Ok, so who was in the car?

Ok, so who was in the car?

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It's true, I was a passenger and told him to run over the dog.


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They’re right. I was in the trunk when it happened, I saw everything through a little hole I drilled in the back. They’re telling the truth

Oh my god.... I confess! I ran over a dog during 4th of July, it was dark and the dog appeared out of nowhere but if I were to break I would surely have gotten killed by the cars behind me

Quagmire in another car?

Future episode will be future Brian and Stewie in the car.

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Who cares, just some hit-and-runner.


Dios mio....

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Can confirm, I was the using an Antman shrinking device to shrink myself down to Antman size, so I could ride on cars for free like you do, and I was riding on top of the car that ran over that dog and these three were definitely there.

>Powers/Skills: Driving skills
>Hobby: Driving

A Brian from the future who traveled back in time to kill his past self thereby preventing a future in which he is responsible for the loss of countless lives

I can never tell if shit like this is a parody or legit autism

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Yes, he was.

I was in the backseat of the car that had these guys:
And we passed by Quagmire after running over Brian.

100% true. These guys told me the whole thing when we met at the park later that day.


Why the hell was this guy driving like Evil Caneveal in a residential area?
How did he not see the upright dog in a bright-yellow helmet playing hockey in the middle of the street?
Why didn't he slow down after realizing he ran over the cleary anthropomorphic dog?

>all these chad anons taking the fall for my sins

guys I have to confess something
I was the one that ACTUALLY killed brian
I was disguised as the vet and when peter and the gang were not looking i slipped cyanide into brians body via injection
he was fine and could have survived from the hit and run but I of course stopped that for reasons i am not allowed to disclose

A dog is a dog. It’s not an actual crime in Quahog.

i have to do this tattoo in honor of Brian. RIP

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I broke the dam.

I broke the dam!

No,I broke the dam.

I broke the dam.

maybe you ran him over so you could have an excuse to tattoo that on yourself.

No, I broke the grill

i can't it hold anymore but i payed couple of bucks for the job. fuck off of discover my plan


I had a dog who was hit by a car when I was really young. I never in my life saw a dog screaming in such a pain as mine did that time, but he survived luckily.

I one time accidentally ran over a grey tabby kitten who was hiding under my car. I didn't see it, and when I backed up I felt a bump and saw it run out from under my car, and then just collapse, I felt and still feel horrible about it. I buried it and had a moment of silence for it, as gay as it may sound.

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I was bound and gagged in the backsear while dressed as a french maid. Couldn't see through the blindfold but user freaked out pretty bad, heard him scream "Oh god, I've ran over Brian Griffin from the popular cartoon show known as Family Guy." Totally ruined my hardon.

Still, the driver has plenty of time to see Brian and veer/slow down: he was a good distance away from the corner.

NO! I literally broke the dam!

Thats too bad. I usually check before backing up, don't want to be responsible for the death of my neighbors cats.

That's completely understandable, user. It wasn't your fault and you shouldn't feel bad about showing vulnerability. In fact, it's very brave of you.

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I broke the dam!


That's tragic user but you need to forgive yourself, I accidentally ran over a frog that jumped in front of my lawn mover 10 years ago and it still eats me up

I broke the dam

>i have to do this tattoo in honor of Brian. RIP
JohnOfE! Dude, I loved your beaver soup story!

The Greased-Up Deaf Guy

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It was Quaqmire driving someone else's car.


That was legit JohnofE?

Now imagine if Stewie was run over as well. Would the driver still get away fro running over a gay baby?

That would depend if there were traffic cameras in the area.

Or the abilty for someone to spot a bloodstained car.


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Future Brian: That's his car.

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family guy wishes they had side characters like AD

>tfw nobody believes you that wikipedia spoiled brian's return before the episode of his death even aired because 5 episodes later was "brian's a bad father"

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I still remember that some promo on Youtube featured Brain in it back when everyone thought he was killed off for a month

As you can see, running over Brian damaged my psyche and fractured it into several different personalities. Surprisingly, all of them shitpost on Yas Forums.

Whenever someone asks the writers they (probably jokingly) say Justin Bieber.

These two boobs.

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