X-Men In AVX

X-Men In AVX
>We have the right put countless lives at risk just so our species can have powers!
X-Men In IvX
>You don't have the right to put countless lives at risk just so your species can have powers!

Why are muggas such huge hypocrites?

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>mutants are whingy hypocritical disaster magnets

More news at 11.

bad writers are bad

AvX was both sides being idiots over hypotheticals. IvX happened over something that would have been an actual problem, and Emma using it to make everyone go retarded.

>Phoenix Force MIGHT kill everyone but has been on Earth countless times and not done that
>Terrigan Cloud WILL kill all Mutants eventually due to exposure
Shit writing aside, Mutants did nothing wrong

>>Phoenix Force MIGHT kill everyone but has been on Earth countless times and not done that
And it would've if Hope didn't get training from the Avengers, whereas the X-Men's whole plan was literally just hope(ha) for the best.

Mutants are a cult and the Phoenix threatens way more. It destroyed an entire galaxy. Terrigen Mist kills one race of garbage beings

Cape comics need to end

Terrigen Mist killed way more than just mutants.

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Why did the Avengers care this time and none of the others? why did they not care when Rachel was literally the Phoenix for years?

Because this time the Pheonix was killing tons of inhabited planets on its way to Earth

but they waited until it got to Earth to do anything?

No, they didn't want to wait for it to get to Earth, they pre-emptively took Hope to the moon because of that.

>>Terrigan Cloud WILL kill all Mutants eventually due to exposure
In this story the X-Men never even attempt to have a dialogue with the Inhumans, hell the Inhumans don't even know earth is going to become completely unlivable for mutants until the last issue of the event because the X-Men kept it from them.

>In this story the X-Men never even attempt to have a dialogue with the Inhumans

Par for the course when a lot of shit goes down that could potentially affect the planet.

>to the moon

so they let every planet between wherever the Phoenix was and Earth die, and they're the heroes?

>Inhumans don't even know earth is going to become completely unlivable

thats just bad writing, see

>killing tons of inhabited planets on its way to Earth
Marvel allowing writers to make up whatever the hell they wanted about the other side has always been a massively retarded decision. I mean that isn't true at all in the main book but give a fag like Aaron the chance to bolster his side and suddenly it's canon

This isn't even good bait.

I don't care if you think it's and writing or not, the story shows that Beast learned the mist was gonna become completely absorbed in Earth's atmosphere and the X-Men don't let him tell the Inhumans this when he makes the discovery.

no, I mean its bad writing for the Inhumans to not know this, considering they know that Terrigen is bad for Humans, as well as repeated exposure being bad for themselves.

the fact that they weren't aware it was killing mutants is secondary to years of stories of the dangers of it.

This was literally made clear in the first issue of the event, explicitly stated and shown

>the X-Men never even attempt to have a dialogue with the Inhumans
Emma already wanted to kill them all anyways since Scott died, and Magneto freaked out at the idea of all mutants being gassed to death. They had no real reason to trust them anyways since they didn't even try to stop the cloud after finding out it was lethal.

>explicitly stated and shown
source your ass

>the fact that they weren't aware it was killing mutants
No they're aware it kills mutants, the Inhumans first appearance in the story is locating mutants and getting them away from the mist(which is when the X-Men attack them).
What they don't know is the mist will stop being a cloud they can track and try to prevent casualties, and become permanently absorbed into Earth's oxygen.

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First pages of the event.

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All it shows is the Pheonix flying over the planet.
That's it. At best you could say "Implied" which is far from "Directly stated and shown"

That place is clearly being burned

The entire place is on fire

No it's being sweeped over by the Phoenix we don't get a look at it after.
I ask you how would the Phoenix "Activating/reactivating" The mutants of a planet be drawn? To my mind it would be drawn the exact same way. The Phoenix doing a "sweep" across an entire planet. That's why an aftermath/establishing shot it's needed. The absolute most I'll say about this is that it's ambiguous to make you wonder whether it killed them all or just activated it's mutants and left which is how the two sides are supposed to differ on it

Cannot be this delusional

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1) Sam is an inexperienced Nova who doesn't know what he's coming across
2) Sam left before it reached the planet (and by left I mean super speed warped out to the Solar System) so he doesn't know what happened he's assuming
3) The Pheonix is shown to be stronger than/as strong as Galactus
4) Sam was fighting Terax at the time a former Herald of Galactus who was shown to have survive
from 3 and 4 we can assume either
A) Terrax is more powerful than Galactus
B) The Phoenix didn't use enough power to kill him but enough to kill his planet and he never mentioned what happened to his planet
C) The Phoenix empowered his worlds mutants who may or may not have over thrown him
D) The Phoenix killed them all then instantly resurrected them.
Terrax still being up and about throws a wrench into "The Phoenix killed his planet" theory

So yes you're just ignoring all given evidence

>Ignoring the evidence
>Here's evidence that contradicts your conclusion
the absolute state of Yas Forums

There are pages of the Phoenix destroying a planet posted above
Nothing you can say contradicts that.

you can't use the Point One story as evidence, its by a different creative team and was written months prior before the details of the book had even been finalized.

>you can't use the Point One story as evidence
Those are literally from the first pages of the AvX event.

the page with Nova is from the Point One story by Ed McGuinness and Jeph Loeb

No I'll give him the Point One story. My objection is that it's clearly a dramatization of what Sam assumes happened on the planet and not the actual result of the situation.
The most definitive thing we have in the encounter is what looks like Terrax being disintegrated but as I just posted he's the one we know walked away 100% fine after the encounter

Shut up retrograde flatscan and buy our drugs.

The Nova story is from Point One I know because I read Point Onw and the first issue of AvX. What happens in AvX is Sam crash lands on earth in the aftermath of the point one story. what happens in Point One is well



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>but has been on Earth countless times and not done that
Because the user usually gets a moment of clarity where they either kill themselves or let themselves be killed. Otherwise they would kill everything. The fire bird always goes bad and they just live on the idea that the next host will handle it as good as Jean did.

Or they're Rachel and have it for nearly a decade without a problem.

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And yet Rachel did nothing and the X-Men never asked for her opinion.


>Because the user usually gets a moment of clarity
We're just going to ignore that Dark Pheonix only came about due to Mind control aren't we?

Drug dealing muties.

someone should run the numbers but I feel like Dark Phoenix is the exception not the rule.

It definitely is/was until hacks like Aaron got a hold of it.
"Muh True Pheonix is Dark Phoenix" is normie tier BS and anytime it happens it's always a writer that butchers other characters as well usually Dark Phenoix happens because of someone breaking it psychologically or physically (it's a psychic entity after all) not a default state

What I really want to know is, who is responsible for what in Avengers vs X-Men? Remember that there were five writers on this thing (Hickman, Brubaker, Fraction, Aaron, and Bendis) and it was worse than a Millar-written event comic.

That's their constant MO.
Xavier pretends to be good but he's just a fucking child soldier manufactuerer in disguise.

The difference being that the X-Men didn't put anyone at risk and we're right about the Phoenix Force. Iron Man was the one who put the world in the most danger by splitting it. The X-Men we're right as nobody was hurt and the mutant species was saved, all the death and destruction by the Phoenix Five was because of Iron Man and his Avengers being scared that mutants are getting better than them. The Inhumans were actively genociding mutants. The X-Men did something that seemed risky but actually wasn't while the Inhumans caused the death of many mutants for their selfish goals. The X-Men never wanted to hurt anybody, Cyclops is and always will be right

>The difference being that the X-Men didn't put anyone at risk and we're right about the Phoenix Force
They literally put the whole planet at risk and without the Avengers training and Wanda helping her the Phoenix would've overwhelmed Hope.

>The Inhumans were actively genociding mutants. The X-Men did something that seemed risky but actually wasn't while the Inhumans caused the death of many mutants for their selfish goals.
Ok so you don't read comics.

>The Phoenix five did terrible things
>That was phoenix's fault, they couldn't control themselves

>Well then clearly the bird is dangerous and they shouldn't have let it anywhere near the planet
>what no the X-men have no problem controlling the phoenix and it was all the Avengers fault
Every single time AvX comes up. X-fags make a shit ton of excuses and blame everything on the writers trying to make the X-men look bad. Yet everything the Avengers and the Inhumans do was on the level and not character assassination.


t. Aaron


>Let's destroy a massive psychic entity
>That won't shatter it's psyche into five different pieces
Phoenix Five was 100% Tony's fault whether you want to blame the rest of the Avengers on that is on you

Phoenix 5 is nothing but proof the Phoenix was dangerous and shouldn't have been brought to Earth.