Good evening owls,
we still here
Good evening owls,
we still here
sorry, it's all feels tonight
Hello, Storyteller.
So I found out the other day that D&D has no functional means of playing as a dragon, and I am unreasonably upset by this. And don't any of you dare mention half dragons, because fuck you.
Anyway, how's everyone holding up?
More fucking tornadoes in my area, fuck Texas
oh cool sad issues
helloo everyone. stay safe
I got a flowerbed built
also god, this issue right now, kinda hard going
It’s snowing like crazy here in Northern CO, but yeah, I agree fuck Texas.
It's easy for us to forget that it's still actually winter in the northern states
My local hospital looks more futuristic than this. Also js she convalescing in a gymnasium?
We've got a few hours to go before the equinox.
It was 65f yesterday afternoon. We forgot it was winter too. I libve about 100 yards from the eastern slope, weather can drastically shift in an hour or two. I have a sweet view, though.
>founding member is dying from attack by her own tortured baby
>wacky hijinks involving cliche "Just ask for directions." shenanigans
Dat tonal whiplash though. Oof.
you, cut that out >:(
my bluebonnets are amazing
>No matter, Dox knows what he's doing.
No he doesn't.
I'm so excited to get to that one Annual
Ah, so it's just Ishtar returning from Kur to engulf us once more in the feminine mystery, relieving us from the weight of An's knowledge.
Yes I've been reading Promethea, why do you ask?
we should read Promethea
BTW, as soon as I get lucky and they finally shut work all the way down, it's a storytime orgy every night
I was gonna post it as soon as the third deluxe edition releases, but I would equally love to read it with owls. I have some commentary I can give!
Also, they finally shut down the campus where I work... except for "critical" functions, such as mine. But I'll take it since I'm basically paid to do literally nothing but read.
>storytime orgy
... Even if I wasn't celibate, I do not feel that way about any of you.
we've been operations, to be vague, but I think we may well shutter that by tomorrow
Y'all owls are hot desu
we're all robofuckers already, you know what I mean
Meanwhile GameStop is trying to argue that they're an "essential business" exempt from public health closures because Reasons. Like, really?
I'm gettin' real tired of Vril being such an ass to Tinya. Yeah, he's still salty about the Durlan disappearing, but it's not her fault.
>tfw the idea of a "JSA Storytime sexy calendar" pops into your head
Nope. Too far. Let's abandon this bit right now.
Well how am I supposed to make ends meet if I can't sell my games at Gamestop? I could get a whole quarter for this copy of Hamtaro for Game Boy, I need that quarter to pay the rent
That dialogue in the last panel...
We have read a number of swimsuit issues over the years....
also a shitload of /d/
Here's hoping that Reggie will soon enact his plan to seize full control over the company, so he can unfuck that entire hot mess.
Did we? I honestly don't recall.
We literally read porn and it was somehow one of the less kinky things we've read
Not a tall order, considering most of it was by Chaykin. Ugh.
Holy shit, we never really find out all that much about Stealth beyond some vague hints, huh?
I'd blocked out how much Chaykin we read, shit
Too much shit about losing loved ones recently, Alan pls
And his heart grew 3 sizes this day.
>everyone hates chaykin because they got exposed to his bad stuff first
fuck, forgot we were on tonight
yes, really.
I dunno, user. American Flagg didn’t leave me with an urge to seek out more of his work.
I find talented people who slowly descended into complete babbling lunacy to be some of the most interesting.
twilight and cinder and ashe rule and have sweet jose luis garcia-lopez art
>cinder and ashe rule and have sweet jose luis garcia-lopez art
that's gerry conway
As if I wasn't depressed enough already...:(
this destroyed my world
still a good book
I can't take this, man
RIP Lyrissa.
Said bad stuff is exceptionally bad.
it's a daring choice but it hurts because she was just so good
Fern isn’t great, but the inker and colorist are definitely not helping.
>t. user who bitches about L.E.G.I.O.N. art in every thread.
Hey, kinda like a certain beloved flower selling white mage