The costume still looks like shit
The costume still looks like shit
It looks like Miles's costume
And superior spider-man's, and Scarlet Spider's. It's so unoriginal.
>Costume gives Jess her tits back
>Comic makes it clear she's going to switch between this one and her classic one
>People still hate it
It's like you guys just hate change
Can't stop thinking Land when I see this artwork, even though I know its not him.
Also, does the current Marvel staff really not know how little she has to do with Spider-man? Outside of that Spider-verse nonsense they have nothing to do with one another, why give her a costume that straight up rips off his aesthetic...?
What if I took your favorite shirt and painted the back of it red and black?
How that change for you??
>It's like you guys just hate change
I still want to know what the logic behind this design is. She's not even remotely Spider-Man adjacent, and yet the costume suggests otherwise. Is this like a thing where they're doing preemptive synergy, and this is the suit they're using for a movie to trick casuals into thinking Jess and Peter are connected?
I though this was nightwing with Future hair
What's the point of this red and black costume then?
It looks like one can version of a gender swapped miles, like the fucking spitting image.
I don’t hate it, I just don’t care about Jessica. Julia carpenter was more interesting Mattie Franklin was more interesting Mayday is just plain better. The only thing Jessica drew has is her potential lesbian connection to carol and marvel shot that shit down completely with carol becoming captain marvel
That yuri shit wasn't going to make either of them more interesting. They should just give Silk another book
I like it
Yeah color scheme sucks. Hopefully it'll be gone for good once she realizes it's bugged and being used to spy on her.
The black hair really stands out in the old costume against the red, in the new it just sinks into all the black of the new suit. This new suit would only make sense of she was Superior Spidey's gf or something, very similar scheme.
>The only thing Jessica drew has is her potential lesbian connection to carol
dumb yurifag
I still can't believe that this art isn't Land
I still believe
>They should just give Silk another book
They are.
Like how Peter's black costume was influenced by seeing Julia's Spider-Woman costume.
Spider-people just can't help but rip each other off.
now i understand why this look like a trash!!!
they put this pathetic artist to recreate a more perfect female suit from Marvel?
She's low on cash and is going to be wearing it when doing merc work. But it's also tracking her location and biometrics because a villain was waiting for her to start wearing it.
It's not a permanent costume change.
> Can't stop thinking Land when I see this artwork, even though I know its not him.
Your a fucking idiot then. This artist if 100 times better and doesn't trace.
Spider-Girl/Mayday and the hispanic spider with the mystic shit going on for her were more interesting.
Spider-Woman just seems to be eh to zzz.
Black latex full-body suit. I ain't complainin'
It was designed by Dave Johnson you fucking retard.
Spiderwoman has never had a good costume. It's funny.
Oh, I don't know...
I don't like the way her hair merges with the costume. Also i don't know why Miles' costume works and this one doesn't.
I think it's the triangles.
Jess also had her costume back for months and literally no one gave a crap. Those complains are ony made to bait.
Not that the new costume is going to be permanent anyways.
Truth. I'm yet to see a thread celebrating Elektra being back to her old costume
Too bad she's dressed up as Carmen Sandiego these days.
Fine too
Has she even been in anything since that random issue of Waid's daredevil?
She's a shit character so...
Eating pussy doesn't make trash good trash.
Why do loser legbeards equate who or what someone is fucking with an interesting character trait.
It’s high time she ditch the spider gimmick in favor of poison frogs
So good and 8nstantly iconic that they have it to spiderman then venom.
But then sweater puppies
>muh feminist characters
Then why is Spiderwoman showing her mouth and hair and not covering up her whole face like Spider-Man? Isn't it contradictive if the female versions has to look somewhat sexy or beautiful?
black bodytight suits are appealing but it also needs to have a Spider aesthetic
Why is Yas Forums so retarded
Like what is bad in these pictures from an artistic perspective
And it's hot as fuck
What I think is most flabbergasting about the design it's that they just took Miles' costume and made it worse
It reminds of shit ICS has drawn
Spider woman was never a feminist character faggot.
The guck is it eith you people and calling women of any type feminist. Feminist is so hated that it's a fucking cutseword.
Yas Forums infects everything eventually. Kinda like a certain virus.
The modern Marvel approach clearly is feminist, you fucking asshole
You damn well know the re-launch will be full of Spiderwoman putting men in their place both verbally and by overuse of violence
No matter the origin of the character, the re-launch is motivated by muh feminism
I don't wear my favorite shirt everyday and I doubt you do either.
It's not even a replacement, it's a second costume.
How exactly is it "feminist"? If you're going to say that she's "covered up", then newsflash, she has ALWAYS wore a full body suit. And if you're going to say her tits are smaller somehow, then... Are you actually looking at OP's pic?
No really, how the fuck is it feminist? It's a black, form-fitting outfit.
Imbecile, the first issue is already out and anyone can read it, you look really stupid saying shit like this when we know it didn't happen.
Cause they updated the costume but didn't have her cover her full face, cause female characters always have to look beautiful, fucking retard
Having her coverup her whole face like Spidergirl would from a feminist perspective make her Spiderman's eqyal
Why is every male Spider-Man copy covering their full face, when every version of the female ones, except Spudergirl, always have to expose their hair and mouth with lipstick? You know why, for the same reason Batgirl or Batwoman has to expose their hair, cause female characters has to look beautiful, which means Marvel don't treat their male and female characters equally and both want to have the cake and eat it
Are you some kind of moron?
>Having her coverup her whole face like Spidergirl would from a feminist perspective make her Spiderman's eqyal
So... Let me see if I get this: it's a feminist costume because it didn't cover her face, just like the previous iterations of the character's costume? What the fuck is this shit?
And why wouldn't they want them to look good? Just... What?
Am I being dense or what? Because this shit makes no sense. You just want her to be a Spidergirl clone? What's feminist about this?
And Miles's costume looks like Peter's costume
Well that's the whole point when you originally was suppose to replace a dead Peter of your universe.
No, you asshole
It's not the classic costume, it's an updated version, but they didn't give it a full covered face
The honest feminist approach would be to have her face fully covered, just like the Spidermen always do
Change is not synonymous with good.
Neither of the spider women have ties to Spider-man. Why forcing a connection?
>but they didn't give it a full covered face
And why would they? It's not how it originally was.
>The honest feminist approach would be to have her face fully covered
Why the fuck? This makes absolutely no sense, holy shit. And this is you admitting it's not a feminist costume anyway, so why the hell would you claim it was in first place?
And furthermore why covering her face would suddenly turn her into a feminist? "Equality"? That's not how it works! That's not how any of this works.