For me, it's Galaxy of Aventures Rey

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Gay! For me, it's Luke.

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how do we fix the sequels Yas Forums ?

a few ideas:
- kill leia when she's blown up in space
- delete the casino scene
- delete rose entirely
- don't make finn a janitor
- palpatine stays dead

My biggest problem is how they went about Luke's storyline.

I don't mind that he's a grumpy old weirdo. Hamill clearly had fun playing him that way and the way he trolled Rey during their training was also great. My problem is that his redemption and subsequent death happened in 5 minutes and was squeezed into the epilogue of one film when it should have been spaced out over two.

Think about it, he never even left that fucking island. He effectively dies in isolation like he wanted. His last hurrah falls flat because all he did is buy a bunch of idiots some time by distracting another idiot with a puppet show.

That's some weak shit for a passing of the torch moment.

The problem with Rose is that she says and does nothing, that no other character would. (Apart from maybe kamikaze herself into the guy she wants to save, like a moron.) Both Poe and Rey have moral fibre and courage to make an impression on Finn and they also both show technical expertise. She just doesn't bring anything unique to the table, which is why I can understand why JJ canned her, even without the internet outrage machine.

So I agree that all the time spent on Cantobite could have gone into Rey's storyline instead.
I mean I liked DJ, because you seldom get a pragmatic guy like that, who gets away with everything like that.
I kinda like that. Wouldn't mind seeing him again in some fashion.

Worst thing is that we NEVER got the original trio back on screen together.

We have to go back to zero. There is no fixing them outside of a complete rewrite and yes that includes TFA.

finn convinces some storm troopers to desert in the final act


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For me, it's non-canon

>storm troopers vs Sith troopers

Would be pretty kino.

General Grievous episode when?

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>how do we fix the sequels Yas Forums?
By making them not exist in the first place.

What did they mean by this?

for me, it's this smug prick

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They need to licence Star Wars out to the Japanese.

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Do the fucking Stormtrooper Rebellion.
Why the fuck do you establish that the Stormtroopers were kidnapped children and then start killing them like they deserved it? That's the most baffling thing about the sequel trilogy and should have been the most logical conclusion of Finn's character.

>that scene in TROS where they mow them down by the scores and all you see is Stormtroppers falling dead in their path as if they were nothing
That actually made me feel weird. It's like they're not even human being to them.

I think the biggest problem I have with the sequel trilogy is that it has nothing to distinguish itself from the original trilogy. 30 years after Return of the Jedi, and yet we have the same X-Wings, Tie Fighters, AT-AT's and even lamer looking Death Stars. Nothing feels unique. It was just Stormtroopers vs. Rebels again.
Look at how in Battlefront 2, you got the prequel stuff that feels unique and cool, the original trilogy stuff, and then the sequel stuff that feels exactly like the original stuff. The only cool level in the sequel era is Krait, and that's just another version of Hoth.

It's also ironic that Disney's own trilogy won't be able to be explored more deeply in expanded lore because all the actors refuse to come back because they hated the experience that much.

It's actually why I get bothered with Kylo Ren gets redeemed. He's the one who's running an operation to kidnap kids, yet he gets redeemed while his kidnapped kid soldiers are killed by the millions.

They're literally nazis goyim, they deserve nothing but extermination

But they clearly pointed out that they were children kidnapped by the First Order and turned into soldiers. It's really fucked up.

It's crazy how we haven't gotten a single original idea out of NuWars.
Even the much discussed TLJ just remixes and subverts old ideas.
And their daring new project? Remake the KotoR expanded universe, but most likely worse.
I think that Red Scot guy pointed out that there are now 4 different desert planets in Star Wars and they're functionally identical, but have different names because Disney.

Fucking hell, just give all your money to the Mandalorian and maybe make a spin-off of that or two.

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why the fuck is there a first order
every time there'sa giant upheaval that the entire galaxy witnesses there's another branch of dudes popping up waiting to get blown up. Imagine if you turned on the space TV and saw space parliament get blown up before your eyes, except parliament was a whole fucking planet. Galactic upheaval and mayhem would be interesting as fuck. Instead the new guys who rise to fill the void decide to be exactly as boring as the originals twice in a row. And then when they get blown up by hyperspeed feminist jihadism it turns out palpatine had a force even BIGGER than that sitting on a planet that no one could find? How did the giant spaceforce find it, then? And they were, what, just living there? It's so fucking stupid man, it's less interesting than an episode of GI joe.

I said it once, and I'll say it again. It's really depressing that all future Star Wars projects will just be heroes vs. Stormtroopers.

That actually is a good point about planets in the new trilogy. None of them feel unique or different. In TFA, we got a Desert, a Forest Planet, a hill planet (the rebel base one) and a Snow Planet that's a Death Star, and the island planet Luke was on.
Rogue One has...well, a desert planet, and a bunch of them I can't remember, the rocky mountain planet, then the tropical planet, which I'll admit is a nice location.
TLJ has the same Island Planet, the Casino planet (I don't know if that counts as an entire planet), and Krait which I'll admit does have a unique look.
Solo has that drab industrial planet, the muddy place, the snowy mountain place, Kessel, and I think another desert
Then RoTS has another forest, Exegol, another desert, the planet I thought was Endor but apparently wasn't?, and that's all I can recall.

So of all of those, I think the only unique planets were Luke's Planet, the Tropical one from Rogue One, Krait, and Exegol as really unique planets. Kanto Bite if you're generous.

Keep rose but if they are going to romance her and Finn then actually make it more organic than her knowing him for five minutes and then declaring that she loves him. Don’t have her fall in love with him in the first movie she’s in like that.

>how do we fix the sequels Yas Forums
ignore them entirely and start from scratch

>remove the second performance that wasn’t garbage
Sheev and Kylo were the only ones who even tried

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I rather leia

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>Comments are turned off
you love to see it

That because of youtube policy that disables comments on every video aimed towards kids.

Sounds a lot like Nazis, user.

>all future Star Wars projects will just be heroes vs. Stormtroopers
It's like you haven't even heard of the High Republic.

>- kill leia when she's blown up in space
Leia should have had Force powers the whole time she was Luke's sister. I mean back in Jedi, she should've force-choked Jabba to death.

>- delete the casino scene
Thus removing all nuance and point from TLJ. Just tighten the pacing of it so it's not boring as shit.

>- delete rose entirely
Agreed. Maybe she would've had a point if TROS could've stuck the landing but nah.

>- don't make finn a janitor
I dunno what this means, but Finn in general got character-arc-blocked hard in 2/3 sequels.

>- palpatine stays dead

This is why TLJ is regarded as the best sequel. At the end of it, the stage is set for something new to happen.

I didn't like it and still haven't brought myself to rewatch it since seeing it at a midnight premiere, but even I have to admit that it's the best of those three, and the one that had the most potential to setup something lasting.

>complains nothing is new
>"just give my money to Boba Fett Action Figure: The Series"

If there's a bottom of the unoriginal Disney Star Wars barrel, it's The Mandalorian, and its greatest achievement is disguising that fact somehow.

I still can't believe how good this series is. It just made Kylo look more menacing than the movies did.

You're an idiot.
The Mandalorian is set within a pre-established setting. Unlike the new movies, not enough time has past in the galaxy to change that.

What the Mandalorian does differently is defined by the structures and types of stories it tells.
It's Lone Wolf and Cup at one point, it's The Man with no Name at another.
Like the original trilogy it borrows heavily from iconic plots and characters. But it doesn't just tread ground that the movies already covered.

Of course it's far from original. It's Star Wars. But at least it takes the familiar toys and plays a different game with them.

Also fuck off. Never compare sweet Din to that shitty, personality-free loser Fett, that didn't even follow the way.

I genuinely like the Mandalorian, but I truly don't understand why people are considering it top-tier television. The production values aren't nearly as high as I'd expect for a flagship series, the writing is just alright, and the plot is relatively meandering. Some things were really cool, like IG-11. And I like Baby Yoda fine.

But to me it's just "Doctor Who, but Star Wars."

>Never compare sweet Din to that shitty, personality-free loser Fett, that didn't even follow the way.
>sweet Din

>literal pile of shit
>how do we fix this?
Get rid of it all and scrub with bleach everything it touched.

>It's Lone Wolf and Cup at one point, it's The Man with no Name at another.
Those are very similar characters, both being based on Kurosawa movies. Also why does the child's stroller not have sweet improvised sci-fi weaponry like LWaC?

> it doesn't just tread ground that the movies already covered.
Except that it has a protag whose just like Boba Fett, a sidekick who's just like IG-88 and a literal clone of Yoda.

>a protag whose just like Boba Fett, a sidekick who's just like IG-88 and a literal clone of Yoda.
Confirmed for not watching the show.
There is so much wrong in that sentence alone, I'm not even going to bother.

Mando is nothing like Boba, that's the entire point of the series lol

I'll assume something big must happen in the last two episodes that changes Mando's character entirely from before that, because for most of the series he's literally just paletteswap Boba.

Boba Fett is a poser asshole that isn't even a Mandalorian. What's more he has no conscious or honor as a warrior.
He's a glorified cosplayer and a little bitch.
Din Darjin is a stout follower of the Way, with a strong moral core.
He's a righteous dude.

But that's Canon.

>Judging a character from 30 years ago according to lore laid down within the last 12 months
>still goes onto forums to bitch about how Disney ruined SW canon

I'll just never understand how The Mandalorian did all the same things all of Disneywars does, and yet didn't get any stick for it. Maybe because it pandered to the kind of dudebro who only likes Star Wars for the Mandalorians and Grey Jedi and shit like that.

>it doesn't just tread ground that the movies already covered.
user, they go back to Tatooine. They quite literally tread the same ground as the OT.

It's fine to enjoy, but stop acting like they did anything groundbreaking.

user, the good guys were led by people like holdo
No wonder people would want to take over

>according to lore laid down within the last 12 months
Boba was a punk bitch in the original films. He literally died to a blind dude on accident.
Then in the prequels he's a whiny child.
Then in TCW he's a whiny teenager.

None of this shit is from the past 12 months.

Your fault for pissing on the prequels

Can you talk like you're not a 14-year-old raising tired points from a CinemaSins video?

>I have no response
So what exactly do you think changed in the past 12 months to Boba Fett?

This utter lack of reading comprehension is breathtaking.
>>Of course it's far from original. It's Star Wars. But at least it takes the familiar toys and plays a different game with them.
>It's fine to enjoy, but stop acting like they did anything groundbreaking.
Are you literally stupid?

Take the whole line back to formula

They didn't play a different game with them though. It's the same game that's been played a bunch of times in SW, only now with Baby Yoda.

There's nothing wrong with that - just call it what it is.

I was talking in relation to live action content.
I don't give a shit if it's somehow derivative of some comic, novel, plastic toy or toaster oven with the Star Wars name on it.
It's not a story about Jedi vs. Sith, it doesn't have a Death Star or a full-blown war.

But if that's the criteria, I guess you got me. Because every story ever told has been rebranded with Star Wars in one form or another. But it wasn't the thing I was getting at.