Kill Six Billion Demons KSBD

>Excellent way to end a tournament. If the tournament were ending that is.

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so its not dead? Still that flame that excape the armor. Sigh

What counts as defeated for the purposes of the tournament? Looks like many of the contestants are still alive, if bruised. Did Alison and White Chain get a ring out when I wasn't looking?


Pretty wild that Juggs is meant to be threatening but just keeps getting punked on panel.

This jobbing is getting obnoxious. Has Juggs ever been a threat?

Knife hands never seemed particularly threatening in this comic.

To White Chain and to most of the pursuers, he just jobs whenever someone serious shows up.

So it's 8 Juggernaut Star now, right?


>It's going then

Holy shit this guy

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If White Chain hadn't intervened I'm pretty sure Juggs would have taken Vigilant Gaze to pieces. He just got time to wind up.

Is juggernaut sneaking away in the fourth panel? Basically repeating White Chain's move against Allicio

It's unfair for Abbadon to crop Solomon's raging erection.

He is one of the strongest angels. Far stronger than White Chain. But he consistently goes against enemies a tier higher than him.

Nope, still 6 since he’s only been banished back to the void.

Solomon is emulating what he is about to do to all of their cheeks

How can one angel be so incredibly, unbelievably based?

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Which cheeks though?

And now
Pizza time officially begins.

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I'll have mine with extra salami.

I don't think so. I think that's her expiring, her flame going out.

including Vigilant gaze.

What do we think the relative powerlevels are for a top-tier angel like VG versus the weaker demiurges?

I imagine salami has a massively pleased grin on his face internally.

>Dusting his hands
The sheer contempt is palpable and delicious.

this comic sucks

Gaze is the closest thing to the Big Bro type as we are going to get, and I’m all for it.
Fucker even has his own catchphrase. Who could possibly hate him?

Yeah it looks like she's abandoning the shell, hence VG's comment about going. Plus this is done in view of everyone while White Chain left her shell as an sneak attack.

Angel's cant die, that was probably her returning to the void cause her armour is useless now.

Thirty calpas in PaintNET

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All the spikes are melted backwards so probably


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Im just glad that Golden baby is alive

They can die, but then they reincarnate. That's what the numbers are about, dude.

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Yeah but Juggernaut didn't die here, she is escaping her useless armor.

>Excellent way to end a tournament. If the tournament were ending that is.
huge salami incoming

I don't think Juggs is dead, or even "dead".

Woe be he who mistakes the rider for the steed, after all.

nah, that's probably juggs scurrying back to her wheel now that the other body is basically useless, VG fucking melted the damn thing

this is something I still don't understand, angels only die and reincarnate when they are killed in the void (since if you destroy their armor they just go back there), so how come white chain "died protecting the red city"?

Probably killed by an enemy capable of destroying her physical and energy form. Maybe a demiurge.

>The Sass levels
Like sipping fine wine

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this comment sucks

That line was so good even Solomon is clapping

guess that answers that question

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Busy fighting demons out in the void and then probably fighting young demiurges.

It wouldnt fit on the page.

this post sucks

So, we all agree Solomon is going to fuck VG up pretty badly in the next pages, right?

Angels can forced to reincarnate if their armor takes sufficiently catastrophic damage, doesn't need to be a Demiurge or anything specific.

He's gonna fuck up somebody that's for damn sure.

That I'm not sure of. It may have just allowed VG to finish off the fight cleaner and quicker, instead of a drawn-out contest. He's been implied to be very powerful in a lot of the side material.


Well done, Horsie!

So Abby totally saw this before he finished this page, right?

Going from that, I'm sure Juggernaut's pretty fucking dead now.

Nah, it hasn't vaporized, only melted

"die" isn't 100% accurate either, since they retain much of their personality and skills, even if they lose most memories.

Solomon wrecks everybody in the comic except MAYBE allison, but only if allison can use her mega god power - normal allison also gets wrecked.

Anyone have the panel of Juggs with the "I'm tired" line?

nah, allison's probably not skilled enough to fight Salami even with mantling, dude's got a war and a millenia or two of experience under his belt, and that's without taking Ki Rata into account

I just want to thank the coronavirus for getting us this page so early.