Steven Universe

How come he never actually attended school?

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He was homeschooled.

He's a brainlet like all the su spammers

His fatass would've been stuffed in the locker by the band geeks.

He doesn't have a birth certificate, SS number, or any record of his citizenship. If he went to public school, Greg would've lost custody while filing.

Ahahahaha. You don't know anything about this show do you user. They would've broken their arms trying.

While I doubt he would fight back and hurt the kids, a public school locker is not gonna be sturdy enough to hold Steven.
Not that he'd fit in one to being with.

lesbians are usually terrible mothers

He tries out going to school in one of the comics, doesn't he?

>Steven Universe
>Being manhandled by human students
Are you braindead?

Good thing he had a bunch of extras to pick up the slack.

Yeah but I'm not sure if that's canon

Was too dangerous for the other kids. Greg and the Gems had no idea what Steven's powers were, he could have exploded in the middle of recess for all they knew.

He'd get bullied for his faggy naive, loud and upbeat nature. He'd be a minor hit with chicks who tolerate him but an absolute whipping bitch for dudes. It would never end either.

Would make for good comedy all the same though.

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>it takes a village
The poor kid had no positive male role model, explains alot about him.

fuck I really wanna see Eddy bullying the shit out of Steven

Sure he does he has...the fat balding retard who owns a car wash with a voice that wouldn't scare a mouse, ditched college doesn't do anything for him medically and lives in a van.

Thats the best role model he could have!

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Eddy is a fucking pussy who gets shit on by every other kid in the cul-de-sac. The moment he started up Garnet would step in and knock him over the horizon.

Bullying all has to do with the state of mind not the physical capability

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Even Eddy is less of a pussy than Steven
>The moment he started up Garnet would step in and knock him over the horizon.
mommy fighting your battles doesn't make you less of a pussy

Eddy would get in snide remarks like he does with everybody, but Eddy would fucking love Steven, because Steven would think Eddy's as cool as Eddy does.
The only friction between them would be from Eddy trying to convince him to use his powers for scams.

Greg's got him covered, and even on top of that Garnet fills the role of a typical father figure pretty well.

Steven - lazy fuck that gets everything handed to him, and always gets what he wants
Eddy - hard worker that tries to make it in the world, only for it to shit on him

I just realized how different Eddy and Steven are

Greg is the least manly dad I have ever seen

>Greg is the least manly dad I have ever seen
And man, how fucking based he is because of it.

>stuffed in the locker
>state of mind
Oh, so you are braindead.

Can confirm this.

t. former high school bully

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All the Edds get shit on but theres moments where he talks shit and gets physical with Kevin and Sarah. Hes also ballsy and doesn't quit even with the odds against him.
>Garnet doing anything to characters with fucking Toon Force
You SU fags get more delusional everyday.

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so based

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You guys throw around based so much its lost all meaning and is just another worthless buzzword.

Being unable to provide for your child and letting him be raised by women who are all emotionally unstable war criminals is not "based".

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Eddy constantly tries to bypass actually achieving anything through scams. Steven at least had to train to use his powers without any shortcuts.

Do you know how much work he puts into his "scams". Hell most of these "scams" are actually fun things that just go wrong.

And? Eddy lets Double D do the actual work while he collects the money. No doubt Ed is the one who does all the heavy lifting too.

>Hell most of these "scams" are actually fun things that just go wrong.
Yeah that's what I always noticed. Sometimes they were hacks but most of the time they were legitimate goods and services that just go wrong due to hijinks

Eddy is like the CEO, he comes up with the plans while the muscle and brains make it happen

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This is now an Ed Edd N Eddy thread! A CELEBRATION I SAY!

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>Bright-eye'd kid with a dream who left it all behind to take to the road and make it as a rockstar
>Seduced a magical alien queen so powerfully he stole her from her gay lover, who had already seduced her so powerfully that she gave up her nobility.
>Worked hard at his 9-5 job while raising his son as a single father, making enough to provide his son with food, clothes, a home, and all the best video games despite how often those things were destroyed.
>Despite later becoming a millionaire he still kept up his carwash job because he provided a service to the community.
Mr. Universe is in the top percentage of cartoon dads.

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>Being unable to provide for your child
In what way?

Dangerously based!

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>You guys throw around based so much its lost all meaning and is just another worthless buzzword.
Funny, that how I feel about "pussy"

Stevens never been to a doctor. He has no social security number. No insurance. He has no regular education. He has never interacted with people outside BC who all coddle and adore him just for being that "special kid." He has no real social life with other children and teens outside Connie who is stunted in her own way. For some reason teenagers tolerate him in all of this which is unrealistic even by this shows standards.

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>>Bright-eye'd kid with a dream who left it all behind to take to the road and make it as a rockstar
he was another mans bitch during that entire thing
>>Seduced a magical alien queen so powerfully he stole her from her gay lover, who had already seduced her so powerfully that she gave up her nobility.
he managed to bang a fat chick, so manly
>>Worked hard at his 9-5 job while raising his son as a single father, making enough to provide his son with food, clothes, a home, and all the best video games despite how often those things were destroyed.
pretty sure his son is being raised by 3 lesbians and doesn't even attend school. He's a shit father.
>>Despite later becoming a millionaire he still kept up his carwash job because he provided a service to the community.
he could hire someone to do it and then run some charities or something, or maybe get off his ass and raise his son like a real man.

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>he was another mans bitch during that entire thing
He wasn't, as soon as Marty tried to force him to do things his way he fired him.
>he managed to bang a fat chick, so manly
>pretty sure his son is being raised by 3 lesbians and doesn't even attend school.
FOUR aliens, and himself. Pearl teaches him everything he needs to know based on a personalized lesson plan, and Greg teaches him anything he needs to know about human stuff.
>he could hire someone to do it and then run some charities or something
He can't there's a shortage of workers in beach City. The arcade manager the entire pier himself and it took the donut shop over a week to find one new employee.
>maybe get off his ass and raise his son like a real man.
He is literally there for him in every way whenever he needs him.

>Stevens never been to a doctor.
The first time he needed one he was taken to one.
>He has no regular education. He has never interacted with people outside BC who all coddle and adore him just for being that "special kid."
>For some reason teenagers tolerate him in all of this which is unrealistic even by this shows standards.
Weird way of saying that people like him.


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>The first time he needed one he was taken to one.
You're retarded. You don't NEED to be taken to a doctor to see one on a regular. This also includes dentists and hes a fat little fuck who eats tons of sugar and snacks.
>Weird way of saying that people like him.
They like him in the same way kids adore a small puppy or a special needs child. Hes stunted and adorable on a surface value, but many people shouldnt tolerate him on age and maturity alone.

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>many people shouldnt tolerate him on age and maturity alone.
Well, he's never done anything wrong so literally everyone should tolerate him for no reason whatsoever.

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>Steven gets taken to his monthly check-up
"Mmhmm, mmhmm, looks good, ah yes well, by all rules of recorded medical science you should be dead already. I have no idea how your physiology works and, being the first of your kind, neither does anyone else sooooo... See y'all next month I guess."

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Don't need too.


>They would've broken their arms trying.
Yeah, broken their arms trying to lift Stephen's lard filled body.

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steven is very muscular for a boy his age

Did Steven ever figure out how to make himself heavier or can he just go lighter still?

Because he’s a magical hybrid being who is probably the first of his kind and for whom no human knowledge would ever apply.

I don’t think his weight changes. He just floats.

No, he's mostly soft fat. He just has super-strength. Which way be a big factor in why he's chubby since his muscles barely have to do anything during his daily life.

Horse shit.

This is the world where a profession Doc tried to treat a walking force fusion abomination as a human she could treat.

They live in a world of wild weird shit that they just kinda learned to hand wave away, Greg and Rose coulda easily had Steven in a hospital.

Greg never had custody though

Damn it eddyposter, I can actually hear his voice in my head every time I read one of your posts

You're thinking of Mass. To float you must be weightless (or at least lighter than air). Weight is just how much gravity is effecting your mass. Gems naturally adjust their personal gravity, Pink's floating is just a stronger version of that.

The weird magical beasts wandering the planet have been here much longer than Mankind. They've always been normal for them throughout history.