, so I'm not sure. I'm sure she'd love just beating up robots though.
The show would've gone that way. I'm sure of it. That would be the main event or source of Reggie's intense emotional states since at that point she wouldn't be able to deny it to herself that she's becoming older, and a woman.
Also since nobody mentioned it, said it or referenced it it seems I must. My tongue-in-cheek comment should be "You never figured it out because you never saw a vagina" because that's what this li'l thing is, clitoris and all. Also this is a hasty screenshot.
Fuck I'm old.
Good old times.
I like to imagine Reggie having an existential crisis and violent mood swings that come with it.