ITT: cartoons that will never be rebooted

ITT: cartoons that will never be rebooted

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I bet theres a Hollywood exec glancing this thread thinking 'great idea!' and taking notes right now


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that thread was magical

Sucks to be Gobots then.
Comics don't count.

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I would love to see a Ulysses 31 reboot if done right.

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Nah, not after all the legal shit Orbots had with Tonka/Gobots which is how owned by Hasbro.


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It caused me to binge the show on YouTube.

was it worth it


do spiritual successors count?

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When is Hasbro going to release this?

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Ed Edd n Eddy.

>hasbro's doing anime accurate pilot figures
as for your question, no idea.

This one seems ripe for one though

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it got a movie release in guardians of the galaxy

It could happen, bros.


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>Can't even draw it properly.
>They even made the skin darker for no reason.
Not having a reboot is a blessing at this point.

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Pretty much all of these, but they should, made by an anime studio with either the OG cast (those still alive RIP Panthro) or famous VA like the guy who played Spike, or the guy who played Jett etc. also bring in SilverHawks and TigerSharks. Run each show back to back to back, establish each shows home world, and for 4-5 seasons run on that, then have a movie or two where it’s found out that they’re all in the same universe/galaxy and they all have to help out eachother against the baddies.

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The villains from these shows are fucking great and badass too.

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>SilverHawks Soar
>TigerSharks Float

thundercats 2011 was building up a shared universe with silverhawks and tigersharks before it was canceled

This shit. I remember casually watching a few episodes and thinking it was okay, and then I got to the episode where an entire company of drop soldiers were wiped out as soon as they hit the ground.
Shit was pretty dark.

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MF got his whole body in metal except the arm with the bird?

He flies around in outer space like that, with his face covered but the arm still exposed. That is definitely not flesh.

Silverhawks Fly

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This has all of the material to become successful with a PG-13 serialized show in the style of Avatar, or the first Thundercat's Reboot.

Lovecraftian Hollow Earth monsters, fun-loving manly adventurers, a cowardly but cunning CEO villain, cool armor.

And Decompose would steal every scene he's in.

Wasn't the first half horrifying, and the second half kind of goofy?

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It's never gonna happen bros, why's it feel so bad?

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They rebooted them in the 60’s, kinda

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she cute.

Hold the fuck up. I've not be paying attention to Thunder Cats Roar, it's thing seems to be "lol wasn't Thundercats weird" which means original viewers are going to be put off and new ones are not going to know what they are riffing on. But if the they are taking cheap shots at Bluegrass well... that's sacrilege. Any watched all of Roar any redeeming qualitie?

That is MY staff. Put it down before I am forced to teach you a very nasty lesson in manners.

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Why not have them on the same world? Tigersharks have the sea, Thundercats have the land, Silverhawks have the air/space.

I've literally never seen an episode of this.

Yeah we were about to be getting into some real cool shit.

Yeah that part always bothered me, like why have the bird perch on your non metal arm?

Because Thundera and Watero couldn’t be the same planet, SilverHawks could be in both worlds though.

I wouldn't want to see a reboot of this. There's no chance it would be as good.

What if they were moons around a central planet, third Earth maybe?

Fuck, that's blatant

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I'm sure TMS and the Yokoyama estate would also have objections.

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Dude, no.
If they can't even get the games right, the show will be bust.
Let it remain dead. It's safe dead.

they use the original thundercats soundtrack
thats the only redeeming quality

also patrick seitz as mumm-ra is pretty based
and dana snyder as vultureman is fun

RIP Chris

i know people meme that nobody watched tc2011 but i was legit pissed after a good chunk of the last season was spent building up all this crossover lore

that orbots has more animation than god mars?