How does Lois feel about the fact that her husband is always around gorgeous and often half-naked women?
How does Lois feel about the fact that her husband is always around gorgeous and often half-naked women?
How does she feel about the fact that in half of the alternate realities where she ends up dead, he ends up banging Wondy?
Clark spent his teenage years seeing so many boobs he's completely numb to it. She's fine
She can handle it
Nothing hotter than a jealous attractive woman.
She likes it when he brings company over.
There was actually an alternate reality where Lois became Wonder Woman after the Nazis destroyed themyscira . (long story)
Real talk, Superman and Wondey pairing up feels like the laziest, most contrived bullshit ever. They're completely different people from different backgrounds with generally different values. They only shag because "they the faces of the company xD"
It's almost as offensive as when Storm and Black Panther got married because they're both black.
While I can understand someone having insecurities let's not pretend that Lois hasn't generally been portrayed as pretty smoking hot most of her existence.
I think it's the fact that even the most attractive women in the world can be jealous and insecure. No matter how hot your are, there's alway someone hotter
I agree. And the batman/Wonder Woman pairing is bizarre as hell (was that only in the cartoons)? So who SHOULD WW be banging? Wait, why ISN’T she a lesbian like all the other women on her island?
I miss when lois was an attractive but "normal" woman who felt intimidated by all the supermodel superheroines. Now Lois is also a supermodel with boobs as big as Wonder Woman and it's so boring.
>So who SHOULD WW be banging?
Steve Trevor I thought.
>why ISN’T she a lesbian like all the other women on her island?
Cause she actually left the island unlike all the other amazons.
>So who SHOULD WW be banging?
>So who SHOULD WW be banging?
You learn to accept your husband is a Superman and you can't fufill all his needs. And WW comes from a very free love culture, so it's not like she's possessive either. You ladies can share.
>So who SHOULD WW be banging?
I like a special Lois, purple eyes and a thicc mommy bod. I think because people consider her to ground Superman to humanity she has to be this everywoman but Metropolis is a city of adventure so spice some shit up.
She's his Bounceback chick in the timelines where Lois dies. . . most of which he's turned evil in.
I've seen people suggest you could possibly go for somekind of "A princess and the farmboy" dynamic. Kind of take advantage they come from very different backgrounds. Of course nobody has ever went with that angle. It's always about mid-flight superstrength thrusting.
I mean lets look at the angle of loved ones being introduced to and interacting with each other. Oh wait, we can't really do that in the New 52. The Kents are dead, Supergirl refuses to have anything to do with Clark, Hippolyta is petrified/dead and the Amazons are polymorphed(and when they're not they're basically villains), Donna doesn't exist only to be reintroduced as an evil clone.
So all we have left is superpowered workplace sex.
Joe Kelly had Wonder Woman and Batman dabble with the idea of a relationship in his JLA run, they break it off after using a simulator realizing it probably won't work out.
>a mjolnir
Why? She is greek, he is your average american alien.
Or are they both nazis?
Proud as fuck because she knows that Clark could have literally any woman on the planet, and out of all of them, he chose her
then Supes just has the shittiest taste imaginable
>Steve Trevor I thought.
Steve Trevor will very likely never each iconic one true love status for quite some if ever.
Golden Age Steve was an insert for Martson's gentle femdom fantasies. How many people are into gentle loving femdom?
Silver age Steve is a toxic as fuck with wanting to force Diana to mary him and retiire from being superheroine to become atradition 50's 60's housewife. It's hard to see what Diana would possibly like in him. It's easy to see why Denny killed him off and he was killed again shortly after he was ressurected in the early seventies.
Later Bronze age Steve(the one Aphrodite abducted from another universe because Diana was sad and wanted to retire to Paradise) is bland and mainly seems to exist as a beard to deflect accusations of promoting lesbianism. The same can be said for SA Steve.
Post Crisis steve wasn't a love interest for Diana, got married to Etta candy and both of them written out.
New 52 Steve doesn't appear in Diana's book proper until Rebirth, and is mostly government asshat. He and Diana broke up in wilson's run and aren't back together yet.
Also the love at first sight trope is seen as corny.
He's way behind Lois Lane.
Really accept Diana is more like Bruce Wayne and shouldn't have a fixed love interest.
They'd gotten trapped in Ragnarok recently and Thor showed up to let them out. It's suppose to be a trophy to remind her of their recent adventure.
No one ever said the man has good taste. Look at his choice of disguise, job prospect, and steak
Probably just use to it
There was some nice resolution to this whole Lois is jealous of WW plot thread around this time.
He's been around for 80 years despite the concerted effort to erase him
That's iconic
Look how often he's been dropped, written out, killed off, or just ignored.
He's not Lois Lane tier. He's closer to Vicki Vale or Julie Madison.
>So who SHOULD WW be banging?
Steve Trevor. Y'know, the guy that convinced her to leave an island paradise?
>So who SHOULD WW be banging?
Steve, Artemis, every Amazon who isn't her mum, Phillipus or Io.
Post crisis Steve had nothing to do with her choosing to leave.
Now that they've decided to push diana's origin back to WWII while keeping Steve part of the modern day cast, he's likely not a reason anymore either.
Wonder woman has almost no iconic story behind her. Steve existing is just as valid
You got something against butch girls?
>You mean you've never danced?
>Not with a man, Steve.
Even Bronze age WW has implied lesbianism.
No. But Io's unslaked thirst towards Diana is an essential part of the character.
>accept Diana is more like Bruce Wayne and shouldn't have a fixed love interest.
Like it or not, Bruce has Catwoman
Ah. The unrequited love-tension angle. Cool.
>He's not Lois Lane tier. He's closer to Vicki Vale or Julie Madison.
He is literally WW's Lois Lane tho, he is as iconic as Wonder Woman's romantic interest can be, it's DC's fault that WW's supporting cast simply aren't as popular as Superman or Batman's
It's always been off and on in the main continuity, recently got a big push from Tom King, who's ended up making a lot of people sick of it. And they're still not actually married. Hell, Selina isn't even living in the mansion right now. They're not even shacking up.
Maybe, but you really can't get more iconic. Ask any normie who Batman's girlfriend is and they'll say Catwoman.
>toxic as fuck
>people can't have feelings for flawed individuals
You're underestimating just how fucking irritating Kanigher era Steve was.
All of silver age could be viewed as stupid and irritating if taken at face value today
And Vicki Vale was Batman's Lois lane in the 50's and sixties.
Vicki and Julie both have gotten brought back occasionally. Vicki had a good run in the late eighties and early nineties for example. Both tend to appear in adaptations. But would you call either of them Bruce's one true love? No.
I'm not saying he isn't a iconic recurring element. I'm saying he isn't accepted to one true love status.
Lois doesn't have any serious competition from people who ship Clark-Lana or Clark-Cat. And it's clear most Super-Wonder fans are only interested in mid flight super sex, so they aren't serious competition as far as a real romance is concerned either.
Catwoman has plenty of other women in Bruce's life she's always had to compete with, and you have a strong contingent who want Bruce to date starlets and ultimately end up alone and bitter thanks to Batman Beyond.
Not all characters love interests are equal.
You have one true loves like Clark and Lois, or Barry and Iris, or Wally and Linda, or Arthur and Mera.
You have hero villain relationships like Hal-Carol, or Bat-Cat, or Bruce-Talia.
Then you have people who tend to go to and from like Bruce-Vicki, Bruce-Julia, Bruce-Silver, and I'd say Diana-Steve.
Lois is an egomaniac. She doesn't even acknowledge other women
You usually need redeeming features. Other than Steve is the first human with a penis she saw(she'd previously had met birdmen and mermen as wonder girl) I'm not sure what SA Steve has going for him.
he's assertive, i'm guessing somewhat capable, good looking and cares for her?
People don't need more, usually.
>So who SHOULD WW be banging?
Steve Trevor.
that brief moment where they almost sorta wanted to make Batgirl/Superman an item.
(she was older back its not to weird)
I don't care. Steve is way to go.
>Also the love at first sight trope is seen as corny
Sure it is corny but i like it.
Diana will never be fully lesbian. Bi at the most.