Here's a new trailer:
Harley Quinn: Season 2
>catwoman is a nigger-lite
great. guess she's not allowed to be white in cartoons anymore. or live-action either for that matter
tick tock kiteman niggers
it just makes more sense that way
Begone casual
I miss when Harley was a good character.
Alright alright alright
Was that Batgirl?
No one deserves that kind of torture.
Zoom Zoom
He's not a casual though. Kitt and Berry were exceptions to the rule. Selina is half Italian for fuck sake
>sh-she was black once in the 60s so it is totally ok
Fuck off. As a nigger myself, I fucking hate it.
How can you miss something that never happened?
Fuck off.
BTAS Harley was perfection.
>"Its a vagina!"
This is what passes for comedy? Also fuck them for going the Victor Fries design with hair
>Makes show about how Harley doesn't need Joker.
>Her non chemical "origin" is breaking up with Joker.
>first season needed the Joker as the main antagonist.
>Now people are mad Joker got a new GF.
Makes you wonder.
>forgetting about Sicilians
Bruh, nig looking Italians exist
>forgetting about BTAS too where she was pretty swarthy and Halle Berry
I’m saying this isn’t something new, yeah it’s probably for woke points but don’t go complaining about dumb shit. Also fuck off nigger this site is for whites only
Give me Joker, he's perfection in this series.
Ivy will be inevitably ruined, of course.
Nobody cares about why you coon house niggas think, kill yourself
>people constantly reeing because dc won't just let ivy and harley be together
>punchline gets announced and now all the harleyxivy shippers are shitting themselves because punchline is dating joker and not harley
She was a white blonde in BTAS
This is a blue board, you degenerate.
It's a piss take from that awful movie.
She was white for 13 episodes in season 1 and 2 she was only black for 3 episodes in the last season.
>draw a white woman
>use ms paint to make her brown
Are we not talking about the freaking Parademons in the trailer?
>Watching Harley Quinn
How pitiful
... huh. Swore she was darker looking, I’m having a weird ass Mandela effect going on. Maybes it’s the shadowy looking shots fucking with my memory
Based DC.
Black Selina is a forced meme by SJWs. AT BEST, she's an Italian/Cuban mix, Italian white being the dominant genes
if she was black once that means she was always intended to be and should always be black
could you be more white
They already made Queen of Fables black,Wonder Woman brown and are using John Stewart as the GL so black Catwoman was to be expected.
>Selina is black in DCSHG
>mostly accepted by the fans and the threads are fine
>Selina looks just a little bit darker in HQ
>thread erupts with dumbass whining
Every single Harley Quinn thread you dipshit whining babies find something to be outraged about. At this point you're more annoying than the retards who worship Harley and dress up as her for Halloween
Kind of stretching aren't you? She was black multiple times and not just recently.
Fuck off.
The Selina in DCSHG is a deliberate reference to Eartha Kitt.
They did the same thing with the first trailer.
I normally ship them, but the way the series has gone so far it would be better if they were just friends in this.
I'm 32 years old. I wish i was a fucking zoomie. Being 30+ is awful
It's actually pretty good though
I preferred her movie version
>both can be pretty swarthy
Okay. I’m saying that it’s a retarded thing to complain about
>White for 13 episodes and a movie in the 60s show.
>Black for only 3 episodes.
>Yet you guys still go "she was always black in the 60s"
no shit ponyfags will eat up nigger catwoman. they also eat up all the shitty characterizations in that show. they are only there because the pretty color appeal to their autism just like mlp.
Clearly it was the Shark's comment that was the joke not her statement
>mostly accepted by the fans and the threads are fine
Excuse me, but DCSHG threads are full of casuals and closet horsefuckers. Hell they lap up that sorry excuse for a Jessica Cruz, who's nothing like her comic counterpart
As much as i didn't like this design for her at the start, after the Allycat episode she really grew on me
>j-just stop complaining about the unnecessary changes we are making
fuck off
>>Yet you guys still go "she was always black in the 60s"
I never said that
I explicitly said the Catwoman in DCSHG is a reference to Eartha Kitt.
She even talks the same.
Catwoman has always been white since the 40s so I dunno why people wnat her to be black JUST now.
She has green eyes. That is about as white as you can get.
Oh so your a self-hating nigga?
Nobody said that. I said it happened before, this has had prescient.
Because forced blackwashing "diversity" and they use the two times they did it in live action as an excuse to push it
>that fucking bane voice
Both DCSHG and HQ threads are plagued by /u/niggers though. Chances are the ones defending this are them.
>Season 2
Are you retarded?
>The Selina in DCSHG is a deliberate reference to Eartha Kitt.
How many times do I need to say that?
Because you keep putting words in my mouth
Nah, I just hate when whitey race swaps white characters black just so they can pat themselves on the back. Besides who would rather fuck a black Selina than a white one?
rent free
I find odd how Wonder Woman skin gets darker and darker with each cartoon.
>Hurr hurr she's greek so she has to be black.
No she's a statue made with white clay that was brought to life with magic.
Not him but by your own logic all future depictions of The Mandarin should either be a white guy or a shitty actor?
yeah they haven't exactly been subtle about it being a tom hardy bane reference.
>not complaining about Scarecrow being a Brit
>not complaining about the tone being absolutely garbage
>not complaining about the shitty Riddler Question Mark tattoo
Complain about better shit you fucking tard. There’s far worse design choices
oh look it's you. I'll say it again, comics are fucking dogshit garbage. And i've still been reading them for longer than you've been born. Pathetic retard
>>Hurr hurr she's greek so she has to be black.
No she's Greek so she should look Greek.
Is that a hard concept to understand?
>3 tv show episodes and a movie is enough to make the character being black ok
>80 years of her being white isn't enough of a reason for her to be white
Self loathing whites are the worst.
Eh, depends on how the fuck they’re doing it. Also it depends on if they want to lean into the Yellow Peril thing since there’s a huge Chink market
>who's nothing like her comic counterpart
None of them are anything like their comic counter-parts. They're just extended or mixed versions of mlp characters.
hardley rent free when the third post in this thread is a brain dead /u/nigger. why ponyfags are forced to a containment board but yurifags aren't is beyond me.
>They're just extended or mixed versions of mlp characters.
So you're retarded.
>No she's a statue made with white clay that was brought to life with magic.
You had me until that. These days she's a daughter of Zeus but I'm not going to give a deity a proper skin tone given the nature of those guys constantly shifting forms
Amazons aren't Greek numbnuts. They're reincarnated souls of women from across the globe
From my point of view, you're retarded. And also in denial. Then again i've had this conversation since DCSHG came out and i don't feel like having it again.
Season 1 just ended like a month ago, and now season 2 is already here, what the hell kind of time table is this?
>a tattoo and an accent is more pressing than race bending
He's not exactly wrong. Each girl is a simplistic characterization based around one defining feature, not unlike the horsefucker cast.
I think white Catwoman and black Catwoman should coexist as separate characters.
Traditional classic white Catwoman should be Selina Kyle.
Eartha Kit/Halle Berry chocolate Catwoman can be called Patience Pryce (hey we've salaged something good out of that movie)
Dis those retro Batman '66 comics do anything like this and have the two(or three?) Catwomen team up? Because they should have.
>Some douche turned the thread about racism
Because of an Eartha kitt reference.
That aside I didn't expect this to come out that soon?
It ended back in what? late January? early February?
Is that show that easy to produce or has it just been in production at the same time as Season 1?
And Blanka from SF is brazilian so he he shouldn't be green? find better ways to justify Wonder Woman getting her skin darker other than forced diversity.
Im hope'n thats fuck'n bait.
im not exactly against the idea of them hooking up, but I like the friendship dynamic they got going on and would prefer that I think.
Like Miles and Peter?
it was originally ordered for 26 episodes, so both seasons were worked on at the same time.
So yes you are retarded.
That's cartoons in general.
You people act MLP invented everything because Faust is involved.
She looks like she's about the same shade as Bane.
Go away weebnigger, you have no right calling me a douche. Besides how new are you, this is the only way threads survive nowadays.
>Because of an Eartha kitt reference.
Is that what we're going to call it every fucking time it happens? Because that excuse is getting old for a gal who was barely on the show
>Because of an Eartha kitt
>make her a nigger bro, it will be a cool reference
fucking retard
>You had me until that.
I never had you,because you like blackwashing.
You know what else is ironic? that all these "female empowering characters" that are being used to shit on men like Harley,Wonder Woman,Captain Marvel...etc all of them are created by men.
>character has had a Greek existence
>It's somehow forced to acknowledge it
>You people act MLP invented everything because Faust is involved.
And it's apparent, like i've said everyone one of you niggers use this excuse, that anyone who's seen mlp will recognize the characters instantly. Like just stop you fucking nigger
Is this bait? Each season they are going to tease HarleyxIvy but never actually do it? Tricking shippers into turning in.
Doesn't help that they're colored coded either. Just saying
writers already confirmed on reddit that harley and ivy was endgame. they also stated that they think kiteman is below ivy somehow.
Worked for DCAU Lex Luthor
I dont spend enough time here. wish the rest of the internet could handle being called a weebnigger with out getting their panties in a fucking bunch.
Why do people keep splitting seasons like this? It's one (of the many reasons) voltrons later half was so fucked, it's just jarring the pacing issues it creates. If they were gonna wait two months, why not just space it out a little better? Seems weird, especially given the kind of cliff hanger ending they give. Usually something you let marinate for half a year before getting back to. Whatever, batman and gordon will hopefully be back.
Yas Forumstards gonna Yas Forumstard, gotta wait for the live threads really.
Yeah, but the 50's man crazy version hopefully
>I never had you,because you like blackwashing.
What? No jackass I'm actually on your side you stupid shit. I'm merely pointing out that's no longer the canon.
So feel free to fuck off and shotgun yourself to the head weebnigger
ugh. fucking lame.
It's not an excuse it's a fact, MLP didn't invent these common character archetypes
I want Punchline in an animated series with The Joker. I would watch that religiously.
At least her show wasn't canned.
Fine then. A Halle Berry reference.
I thought people would wanna forget about that movie but I guess not.
Not everyone who has a problem with this forced shit is from Yas Forums you dumb fucking attention whore
I'll get right on that
oh i'm sorry Yas Forums and Yas Forums, because clearly there's a difference nowadays.
Rather be canned than this garbage.
>they also stated that they think kiteman is below ivy somehow
Kiteman is wholesome, how dare they.
>Le bad male guys won't let Harley have the big piece of city she wants.
>When the first season only ever showed Harley's butt once.
We were to cocky Kitebros
I can unironically see her being in this for Season 3 or 4, if they happen.
Joker's back, he's got a new ethnic side piece
and their's asian jokes aplenty
But it's been canned. This is the second part of the first season, it's been cancelled.
Actually answering the question, the order was for 26 episodes, so they were produced roughly around the same time as the first 13 episodes. We don't know if it got picked up for another season.
>A Halle Berry reference.
You're not even trying anymore. Halle Berry was only cast because, again, "it's an Eartha Kitt reference". Big surprise. Movie was trash anyway, black or white, there was no saving that awful script.
Fuck you casual. Quit strawmanning everyone who's not on board with this pandering
Kiteman is a z-lister.
Looked like the Batgirl of SJWside costume to me
This show took so long to come out I wouldn't be surprised if they have 3-4 seasons already finished and ready to be chucked out.
they didn't mean like that. they meant that ivy is too good to date kiteman.
Nigger, stop trying to make me defend this shitty show. I’m saying this because I like Eartha Kitt. I fucking hate the show too. There’s far better things to point out why this entire travesty is appalling
>the attempts at drama being overly juvenile and underdeveloped
>all the talk about Harley being independent when she’s constantly in dick measuring contests with Joker
>the absolutely garbage suicide squad design
>the really ugly design choice on Riddler that makes him look far worse and was just as bad as it was in in TNBA redesign
>Scarecrow’s accent being British removes his entire Southern Gothic Horror backstory and turns him into sounding like a bloke you’d meet at the pub
Bruh. Do you also not find Bane being reduced to hehehehe he’s the funny guy who sounds like Tom Hardy
>Literally talking directly out of your asshole
Just because they haven't announced season 3 before 2 airs doesn't mean it's been canceled
Which is weird because didn't Season 1 imply joker already paralyzed her or so?
I mean unless it's a flash back but I feel like Harley and Ivy with her contradicts that
I have no idea what that means. Dont treat adding SJW to some random word as intelligent.
>>the absolutely garbage suicide squad design
It's honestly worse than SS.
>the retards who worship Harley and dress up as her for Halloween
Um, sweetie, don't you mean Harleween?
I think he means the more "Safe and less sexualized" costume that has that cape on some buttons.
I call it the Cosplay Batgirl suit
GWW: I’m sorry but I have to ask this: Harley and Ivy. Are they ever getting together? You guys have been teasing it in interviews before, can we expect this in season 2?
>JH: We have caught a lot of heat for not having them together right away, and I get it, but our thinking was we didn’t want Harley to jump right back into another relationship when she was on a journey for self-discovery. That felt like selling out her character.
>And for Ivy, we felt like it was important for our version of the character, who has a bit of social anxiety and neuroses and scars from her life (we get into that more in upcoming eps), to operate from that place at first. When you are emotionally hurt and haven’t dealt with your issues, you don’t always pick the best partner for you. In fact, most of the time you pick the wrong one. So we felt like both of these characters needed to go through some things emotionally, and grow as people before they would be in a place where they could really and truly experience a loving relationship and make it work.
>Now, this is the idea that we deal with in the second batch of thirteen and that becomes about both of them seeking love. I don’t want to spoil it, so I’ll just say I think we get to the place where people want us to get to, but we do it carefully. We’re not trying to bait anyone or tease anyone. We pay off things off in a satisfying way but we want to make sure we earn it. I’m sure I was evasive enough here to where I’ve spoiled it and will also get yelled at. Fun!
>Which is weird because didn't Season 1 imply joker already paralyzed her or so?
Did they? I must've missed that. But user was right that IS the Burnside costume without the cape so maybe she got unparalyzed like in N52
It reminds me vaguely of Harley’s good costume though
tl;dr shippers would have our heads if we didn't do this, even if they don't buy anything
>Halle Berry
oh god don't even bring that shit up please