Sklyaworld has closed due to COVID-19 :-(
Sklyaworld has closed due to COVID-19 :-(
Who's your favourite Skyla? Mine is Skyla.
Skyla is fine, but Skyla is weird
>he wrote SkylaWORD and posted it
How will he ever recover?!
But I wanted to try a Skylafel from the food court....
He doesn't know English, user.
This looks terrifying. Imagine being 6 and lost in there.
user Skyla has the mentality of a 6 year old. There are no less than 24 lost Skylas in Skylaworld at any given time
>"Will Skyla come to the ticket booth to pick up Skyla?"
>24 lost Skylas.
But user, there are only 20 Skylas in the park, how is this even possible?
work on your art, OP
Some of them got lost so hard they got lost twice
I'm going by the poorly drawn graph at the security center. Skylalgebra needs more work
Something about this one unnerves me
Skyla is two seconds away from crying because she doesn't have ice cream.
So what's the appeal of this character? That she's cute but retarded?
Friendship powers
She's ambiguously black-ish and easy to take advantage of.
Yas Forumsmblr types can lust after her while pretending they're not racist, and even if she's mentally a child it's okay because she's an adult (according to the artist).
Waifu bait for someone right of center enough to bitch about people being too PC but not right enough to want an ethnostate.
So, normal?
When are Skyla and the white guy gonna hook up?
It's for people who hate black people but are afraid to admit that they hate black people. They can point to a lobotomized, brain-damaged fictional character and say "See? I don't dislike ALL black people!"
Seeing as those types usually gravitate towards posting on Reddit all the time about it, no. But nothing is normal in the illusion the demiurge has wrought.
>Why do people like the delicious brown genki girl?
Do you think Skyla's mom envies her straight hair?
You guys think the demiurge would give good head?
it is WORLD
So it's basically the United States of Amerimutt?
Thanks for the negative reinforcement.
>At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
>And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
>And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Skyla is innocent and good to the point she never believes ill of anybody or treats anybody badly. The way Sklya treats people is the way we all wish we could be treated. Skyla's happiness in innocent pursuits and genuine empathy for others is something we wish we were all able to feel. But we're all too cynical and too aware for our own good. Skyla isn't. And she's happy, and makes other people happy.
Skyla is the antithesis of the jaded, hateful, cynical times we live in. SkylaWorld is literally heaven where everyone behaves like Skyla, because only someone like Skyla would be able to get in.
Is Skyla contagious? What should I do if I contract Skyla?
oh god, it's the opposite of clownworld.
>What should I do if I contract Skyla?
Enjoy your final moments.
Whites are obsessed with her because she btfo's Yas Forumsfags. That's it.
Imagine getting surroynded by Skylas haha
With those two sharp fangs, I wouldn't risk it. The tail might have some good uses, however...
To be fair I could see Skyla making that very mistake.
just ONE thread. one thread where nobody posts a webm of someone dying
>Skyla is innocent and good to the point she never believes ill of anybody or treats anybody badly.
Except furries. So when Skyla is nice to Nazis, it's not because Skyla is nice to everybody. It's because it's a pro-Nazi comic.
>some are just lost
>others are now lost in both space and time.
Skyla can tell when people have disturbing sexual desires and gets them taken away so they can't hurt anyone and can get the help they need.
>the appeal of this character
The author posts his own comic on Yas Forums over and over. If you point it out the mod runs damage control and bans you. This site is used chiefly for advertising if you pay right. My reply will be deleted too for pointing this out.
I'd rather hang with nazis then furries.
>Nazi cover ups his nazi tattoos because he met Skyla
>it's a pro-Nazi comic
Using Nazis in your comedy doesn't make something pro-Nazi. Most of the time they're the butt of jokes. I think what actually makes you uncomfortable about it is the idea people with different political opinions aren't inhuman monsters.
>This site is used chiefly for advertising if you pay right
What kind of retard actually pays for advertising on Yas Forums(nel)?
I'm pretty sure most people here pirate their media and have a limited supply of NEETbux for physical goods
Your post will be deleted for having dox in your image and criticising the mods, which is in fact a rule m8.
Is it really so hard for you to believe people post things on Yas Forums because they enjoy and want to discuss them? Why does it have to be a conspiracy? Are ALL the webcomic threads that get posted regularly shilling, or just people who read them wanting to talk about them?
pero vos sos loco viteh
>Is it really so hard for you to believe people post things on Yas Forums because they enjoy and want to discuss them?
Reminds me of this post from a previous thread
not him but 95% sure it's shilling tbchwy famalamia
1. Nothing happens with this comic to arouse organic interest, its just a stereotype genki pixie girl painted nigger. Its also made by a brony.
2. Mods are fags and I would personally meet every single one in their gay bar NYC get together and tell them so. Every rule enforcement fatty on this website can deepthroat me for nine thousand years straight.
But the Nazi isn't a Nazi anymore because of Skyla.
>greta.gif straight from fucking Yas Forums
And anons said Yas Forums were the ones making skyla threads.
>Yas Forums(nel)
>enjoying things
I wish just once we could have a Skyla thread without everyone fighting
That’s not nice
This is the internet, user. Butting heads is what we do.
Think dialectics but without really getting anywhere.
based schizo
>being universally friendly means that someone is lobotomized or brain damaged
that doesnt sound very nice, user
A black woman who isn't morbidly obese or have a bad attitude. Like an Asian woman with huge tits, it's a rare but welcome sight.
>faggoty shitthrowing in the Skyla thread again
Can we noooot?
So you don't like it because the mixed race girl is a nice and kind person. What comics and cartoons DO you enjoy Yas Forums?
how did this autistic black girl become a Yas Forums waifu sweetheart?
I dont watch Jew shit or read Jew shit, I literally only come here to piss on people like you for enjoying it.