Are you sad Yas Forums?

Are you sad Yas Forums?

Attached: Sinfest_Sad.jpg (1250x385, 146.89K)

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I have no idea what these people expect if they're constantly shitting on other people and then those people in turn hate them. It's like they're blind, or maybe they want a fight because in their heads they're always justified.

no because I make $203k a year, go to the gym every day, play video games at night and read comic books on the weekend

i'm not a big faggot loser, suck my dick jannies

This but poor, fit, like to draw and watch cartoons.

incel is cute, if only he had dated brown men instead of wh*te w*men none of this would have happened...

Attached: 600px-SAD[1].jpg (600x600, 140.83K)

They always wanted to be the bullies, and the media was happy to give them a target

>depression from failure to find romance and thus must escape through self-pleasure
>depression from inability to meet societal standards of masculinity and strength
>depression from overcompensating in meeting society's standards of masculinity

This IS a tragedy, as our main character is flawed in that he is unable to recognize his own strengths and unique abilities and instead compares his failures and inadequacies to how the greater world around him claims he must become in order to be recognized.

is the joke that he turns into nerd duke nukem

Did this actually start out good and get way way worse or did I leave my nostalgia goggles on?

Some weird projecting there

Nope. There's always someone like you in every thread, and the answer is always the same: Sinfest used to be good. Now it's not.

And it truly is disheartening just how far it's fallen.

So are you saying society creates their own monsters to fight and the only way to fight back is to not let them turn you into a monster?

It's like society itself is like the FBI trying to honeypot criminals.

And yet you're here shitposting on an anonymous Taiwanese erotic animated doodles forum with the rest of us losers.

Attached: Where do you think we are.webm (720x480, 916.42K)

>Sinfest used to be good.
I disagree, it was way too similar to Calvin & Hobbes, it's okay to be influenced but the guy art style, comics, jokes and even designs were all nearly identical to Bill Watterson.

and is that supposed to make me feel bad? kek

Tragedy is a part of life. Inescapable from our reality. Someone will always slip through the cracks, filled with pain and loathing till they explode outward on the world around them, or quietly snuff themselves out.

You can blame the individual, you can blame society, but it doesn't really matter. It happened before and will again until the end of time, regardless of who is at fault or if there is even fault to be had.

So stop being a fag.

I love how the standard response to problems in society now is to just insult insult people instead of actually offering any reasons WHY people become the way they do or suggest any solutions.

it would be nice if people didn't act as though it is impossible to reduce the number of people slipping through the cracks.

I'm too tired to feel sad

And forget having any empathy for people if they fit into a group you're against. Don't think about their individual circumstances at all.

Oh, I don't think you're wrong. I just think stuff like the op pic is just as bad/sad as the villains they purport to hate.

As bad as incels are, they aren't the scourge of society anymore than and other sad individuals who were dealt a bad hand at life.

What gets me is that how incels, a group of people who aren't even organised, gets more hate from society lately than genuinely organised terrorist groups.

>hating on people with legit issues that society ignores or paint it as a nothing burger
This is why I will never support liberals. Living hypocrites.

Because this comic is an outlet for someone who is technically an incel in denial. He'a doing this to prevent himself from the truth that he's just as bad as his critica are.

I wouldn't say I'm sad, sure I'm not happy, but not sad.
Just indifferent, which is far worse I feel.

Along with the other uses of the word, people just use incel the same way as they used to use virgin as an insult. Except now they can act like they're being righteous by attacking evil incels.

So what you're saying is KILL THEM ALL, RIP AND TEAR TILL ITS DONE!

congratulations, its good to see some anons actually make it in life

success is subjective, you only need to be above average for your community to feel successful
unless you have some sorth of disorder

Lmao,does the author really think that a regular no life nerd will simply choose to kill several random people and then be brutally murdered because he's "sad"?

Those guys were mentally ill and needed professional help, and yeah I'm sure shaming those crazy fuckers fueled by victim complex even more will surelly make less of them show up, they ended up like that because unlike healthy people shaming didn't helped at all because they were too autistic or insane to learn through the usual method.

Congrats, the only way to get revenge is to prove society wrong is through achieving your goals and self improvement. Also, to call them all nigger faggot kikes on the way up to.

>arm chair psychology
KYS faggot

The guy making the comic isn't exactly the model of mental health. It's ceazy condemning other crazies.

He's saying that SOCIETY is the monster

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this is the reason why we actually love shooters
reading about elliots life, the mails he wrote to his family and the way he spoke about his shortcomings and his pain (when you go past the self aggrandizing inferiority complex) is facinating, a lot of what he wrote is just trying to be edgy but there is also parts that show he was disturbed,, like spending thousands of dollars in lottery tickets because millions of dollars are the only thing that could possibly fix him and this is normal thinking, nothing wierd about it, this is not a clear sign that you need therapy.

derivative =/= bad

>saying that mass shooters are mentally ill is arm chair psychology
>saying that mentally ill individuals need professional help if arm chair psychology
Are you retarded?

>I love how the standard response to problems in society now

funny thingis he thinks this is commentary on incels when the only thing he is communicating is i dont have any empathy for these people

>copying every single thing from another person is not bad
It is. Those guy jokes were mostly variations of Watterson ones.

>copying every single thing from another person
it definetly didnt do that
it borrows heavily from c&h but the theme is adult oriented, the world is fantastic with allegories to heaven, hell and religion, it has both a male and female protagonist who each deal with male and female issues both general and personal, it has lots of interesting secondary characters which at the very least have a fun gimmick that doesnt get old, one of which is the author himself(who hasnt shown up a lot in the last years and i dont think its by accident) who interacts with his own comic by the introduction of the reality zone that is a clever way of breaking the fourth wall
it is it own thing and it did very interesting things

All those things happen at C&H except that their fantastic elements are always inside Calvin imagination (but often portrayed as something real not straight up showing that everything is imagined to the reader)

There is entire strips that are literally stolen jokes from C&H but with minor changes("I sex you" is a rip off of the strip where Calvin is playing house with Susie), sorry but Tatsuya is a hack.

At least the second panel can be cropped and re-purposed.

>ll those things happen at C&H
no they dont
>except that their fantastic elements are always inside Calvin imagination
those are very different
calvin imagination is whild and exaggerates things while in sinfest its a common and unusual thing
>There is entire strips that are literally stolen jokes
it doesnt have a lot of jokes
most of the actual humor comes from slick wanting to get laid or complaining about women and squigley being a pothead.
I totally missed the sex and drugs jokes on calvin and hobbes

I remember a time I use to enjoy the satire of Sinfest. That was nearly 20 years ago.

it was good then went to absolute shit then it became good again when tatsuya started dabbing on autogynephiles

This guy draws the sexiest women in webcomics, prove me wrong.

Sorta? But that's more annoying. I know I don't have much reason to be depressed, but I am anyway, and it ticks me off, which only makes me feel worse. Depression sucks.

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Your not wrong.

Attached: Sinfest_Devil'nique.gif (740x1307, 303.92K)

You could replace "incel" with pretty much anything, but I think what fits best is "Tatsuya Ishida"

I prefer PCC. Shame the guy just disappeared back in '06

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This has always been the standard, the only difference is WHO society targets. At the moment "incels" are the new scapegoat.

Yeah, because even before the virus shit happened, I couldn't find work in anything beyond a minimum wage job, which now I don't have either.

White boys have a lot of access to solutions so the ones who don't seek any out don't get a lot of sympathy.

UBI soon, fellow stalker.

What utter crap. Your race doesn't determine your social or economic standing or your mental state and ability to seek help.

>this is what br*wnoids actually believe
You'll never understand

Oddly, Tatsuya Ishida himself makes me think of this short story.

Attached: goblins sad response.png (279x231, 72.78K)

>nuh uh no we don't
Yes you do you just never bothered.
Even public schools have councilors.
And then you grow up and vote against public health care and then complain you can't get therapy or some shit. You're self-victimizing lunatics.

>advocate not treating people differently because of their race
>automatically presume I'm a right wing 'murrican
I'm actually neither m8, I just think it's pretty awful to dismiss people who need mental help because they're a certain race or gender. If even public schools have councillors, what's limiting the non-white, non-male kids' access to that same help? Do you think only white boys go to school?