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i miss when ahsoka was cute

Well the Mandalorian was good while it lasted.

Isn't she supposed to be dead by then?

the fuck

why wouldn't they cast the chick who voiced her

Flash back, force ghost or retcon.
Taking all bets, folks!

She's an alien we dont know the lifespan of her race.

Why not use the Voice actress?

isnt mandolorian only a few years after rotj? and we know she was alive at the end of it via rebels

It was my understanding that she dies sometime between episode III and IV. Not necessarily in a natural way. But then again, I don't really follow Clone Wars.

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Seems like an odd choice. IMO Rosario Dawson is too curvy and wide to play Ahsoka.

filoni asspulled her back to life

The wall is too powerful user, no character can't defeat it. Not even fictional ones.

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Is this a reliable source? They wrapped filming last month and she was still tweeting that she wanted the role this year.

filoni has to keep her alive somehow

vader killed her but they used a time portal to save her and the end of rebels showed she was alive during the death of the emperor but she is dead by the sequels

I read a comic where she was alive into the new movies. Met up with Rey and Chewbacca

Why is he so obsessed with his fucking waifu?

well, she dead before rise of skywalker, her voice can be heard.

they literally used time travel to save Ahsoka

so you're saying i'll beable to jerk off to her again

she could still be alive and projecting her voice through the force

So who do you cast for Sabine, Yas Forums?

I'm okay with this.
Ashoka is a boring character.
Maybe a good actress with big mommy energy like Rosario Dawson can work her into something interesting.

Mandalorian takes place right after RotJ, not around the time of the sequel trilogy.

at least she has the big juicy lips

Nobody ever seems to do this, even when the VA is a normal actor as well as a voice actor (though I don't think that is the case here). Couldn't tell you why.


She'd be in Ahsoka the white form at this point right? I don't see that fitting in well with the show so far but I'll be hopeful the other writers can keep Filoni's Ahsoka autism at bay.

>time portal

>time travel


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Only for Jew Jew Abrams to kill her unceremoniously off screen.

She should have died to Vader. It would have been pure kino.

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Well maybe it won't be off-screen by the time Mando is done.

never underestimate the lengths a man will go to to save his daughterfu/waifu

Shes not, everyone else on the list is dead, and if that was possible why isnt ezra/cal heard?

Because no one really gives a shit about them.

because they are strong bisexual womyn of color

Thats what having a waifu is.

Big Tiddy Ashoka inbound

I don t want this considering Favreau is the writer. I don't think Filoni has creative i put other than directing.

That would be totally logical to assume, user. Being as she's an important character to Prequel-era Anakin, and then the big purge happens as he turns to Vader. The logical emotional ending to their character arc is during the window between III and IV.

However, Ashoka is a well-liked Star Wars character, so her lifespan will be artificially lengthened until that is not the case (see: Palpatine, Luke, Yoda and the Star Wars franchise as a whole)

This may be the most underappreciated joke in the history of this board, if not in the history of Star Wars discourse.

Dude, if you don't think Rosario Dawson is not you re either gay or castrated

>shoving Ahsoka into The Mandalorian

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Cus a lot of the time VAs look too different than the characters they voice. But knowing this show, they’ll probably give Ashley a cameo

well. they are killing Ashoka..

Would in a damn heartbeat.


>though I don't think that is the case here
Nope, Ashley was a screen actor first before Ahsoka became her main deal

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With Fillioni as one of the showrunners her appearance was inevitable. Plus with Ahsoka showing up, Sabine is more or less confirmed to show up too

>dead by the sequels
Filoni might have something to say about that.

Yes he hinted that Ahsoka may still be alive during the events of RoS.

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where's the fucking webm user

Actually perfect casting. She's got a near perfect face for original TCW Ahsoka (not shitty generic looking Rebels Ahsoka).

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She would at least be in her mid to late 50s by then

Filoni wrote Episode 5 in Season 1.

The novelization flat out says some of the voices Rey is hearing are alive.

Filoni really needs to get the fuck over constantly re-using his first OC in every single damn star wars show he touches.

Her voice tho.

I just hope os a voy parking role. Watling por ashley to voice her would be too much

yea this was the event that really had everyone turn on Rebels. People liked it at the start, kept up with it with a few complaints later on. But then magic native american wolf portal time travel happened....and everyone went full Prequel levels of hate on Rebels from that point on.

I had a bad feeling they were going to try to use her VA in live-action, because there's one big problem with that. I have never watched the cartoons, but the character seems neat so I'm down.

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Ashoka Tano's skin is brown. Ashley's is not. I trust that you're not dumb enough to bring up Twileks, or other aliens which have inhuman skin colors.

What ?


I'm mixed on this. Mainly because the Mandalorian worked because it was on the fringes of Star Wars' main story. This just feels like it will get the Mandalorian into the Skywalker nonsense.

sorry posting phone , i said that i hope is a non speaking rol.

Baby Yoda and Luke Skywalker being in his prime meant the show was already in danger of going into that.