Remember when Lisa abandoned Christianity entirely for faux-California Buddhism because of one corrupt small town...

Remember when Lisa abandoned Christianity entirely for faux-California Buddhism because of one corrupt small town church?

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I remember Marge being a bitch about Homer and Bart becoming Catholic.

That's just about ever Buddhist I've ever met.

How come when Homer left Christianity he was in the wrong, but when Lisa did it she was in the right?

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Stupid bitch was too attached to what she thought being a Buddhist was, she was destined to fail.

The writer (Bill Freiberger) claimed his original draft script was 72 pages or something. Jesus fuck, did he think he was writing a movie?

I don't remember many zombie episodes

Remember when she permanently became a vegetarian just to suck off the worst Beatle?

>Mouthpiece for hollywood type follows the hollywood religion (Or at least, what was the hollywood religion back then)
how surprising
There's two types of people who like Lisa, those who like her being a mouthpiece and those who want to see her feet.

Member when Bart got bit by tiger

>forced widescreen

Of course

You know, I used to think smart girls like Lisa would be the ideal mate but then I realized you may as well be asking for a boyfriend. Smart women are just a man without any of a man's more useful traits.

yeah the dumb girl is happy to play housewife and not question you. the "intelligent" wife you speak of just means you're getting with Lisa and that would get real old real fast.

Lisa is a professional annoyer, I'm surprised she didn't become an atheist.

>wanting to be with someone just to feel superior to them


What you're saying is you're attracted to men

That's fine user, just get a boyfriend, who is stopping you?

That's modern women.

upcoming Season 32 episode: Lisa the Fedora

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How about wanting to be with someone so they feel superior to you?

Shut up Boco

That's not quite the same thing, but...

Yes sir...

(Thats the stuff...)

Everyone's got to figure out their spiritual beliefs in their own way.
Maybe she won't stick with Buddhism. Maybe she'll go atheist or agnostic. Or maybe she studies it and gains a deeper appreciation for its morals and philosophy.
People change and learn as they encounter more of the world.
He wasn't.

I found that episode very racist, in the noble savage way.

Your slow-witted humptoy will be more burden in the long run.

I found it interesting the only Buddhists in the episode where western new age Buddhists

This episode really shows how much of a shallow cunt Lisa is. And don't give me that "she's 8" nonsense either, because she's not written like an 8 year old. How is Lisa a terrible person here? Because she doesn't give a damn about spirituality or finding peace with one's creator. No, this is all just a song and dance so Lisa can wag her finger at Springfield. She writes off THE ENTIRETY OF CHRISTIANITY, because her local church had to sell out to stay open. So we've established this was never about faith to her, it's about making herself feel good and superior to others. If her family followed any other faith, she'd jump ship just the same for petty reasons.

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>People change and learn

Not on The Simpsons they don't

>one corrupt small town church
One corrupt small town church implies thousands of corrupt Churches that are not being held accountable.

And that's ignoring Megachurchs and Large Denominations such as Catholicism.

Agnostics are worse.
Pick a fucking side.
>no evidence of god ever in the entirety of human existence other than some dubious folk stories on papyrus and clay tablets
>the afterlife is an impossible fantasy
>with every passing year science advances more, with no proof that any religion is correct
>"But gee golly maybe we just haven't found it yet!"
Time to call it.
God is dead.

Atheists are narcissists who think they're the God of their own private world

cope christfag
Jesus is a dead human and nothing more

cope. atheists are just low iq agnostics

It's threads like these that remind me that most Yas Forums users are Tumblr trannies that want to use this board as their own personal soapbox.

You see why people consider Atheists fucking assholes?
How the fuck do you figure that?

>Asks that question in the thread of people actually defending the completely horribly unlikable character that is Lisa Simpson, and then screaming about Christians/Catholics and how God isn't real

I chalk it up as shitposting.

Homer left the church just so he could be a lazy ass.

Lisa left because Lovejoy sold out the soul of the church and it no longer offered her spiritual comfort and growth


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>the religion is corrupt because my local church has lost it's way
sounds like Lisa has a very black and white view of the world

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There's no other church in Springfield.

The moment that killed Lisa’s character.

Just stating the facts.
We can't even be sure that Jesus existed at all.
All we've got are a couple stories about his childhood, then a gap of 20+ years, and a few more stories about the last few years of his life. Those would have circulated by word of mouth by hundreds of people, changing a little each time. Then the stories were collected and written down decades and in some cases centuries after his supposed life. Were the stories about his early life and later life even about the same person? And those were edited and selected from multiple versions of the contemporary stories to fit a coherent narrative at meetings of church elders.

Stripping away all the big ideas about god and the afterlife, the basic story of Jesus' life has been altered so much that we can't be sure ANY of it really happened.

why does she even need a church, why can't she just read the bible at home. I'm not a christian so maybe i'm missing something about the religion.

Along with all the jokes Lovejoy makes about Catholics

I remeber that she outed herself as a wishy washy and disingunuous at the idea of giving up christmas

She can. Easily. Plenty do it that way in America for her exact reason.

She's 8.

Burns buying Springfield Presbylutheran Church created a spiritual void in Lisa that she later filled after becoming acquainted with (an admittedly theme-park version of) Buddhism.

I honestly don't see how people consider this strange - Jesus and Buddha mostly said the same stuff anyway...

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Translations are worthless. Only original texts can be considered source material.
I am genuinely interested in the history of literature, but this graph is extremely biased.
Looking up some of those supposed thousands of original Greek documents shows a range of dates spread over centuries. Well past the lifespan of anyone in 33 AD

Changing religion for one church selling out is beyond retarded considering every organized religion is full of douchebags, no exception. It's just too much power over the masses. Buddhism has a history of abuse, child rape, murder and war that can even overshadow Christianiaty

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Should she instead be christian because of a corrupt small town church? She was only christian in the first place because she happened to be born into a christian family, that goes to that church. If that church is why her parents are christians, and if her parents being christians is why she's a christian, doesn't that give cause to reassess your beliefs?

Why do people pretend religion has redeeming qualities again?

This was the episode where Homer became a better parent to Lisa than Marge and it's been that way ever since.

He clearly wasn't wrong there and, when you think about that episode, it makes his actions in She of Little Faith take on an entirely different tone. His comments about her growing out of it were just to placate Marge.

Atheist here, can't we just get along? if I die and I was wrong I am going to hell, if you die and you were wrong you either disappear or go to the "one true" religion's hell due to a technicality anyway.

I went to catholic school for a year, a family called the lovejoys would help me get a rid there since they also went there. It was terrible, this tomboy developed a massive crush on me because I looked like her old boyfriend. It was 7th grade so it was weird she was such a horndog, but I think that's just because tomboys are High-Test.

Christians donate more to charity than any other group in the world, including billionaires.
>Buh its misspent
Then that sounds like a problem for the guys getting money, not the people who think they're donating to a good cause, is it?

I am not even religious and I have read in most representations of Jesus that he always encouraged people to accept God first and not to worry too much about how temples are just buildings.

Its more than that, the 2017 study found that the more religious you are, the more likely you are to give.
>“Religious affiliation really matters,” Mr. King said. “Someone with a religious affiliation was more than two times more generous than someone without a religious affiliation. And among those with a religious affiliation, religious intensity really matters. Those who attend services were much more likely to give, whether it’s monthly or weekly. We really see the connection grow with continued involvement in a religious community.”

What the fuck I love child abuse now

Explains why you watch stuff made in hollywood or in california in general, I guess?

Remember when they sold the old feed and seed?