Ok lets get this over with

hal isnt strong at all compared to ben 10 and while he can travel forward in time he can travel back. ben 10 has alien x lol. the strongest lantern is kyle by the way not hal. inb4 seething green lantern fans reply to my post

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ben lost brah, Hal is anti reality warper

It doesn't matter how many threads you fags make. It doesn't matter how many irrelevant youtubers make debunking videos.
Hal won and there's nothing you can do that will ever change that.

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Fucking hell lmao


>God's hexas

Yeah, that's 100%. Ben 10 is fucked permanently.

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I am in awe

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Fucking based

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Hal didnt win. The fight never ended.

Two problems with Hal beating Ben.

The first being that If Hal went back in time to kill Ben he would have either canceled his assassination by creating a time paradox, or would have made a divergent time line and would have only managed to kill an innocent boy while he himself appearing to his actual opponent to have only fled the battle and never returned.

The second, assuming that somehow there is no paradox all while being in this wholly connected timeline. Alien X has already been shown to tank absolute destruction of spacetime. So even if his past dies (as it did once before he remade it) he would still remain apart from it.

Im not saying Hal cant win, but if hes going to win time travel shenanigans is not the way to do it.

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>he can't travel back
Green Lanterns have time traveled front and back
>Strongest lantern is Kyle
Kyle couldn't defeat amped up Crona
Hal did

I'm going to keep this thread open to monitor the number of samefags replying to the digits with the same IP.
Also power level battles are for faggots who were bullied as kids.

The animation is just for show
Of all the times they wanted to do an ending that doesn't end in generic explosion and instead gets creative, Hal vs Ben really wasn't the one


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lucky sexts


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Double lucky 7


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I'm just here to add to the (You)s and bury benfags

i think the only issue is that halfags will keep bitching about it even tough the thread has nothing to do with that stupid fight.

holy fuck this level of TOLD shouldn't even be possible

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why is this post not a pasta yet.

I kneel!

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reminder this is what the Halfag thought of "numbers".
So why should numbers make a difference now?

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So what's with the Ben10 vs Green Lantern bitchfit?
Some noname E-celeb make a comparison video and one side didn't like it and other one started trolling them for le epic legendary lulz?

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cope harder, you can't even get dubs lmao

How new?

Animated fight. Some guy hyped up Ben saying he could beat Goku and Superman and destroy multiverses. Hal has been considered a joke. He literally stomped Ben

1. Ben 10 is huge and is pretty much one of the biggest new IPs of the 2000s with it around the 4.5 million dollar range and a successful reboot
2. Alien X is seen as an instant win button especially after the popularity of Kuro's videos. Not bothering saving X for the climax may have raised eyebrows and having Hal pretty much break the reality wiping was probably seen as blasphemy.
3. Zoomers don't know shit about Hal. At best they grew up with John Stewart thanks to the DCAU or Guy Gardner thanks to Batman The Brave and the Bold
4. If Superman is Goku, Hal would probably be seen as Krillin to the unknowing public. They saw their god tier lose to a character they assumed would be Krillin level
5. Specifically on Yas Forums but this match up was Comics vs Cartoons and HEATfags like to gloat
6. Ending the match with scissors instead of an explosion because the people behind Death Battle wanted more creative finales
7. Ben Singer not wanting the episode to be too long led to shit like why the 6 thoughts crap was invalid not being expressed clear enough

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Is there any Hal Jordan x Ben rule 34 yet?


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I wish

hey buddy sorry i didint see your "based" sooner reply but how about you hover your mouse over my file name (i am OP) and you will see that you have fallen my trap. this is why ben 10 fans are better than halfags. while you have brawn he have the brains to out smart yuo any day of the week... ben 10 fans rise up...

OH MY FUCKING GOD! How will Green Lantern fags ever recover! BLOWN THE ABSOLUTE FUCK OUT! Hal fags CONFIRMED for 100% homosexual!

>kicks both of their asses without breaking a sweat

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You wish. Couldn’t even beat Ben

>How will Green Lantern fags ever recover!
probably by ruining more ben 10 threads. of course now people just make them for bait

Even GE could beat any of Ben's aliens sans X

Probably not Way Big

>hey, punch this big rock that i turned into a lion

Hey, not even the writer remembered that, why should I?

Because that's your job, Doug

Based. How will Kuro ever recover?

Absolutely check'd

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>Claims to be more intelligent.
>Can’t capitalize names.
>Can’t capitalize “I”.
>Can’t spell “you” right.
Sure buddy, sure.

>7. Ben Singer not wanting the episode to be too long led to shit like why the 6 thoughts crap was invalid not being expressed clear enough
actually the "6 thoughts" thing was because nothing in the series proved it, and trying to use word of god with nothing to back it up in the series proper wouldn't make a lot of sense


he's already established as being omnipotent repeatedly throughout the series. it'd be boring to just give him the win because of that though, so these hypothetical fights always disregard statements and just use what is directly shown(or even less in this case)

If he was omnipotent, Bellicus and Serena wouldn’t be scared of Paradox. Also, MoA have said he isn’t omnipotent due to a presence of Ben’s DNA mixed with Celestialsapien DNA

Fun fact, DJW straight up forgot about the 6 thoughts thing
He has no recollection of ever saying it
He doesn't even think Alien X is multiversal

It’s already over. Ben lost.


They aren't scared of him, they're annoyed by him because he messes with spacetime. That entire arc was about Paradox helping them stop Aggregor from absorbing Celestialsapien powers because he'd gain omnipotence.

MOA did not work on AF-OV, they just commented on it because they'd get spammed questions and it was a pretty easy way to garner some attention by alluding to one of the most popular aspects of the show returning in the Reboot. They also thought in the Q&A that the Naljian Destructor destroyed Naljians when it's what lower-dimensional beings have taken to calling their baby toys. Even then their statement and that of Duncan is saying that a standard Celestialsapien is omnipotent(but the Q&A itself contradicts this by giving the Celestialsapiens a lot of restrictions and requiring them to bond to survive things like the anti-life planet)

There’s actually a treaty between them, meaning they can’t actually beat Paradox so they’re not omnipotent

Man this new apartment is great!
The rent's completely free!

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You're the one who keeps invading.


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