Confirmed next match up boys. Seems like Esdeath wins the current fight

Confirmed next match up boys. Seems like Esdeath wins the current fight

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>More capeshit
>Mot even Unicron against Galactus
Fuck that noise

Damn, Beerus is gonna get destroyed.

>Yas Forums is gonna fall for this
How many fake leaks have you fucking made?

How many breads have you eaten?

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What do slices and buns count as?

When's the next episode?
Best match up for Dio Brando is...?

Blade or Buffy if it's part one Dio

usually they do characters at their "peak" but it's arguable if peak Dio is DIO with The World or Dio Brando at max vamp power

Galactus wins easy.

Nxt fight is in 3D

no shit

So this is the death battle thread eh? What's the consensus on the next match?

Beerus stomps

>DBZ character
>Not jobbing
Pick one and only one.

Beerus is a pussy

Beerus is way more powerful than Galactus.

I don't think Phantom Blood Dio would ever be able to hit the same level Kars was on, and Part 3 Dio still had all those powers from Phantom Blood just never felt like using them.

Galactus is a reality warper, Beerus isn't.
This is hardly a fair fight, leave it to DB to fuck up.

Seethe harder, marvel cosmics are a fucking joke and jobbers. Beerus takes this with ease

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Surfer could take on Beerus and Whis no problemo. Jobbing happens but ultimately Surfer is stronger

Thanos vs. Beerus.

Who would win?



Maybe if he had the Infinity Gauntlet or Heart of the Universe.

Thanos has magic. And Dragon Ball Z characters can’t handle that shit. Just turn off Beerus’ Ki

That isn't even Galactus.
Besides that, Galactus can travel the universe without an angel assisting him, and he beat Mephesto by nearly consuming Hell itself. I like Beerus but this is a stupid matchup, Galactus is closer in strength to the angels than he is to the GoDs.

>he says, as silver jobber is literally struggling with a street level character
Silver surfer is a bitch, he gets stomped in seconds
And he still manages to lose, because he’s a jobber, like all of marvel cosmics

Who would be a good match against pic related?

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literally who

And Beerus lost to bad food. Meaning Surfer transports some laxatives into the guy’s tummy and Beerus shits himself to death

some rando from Adventure Time with instant healing and nothing else

Does vidya count when factoring in the "peak" of a character that's not originally from vidya?
Because "The World Over Heaven" Dio is pretty OP.

>DBZ can't handle magic!
I really hate when people try to argue this, when the DB cast have defeated several magic users in the past (King Piccolo, Babadi, Buu, etc).
I mean Thanos still probably stomps most of DB unless he's jobbing (and he's always jobbing), but it's not just because of magic.

They’re beaten just by Moro shutting off their Ki. It’s surprising no one else has done it before

It's considered non-canon so no.

>lost to bad food
You’re the same retard that says this shit everytime. He literally just had a tummy ache, and shat it out afterwards l. He never died or anything plus that was just a gag scene.

Surfer gets stomped like he does in the comics. He’s used to jobbing by now so it wouldn’t hurt too bad

A tummy ache that crippled him. Like a pussy. Surfer stomps Beerus.

Moro is also an insanely powerful magician who had to be sealed away by the gods, it's likely that other foes simply didn't have the magical capacity or knowledge to do so.
I mean Babadi, a powerful sorcerer himself, was killed by Piccolo, who was far from relevant by the time the Buu arc occurred.


>hurr i-it crippled him
Literally just had to take a shit. And he’ll take it on Surfers corpse once he’s done with him.

No, Beerus will shit himself dying after Surfer is through with him

It's always fun when DBZ fanboys realize the Zverse isn't the most powerful fictional universe ever..

>Beerus vs Galactus
>before Galactus vs Unicron

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Beerus will die laughing with how weak he is. He gets manhandles by a nigger. Surfer dies and will get placed in his shit ridden grave.
Nobody itt has ever said that. Here’s your (You) sir. You need it

Hope Beerus can handle a surfboard up his asshole. DBZ can’t compete with Marvel and don’t even talk about DC.

user this """"dbzfag"""" is one of two things.
>A false flagger looking for free (you)s (incredibly likely)
>A mentally ill spic
Either way he doesn't represent the average dbzfag and it would be stupid to continue acknowledging his existence.
>how do you kno...
Literally only Yas Forums cares about these stupid fucking things.

Gullible retards

>surfer literally getting chocked up by a nigger
Beerus fucking stomps. Marvel characters are fucking jobbers
yeah, DC is stronger, hence why most popular matchups are with DC + [insert verse here]. Marvel characters are weak jobbers that aren’t even thought about in vs battles most of the time.

DC characters job just as much as Marvel. Both of them still rape DBZ hard

Stop replying to yourself.

> DC characters job just as much as Marvel
Lol no, DC characters are actually powerful.
> Both of them still rape DBZ hard
DC? Yeah
Marvel? No

I ain’t
Superman has jobbed to Harley Quinn and Surfer has jobbed to Black Panther. Both of them still solo the cast of DBZ

Post DC characters who could beat DBZ fighters.

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>Superman has jobbed to Harley Quinn
Lol superman would stomp out Marvel
> Both of them still solo the cast of DBZ
Supes would as most DC characters would, but DBZ characters fucking stomp MarLEL. Lmao


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>Ben 10
What a pussy

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Only pussy I see here is you, Hal

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Alien X is weak

and yet stronger than any Green Lantern

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