Yas Forums 4ever
Do you remember 2007 Yas Forums?
Someone needs to make a modern version.
it's weird seeing how much Yas Forums's sense of humor changes over time. visiting places like /mlp/ is like some weird time capsule because everyone over there still acts like they're in 2011-2012
>back when zone would just casually upload on /f/ like every other week
Lucky bastards.
2007 Yas Forums is reddit and cringe by today's standards.
>tfw watching this at my shitty office job
I wanna go b back
Shame the site got ruined by a combination of moot's unwillingness to manage it, right-wing shills pozzing everyone up with culture war shit, and a general lack of creativity. At least it's good to piss people off and ask quick questions I want answered in like 5 minutes, otherwise it's completely worthless.
Nostalgia is the most powerful form of brainrot out there.
do you remember 2007 IMDb?
No since I started using Yas Forums last year.
Its why I go to /mlp/.
I don't even watch the show, I just miss the good old days.
Culture war bullshit was around in 2007. Prank calling evangelicals and other religious organizations was the norm. It was long past lulz when it came to Chanology and even the Occupy stuff. Then after that feminism became the new thing the the war just shifted. Shit hasn't really changed the field just expanded
lurk moar
most of the site don't own a PC, this is why nobody creates anything there anymore.
Are people really nostalgic for 2010 to 2011 era. That time was fucking cancer. Pony posting was rampant, those retarded new troll face threads, everyone was acting lolsorandumb at the time. If anything the fappening and becoming a "right wing hate machine" brought Yas Forums back to its roots. Even the peepee poo poo stuff helped weed out some cancer
I honestly wish I started lurking here more back in the old days, I knew many of the early draw anons frequented here but all the stories i heard back on NG kept me away. Wish I still had everything I saved back from 2011.
>ignoring almost eight years of Bane OC
>ignoring Corona and hazmat art
>ignoring TGWTG posting
>ignoring memeing a president into office
Plenty of OC still gets made. More so than back in the day I'd argue.
The only thing that's wrong with the site is not having more auto filters to discourge 14-year-olds form spamming the word "jew" and "shill" in arguments and minimum word limits to keep posts higher quality.
I'm serious. I think Inspector Redwood was a mod then too which fucked up Yas Forums. That's also when a lot of old story time namefags left took. It wasn't a good time at all for the site
people liked it because it was mindless bliss and an escape from reality. the early 2010s in general were fairly peaceful times and saw the revival or peaks for a lot of media and video games. it makes sense that a lot of people are nostalgic for it because it seems like mindless fun.
you're correct in literally every point you made, but there is always a silver lining to all the stupidity. people want to go back because people don't want to know
Past Yas Forums was making college level prank to sects
Modern Yas Forums cause mass shootings
Fuck Yas Forums,Internet need to move past imagebaord culture
Yas Forums was at its peak in 2005-2008. 2009-2014 there was a decline in quality but it wasn't complete shit. 2015 was when Yas Forums died in my opinion. I only use a couple boards. Even before Moot left, Yas Forums wasn't 95% porn. Mods were more lenient towards raids, more ACTUAL 'random' threads and general discussion about anything and more diversity. But now Yas Forums isn't really fun anymore. Could be a nostalgic thing, I don't know.
>becoming a right wing hate machine brought Yas Forums back to its roots
Even Yas Forums isn't as good as it was.
>mindless bliss and an escape from reality
I have to agree with this. Everything has felt off since 2013. I'm not even a zoomer and I feel this way.
I'm nostalgic for 2007-2009 /tg/ because it was a wonderful mess
It's gotten so soulessly lawful and sterile now. There's fucking generals everywhere.
I'll take 'elf slave wat do' spam over generals any day
Do you still abide by the Old Laws, Yas Forums?
remember 2006
The last quality threads on /tg/ are some of its generals with everything outside turned into a blighted wasteland compared to what it once was.
The fall of /tg/ is genuinely the worst part about the decline of Yas Forums, I always assumed it would stay good forever, because we could talk about anything and have fun with it.
'you don't even need the other boards anymore'
What a lie that's become.
/tg/'s fall was slower than /x/'s (she was just outright killed by Yas Forums), but it happened all the same.
>14. Do not argue with trolls - it means that they win.
Of all the rules, this is the one people did not heed enough. Now the bar for trolling and getting trolled is so low that everyone is attempting to be the class clown, and nothing is sincere anymore
I get it, I could jus be a crotchety old man spoiling fun.
Generals were a mistake and started in that period because pony posting. But it's a lot of things that contributed. The rise of smart phones, the ease of posting, the ease of tracking replies without 4chanX, etc. It's impossible to go back
>Back when the Internet was wholesome
This is the closest you'll get
c'mon guys not everything is so bad now, Yas Forums still has a few good threads
>war secrets and kiddie porn isn't wholesome
Don't forget guro
we get raided by perpetually offended bitch boys every single day that ends in y while the moderation does nothing about it, and the majority of Yas Forums doesn't even read comics or watch cartoons anymore, just tourist fuck nuggets here for there epic culture war soap boxing bullshit.
I wasn’t talking about Yas Forums you faggot
You're more than welcome to leave, user.
>the closest we will ever get to a animated yotsuba
Just laugh at them user.
They're free entertainment because they're just so butthurt about everything.
I've been here way too fucking long...
true, but not every thread is like this. storytimes are still pretty good
2011 and before was comfy, 2007 and before was pure cozy, that's for the internet in general not just Yas Forums
>we get raided by perpetually offended bitch boys every single day that ends in y
user, Yas Forums has been butthurt since at least 2007
It used to be about OMD
Then it was about Heimdal being black
Yas Forums was offended that Avatar had too many threads
Yas Forums was offended that Gwen and Raven had too many threads
Yas Forums was offended that Adventure time was getting threads
Yas Forums's been offended since long before you started visiting
ignoring the problem and thinking it will go away is how Yas Forums got it's modern state. the place was always pretty fucking retarded years before hand but now it's a caustic waste dump of normalfag retards squealing, crying and repeating nearly decades old memes like there the height of comedy to the wardrums of edgy 14 year old retards who couldn't tell you the difference between a scribble on a white board and a storyboard.
i got here in 09 fuck you and every shit filled retard who defends these bombarding sub zero iq culture warrior migrants.
What went wrong?
it would just be a lot of wojacks
smartphones > easy internet access for normalfags > more normies in all sites including Yas Forums
it's impossible to go back now
thats most of the website
Yas Forums is the black sheep
user you wanna know where I had the last good Yas Forums conversations this month?
In a shipping thread.
Literally had to hijack it and go full off topic to talk about something decent among posts of waifufaggotry, baiting and shipping wars.
Filth is not the outlier anymore, it's the norm.That's where we are.
thats not what happenned at all
moot wanted a job at google so he hired the absolute worst scum of the earth to moderate the website and fucked off when the fappenning happened because he was afraid of a lawsuit
Nah man, Yas Forums is different from the rest of the site but that doesn't make the rest of the site like /mlp/. Its spooky going there, its like a window into the past to a time when people had fun.
>i got here in 09 fuck you and every shit filled retard who defends these bombarding sub zero iq culture warrior migrants.
1) Why would you pick 09 like that wasn't an already shittier Yas Forums than what was?
2) If you were here in 09, then you know people were bitching about race-swaps on Yas Forums far before SJW shit become so popular.
2012 was the last good year for me before my entire life went to shit.
We were happy and we didn't know.
this isn't just about raceswaps anymore literally any colored or female character existing sets them off and basically dooms the discussion to be perpetually bombarded by substance-less shit posting for the entire run and even after the show fucking ends you'll still see the tail end of the dedicated retards squealing and crying every time it's brought up, again, fuck you.
>I was a kid back in '07
this is how you fix Yas Forums
you take down the site at random for a couple days every week with no warning
then after a few months you go nuclear and take down the site for a couple months
short attention span red itors will get distarcted by something else and forget about this website while people who have been postingg here for years will gradually return
then Yas Forums will go back to being a slow board with quality posting and lots of storytimes were threads take days to reach post limit instead of hours or getting deleted
i want my gated community back
Realistically we just need a barrier to entry.
A problem you need to solve/find a solution for before you can enter will cut out 90% of the chaff.
you should try the actual good boards like /ck/ regardless of what people think fast food spam is minimal and its mostly shitposting about people who cook like shit or stupid trends, you can actually get a useful reply if you have a real question about cooking within minutes
but you have to know how to cook
even Yas Forums isnt that bad, people there actually play videogames even tho they use the board to unload and have fun after they are done playing videogames
People on this board neither read comics nor watch cartoons, or they watch one cartoon and obnoxiously spam it non stop.
>Yas Forums isn't that bad
Yas Forums was the first board I used on this site and I still visit to this day, it can be a fun place but man is it also a shithole
i already proposed a soolution, if the site is down all the time people who arent really committed will go away because they arent willing to put up with that
I would rather get a thread im reading dissappear with the whole site without any clue of whats going on and when it will be fixed than deal with all the spam and residue shit that other boards dont want and it ends up here
I would say at least you got a discussion, but yeah that's pretty low
what were you discussing about?
The worst thing about modern Yas Forums is how all the shitposters want every new game release to be a disaster. Tortanic ruined that fucking board. All the optimism for new games is drowned out by the rampant shitposting kiddies. Fucking fortnite kiddies are shitting on the new animal crossing, a series that has been a Yas Forums staple for ages. It's depressing to see.
>tfw I’ve been on this god forsaken website since 2006
>tfw THIS is now a decade old
I’m just starting to get angry at this point.
the Yas Forums i remember had threads about gay sleepovers and blockbuster, you cant say it was ever that focused on videogames to begin with
but thats a genuine reaction to how new games are released, it may be shit but it isnt red it flooding the board or something like that
>I have a small white penis
Yas Forums has always been a fun board, I fucking love my fellow Yas Forums retards.