The Doomslayer is portaled into the Marvel and DC Universes. How does he fare?

The Doomslayer is portaled into the Marvel and DC Universes. How does he fare?

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DC already has the DoomSlayer

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Yeah, but he sucks ass.

He would defeat the Doom Slayer by simply letting him fight him, DoomSlayer would get so invincible he would just crash him

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Well he has been confirmed as a soul eater now so all he has to do is kill his way up the ladder in either reality to become unstoppable. Between the two though, DC is better equipped to contain him.

Oh, so that's why there was an extra Superman in that scene.

Garbage for retarded kids meet garbage for retarded kids
Nothing changes

He rips and tears until it is done.

Nice concept, but horribly executed.

He kicks the shit out of demons in either setting.

In DC he has a fun run-in with Etrigan where they eventually form an uneasy alliance, before he gets kicked back into Hell and returns to his ripping and tearing.

In Marvel, Mephisto would be calling in favors to get everyone to get rid of him. It doesn't work, and the story ends with him looking on in terror as doomguy finds a way into his realm.


Fuck this noise
Doomslayer meets up with Goblinslayer
Who kills the most things?

He goes straight to hell and continues what he's been doing the whole time.

I like the Marvel idea, that would be a fun read.

The Goblinslayer is low-tier even in his own setting. He'd be irrelevant to the Slayer.

If anything, Doomguy teams up with the Hero to go around killing demonic gods.

Doom Slayer easy as he is multiversal. Goblin Slayer is more comparable to Batman or Punisher.

>BFG edition playing in the background
All the demons. (Like literally literally all the demons)
Then he would go right up to the Living Tribunal and kill him too. Because yeah... he's badass like that

>Doom 2016 now a direct sequel to Doom 64
>Doom guy almost lost his humanity while staying in hell to fight demons
>Demons and Makyrs hate humanity because the Father Aka god in the doom universe abandon them for humanity
>Makyrs aren't angels, they are parasites who fools everyone posing as them since hell made it so.
>Demons and Makyrs are salty with humanity because they kicked their asses in the past, and the Father loves mankind over them
>it’s why doomguy received the seraphim's blessing and became the Doom Slayer
>People formed a religion over the doom slayer seeing him as a saint or the even second coming of christ
Just spoiled Doom eternal like the Joker baby!

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>tfw the reason there were relatively few demons in the Hell levels of DOOM 2016 is because they were still nursing the ass whooping that Doom Guy gave them before they barely managed to temporarily seal him at absurd cost to themselves.

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You know. Considering how retarded the Wolfenstein reboot got. I am okay with this.

Etrigan or Ghost Rider kills him lol

Here's a question I've always had: Could he beat Spawn?

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Alright, what buffs did Eternal give him?

Even with the Unmaker, Spawn's too fast for Doomguy to keep up

>what buffs did Eternal give him?
It’s explained doom guy became the doom slayer after seraphim's blessing for attempting to give his life to stop a demonic invasion single handedly. Doom slayer literally uses his rage to weaponized the the father aka God in the doom universe love to kill demons and the Makyrs.

Notably, the Father vanished to who knows where. It's either dead or Hell ate it.

The Khan Maykr (the current acting leader of Urdak) was possibly corrupted by Hell judging by some implications, alongside the rest of the Maykrs, and has been aiding Hell in devouring countless realities.

With Eternal, Doomguy is a multiversal force (though he didn't start out that way) opposing Hell throughout countless realities in numerous iterations and is pretty much the sole thing keeping it from devouring entire multiverses. Of note, the entire multiplayer mode is the canon result of a collapsing multiverse.

He's way out of scale for most settings.

yeah so Etrigan or Ghost Rider kills him lol

From what lore I read. It’s seems to be implying the father using or adopting the doom slayer to save humanity.

Nah. Cope harder.

The Father is a good dad. Now if only his other set of kids were smart enough to not continue snorting the demon juice for power.

Just because you go across a multiverse doesn't mean you can wipe out a multiverse with a single or casual go
That's like saying the cast of Sliders is multiversal

I thought Doom enteral was gonna go full Netflix Castlevania route or JRPG route by making god evil by the trailers. I like the whole Hellboy take on doom. That made actual heaven and the father mysterious yet still feared by demons and the false angels.

He scales to a multiversal force. Also All WADs are canon.

>to a multiversal force
What specific demon can wipe or damage a multiverse then?

Being fair to the Maykrs, they DID start out at least somewhat benign. It's only when the remnants of the Father's essence was taken from the Luminarium by the Seraphim and they lost their Transfiguration process (basically a form of resurrective immortality for them) as a result, dooming them all to slow painful lasting death, that they grew so desperate that they resorted to Argent Energy to sustain thrmselves and their society. Hell, prior to this, one of them even led the Doomguy into becoming the Doom Slayer proper.

By the time people figured out that Argent is the spiritual and multiversal equivalent to Onions Green, the Maykrs were not only utterly corrupted beyond salvation but were so addicted to Argent Energy that they literally couldn't function without it anymore.

TLDR: For whatever reason, the Seraphim fucked everything.

>Onions Green
I fucking hate Yas Forums for having to force this filter into being a thing.

The whole lore reason behind the multiplayer gamemode is that a multiverse is busy imploding courtesy of the Khan Maykr and Hell Itself. Individual demons are genuinely irrelevant per the new lore, as Hell (It has an explicit will of its own and is fully sentient) is the one doing all the actual heavy-lifting. The demons are tools to accelerate the process at best.

>I fucking hate Yas Forums for having to force this filter into being a thing.
If it makes you feel better karma bitting Yas Forums on the ass for being Sony fanboys by PS5 announcement showing no games, promising more censors, no background capability, weaker than Xbox one x series and close to $500 price tag.

I think the Serpahim may have very well known that Hell was a thing (the rest of the Maykrs actually didn't know of Hell until Doomguy showed up) and sequestered the Father's remaining essence to prevent it from either being devoured by Hell (Game Over) or from getting corrupted when the rest of the Maykrs turned into Argent-addicts. He then proceeded to pass the remaining power into Doomguy in order to turn him into the Doomslayer.

Doomguy is basically running off of the last lingering traces of the Father.

Raven is about to become an orphan.

She'd like that very much.

go back to Yas Forums, faggot

Fuck off.

Doom-wank is the fucking worst. Fuck off back to


No, you fuck off with your Soi Slayer, fag. Your kind are as bad as Warhammer-retards.

>complains about Doom Slayer
>is perfectly fine with Superman-wank and Hal-wank shitting up numerous threads
Die. Fuck off and slit your wrists, you cum-drinking nigger.

>Yas Forums homos liking video games
>New Doom bad because it’s popular
Go back to jerking off to Sony.

>no u!
Doomfags are mentally insane. Your self-insert is boring.

The only "mentally insane" individual here is (You). Your screeching autism is a clear indication that you're violently shitting yourself even as you sperg.

Fuck off and hide the thread if it's pissing you off this badly.

>reddit spacing
>"no u!" again
It's time to stop sucking DOOM, user. It's unhealthy.

>muh reddit spacing
It's time to go back.

Doom’s hell is pussy shit compared to DC or even Marvel’s hell or hell dimensions. I hate how much faggots wank the shit out of this boring self insert faggatron with their “rip and tear hurr durr” memes. Fuck the Doomslayer. I love the Doom games, but the fanbase that has emerged after the reboot/sequel has been nothing short of fucking retarded.

>"no u!"
Doom-boys are mentally ill and help.

I think Doomguy is overrated. Doom's demons are weak as shit. They're still physical flesh and blood, are mortal and can be killed by human weapons.


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Then a bunch of retards with the same 'convenient' opinion. Either way is down the hall.

What the fuck is a doomslayer

Demons bring doom.
The slayers slays demons.
He slays them so hard that their doom bringing is halted.
He literally slays the doom.

>they team up to fight a horde of goblin demons

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