Yet Another Fucking Steven Universe Thread

Promo for Mr. Universe. This one’s gonna be good.

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The only way this could be interesting if they actually acknowledge Greg had some fuck-ups in his parenting, despite his mostly excellent record.
Otherwise, who gives a shit. Greg has been a static and useless character for a while now.

>"Mr. Universe"
>Can't even get through one round of Mr. Yas Forums
Nice try Stevenfags kek

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Last chance for Greg to prove he’s a good dad

Steven Universe is and always has been trash.

You’re a shitty attempt at another Halposter and you know it. You don’t deserve to be on the same board as him.

How did she know?

Absolute cope from a steven spamfag

Except Hal won in battle, unlike Jack WEAKer

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>Steven is going to kill Greg

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>I am such a dullard I need characters to actively state the things I see otherwise they don't exist
Let me guess, "bad writing" right? Retards.

One of the major themes of SU and SUF is talking about their issues. Steven and Greg need to talk about how Greg has kind of let him down in being a parent

This latest season, man...

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Will Greg finally acknowledge how shitty of a parent he's been?

Shine On YOOOOOOOO Crazy Diamond!

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What would Steg’s stando be?

rebecca confirmed time traveler

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I can't believe it took a single piece of paper for you all to turn on Greg that fast.

Always figured he was overrated. Too complacent as a father

preemptive MEGA?

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>Greg's send-off episode
>The last new episodes we'll have with the knowledge of more to look forward to afterwards

Reality is hitting
Tonight is the second-to-last talkback threads for Steven Universe we'll ever have

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Rebecca and Ian are so nice

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It’ll be continued in some shape or form. Comics, animated specials, maybe even a new series. Who knows.

I miss his hair
What is even the point of removing his iconic look at the end of the show?

Guys, look at the Shine on You Crazy Diamond
It fits steven to a fucking T

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It is a sign of what is to come. A great loss.

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>tfw one of the few things I have to look forward to at the moment is a kid's show I started watching through babysitting

because everyone has to move on!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what's the stream link?

>son doesn't go to school
>doesn't understand the concept of a series of books
Greg is a shit parent


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Rebecca will probably create a lars of the starts spinoff or something

I always welcome prog rock references

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What is the page to see it online?

You forgot the part where he says he's not ready for the court of the crimson king.

Zero chance that happens

Not that these comics have been considered canon after Ian confirmed the second line hasn't had crew involvement.
But they did do this.
Paddy gets a LOT of screentime in it and she's not doing the hindsight joke over and over.
I'm not saying Rebecca will fall back on her comics.
But I think it's possible she could utilize it.

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I love him

Why did they turn Pearl into a punk girl?

Rebellion and she’s not punk, she hangs around punks. Same episode has her singing to a commercial jingle

Is this the one where he's supposed to get in a car accident with his dad, or was that just a misunderstanding from the scene where he got a checkup from Connie's mom in the trailer.

>pink floyd album cover
>steven universe

are you trying to piss me off?

Here’s another Promo

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Patrician tastes

No it happens because there's audio of Pearl talking about it.

If you guys wanna go deeper, Shine On is about Syd Barrett, singer/songwriter of Pink Floyd on their early albums who at the time of the album had ended up in a mental institution.

The album cover alludes to the idea of somebody “getting burned” (in the old sense of harmed/scarred mentally or emotionally) by someone else.

anyone got a livestream?

I've been waiting for you fuckers to catch up since Greg took Steven and Connie out to the middle of nowhere to fight water clones.

I think that's when he first drew enough attention for me to notice how shit a dad he was.

Thanks, I was mainly interested in that episode.

It looks like Greg is taking Steven to his parents. Maybe they'll give him a talking to about parenting, maybe their normal parenting is what drove Greg off

thanks for taking the time to respond, hope this doesn't get shut down mid stream like the last stream I watched.

Someone gonna make a talkback thread or we gonna have to decide to congregate in one of the fuckin 20 threads floating around?


how many more threads do you need sire?

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I'll never turn on Greg. He did the best he could in an extremely fucked up situation.

Underrated characters.

>Rubies instinctively protect their Sapphires

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Nice, thanks

>No more gems.

Based Teen Titans go dabbing on Steven Faggotverse

No one likes TTG faggot, it's not even good bait.

I won't lie, I'd watch the fuck out of The Padparadscha Show. 11 minutes of Paddy being the most adorable motherfucker in the galaxy? Yes, please.

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Yet another thing I like ruined by SU

Penultimate WE

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>Steven never felt like he was himself
I honestly thought he found himself in Season 5, but yeah this makes sense.

where all da /FREAKS/ at?

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i love road trip stuff

>who at the time of the album had ended up in a mental institution.
he lived at home. he just got fat and shaved his head/eyebrows but I don't recall him being committed.
>“getting burned” (in the old sense of harmed/scarred mentally or emotionally)
it's more like being burned by corporate lackeys, another theme of the album. that's why they're in a film lot.

right here

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>Greg starts stealing

nobody cares about you

“This is your journey of self discovery so you better go behind the wheel”
Uh oh