It looks like Onward's theater run is over. Movie is coming to digital download tonight and streams on D+ early April...

It looks like Onward's theater run is over. Movie is coming to digital download tonight and streams on D+ early April. Potentially one of Disney's biggest bombs

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what a shame, i thought it was a pretty good film

It wasn't you fucking cock sucking shill.


Op and I only care about porn of the twink


Sad so see such an inspirational and progressive movie flop. At least this isn't a part of some greater trend.

I kinda regret paying to see it in theaters in that case. I could have just waited and it wouldn’t have made much difference.

>At least this isn't a part of some greater trend.
It is
That trend is if you release your film during a pandemic where all the theaters start to close it's not going to do so well

Proof, if ever it were needed, that China should never, ever have been catered to.

I wanted to see it but all the theaters are closed. Welp. Time for streaming to take over I guess

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>Tfw theirs nothing in theaters now
I thought Disney would have rode this train to unironically claim the spot as #1 movie for X weeks in a row

It needed cute girls like Inside Out.

Everest flopinng should give everyone a hint.

bloodshot number one movie in world

I'll be watching it tonight. The Disney hate on nu/co/ is nuts.

>Pretty good.
So the bar has been set that low huh?

I want Bailey to give me a nice slow extended cuddlesession followed by a wet, sloppy peck on the cheek

elf mom was hot
her design would of been hotter with fangs, the elf design was begging for small fangs

you know it came out before the pandemic right?

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Shills really have no shame

Have fun with the 42 cents they deposited in your account

>I'll be watching it tonight. The Disney hate on nu/co/ is nuts.
It is a bit excessive anymore, but you reap what you sow. MCU Disney sycophants are what made "nu co" different from old Yas Forums in the first place when they rushed here from Tumblr or wherever they came from, their incessant defense of anything Disney and bashing of anything not has lead to quite a hate

>only newfags don't eat disneys slop

Not all Disney is hated here and not even all nu-disney makes
But shit like the constant rehashing of lifeless cgi films and live action reboots? Yeah that shit is hated here and deserves to get hate

>but you reap what you sow.
So full of shit then.

What were they thinking, releasing it in the middle of a pandemic?

The virus has been in China since November, and Chian is where all the movie profits come from

Closer to half-ish, really.

Saw the "advanced screening" last night

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jesus christ that was fast


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I'm amazed how quickly people have forgotten that 10 days ago every governemnt in the West was saying everything was fine.

>china will save us
fuck china and fuck the movie industry for catering to commies
you reap what you sow



Right, it had absolutely nothing to do with half the theaters in the US shutting down or limiting how many people can go into a theater at a time. It bombed because it’s date didn’t get pushed back like other movies. Same thing is going to happen to trolls 2, and you just know that that otherwise would’ve made bank.


ya that's why birds of prey bombed

You think Iger just resigned immediately for fun?
He knew what was happening and what was going to happen and STILL released Onward in theaters

prepping for a pandemic is bigoted towards the chinese goyim

>Disney attempted to lick Chinese money from their films
>Destroyed by Chinese virus

Go woke
Get broke

RIP, user.


Fuck this is gonna be a long damn year.

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They knew, but the banks etc needed finalise those stock deals and write up some insurance swaps before announcing that the economy is about to tank.

Mega-rich fuckers about to get even richer, while we get fucked.


what choice do they have though? Not more than 10 people can go in at once if open

>Mega-rich fuckers about to get even richer, while we get fucked
Careful with that talk user. We've got a lot of anons here who love to suck billionaire cock.


This is what happens when you cast that faggot Tom Holland in one of your major motion pictures!

And BoP was released earlier.
And was R-rated.
And was completely shit.

Onward is ok at best, mediocre at its worst.

48 cents has been deposited in your account

You guys say this for any movie that might have any sort of positive representation of nonwhite, non male, non hetero characters and most of the time you’re wrong. You tried to say this about Black Panther and Captain Marvel. I mean fucking Endgame had as much “woke” content as this movie. But you hold onto the few examples were these types of movies underperform to make yourself feel better.

>get woke go broke isn't a thing guys
>ignore Disneys stocks and consume

one line

Admitting a movie is possibly mediocre is being a shill?
What the fuck's a shill, then?

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The US is not "the West".

Looks like if Lords of Chaos was produced by Disney

go back to tumblr retard

They said we're going to beat this, and we are.

>making excuses for woke pandering and pretending people aren't sick of this shit
you're an obvious shill