Twitter hates the new superheroes and all trannies are angry about that

>Twitter hates the new superheroes and all trannies are angry about that
Based Marvel

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Nobody cares. I swear, that's like the tenth god damned thread I've hidden on the subject in the last 24 hours. Quit spamming this shit, move on with your lives, and let Marvel make retarded decisions on their own time. Faggots.

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This has to be some satire comic! There is no way that Marvel accepted the names for them

What's wrong with them?

They seem... brightly colored. Not, in iitself, offensive. Maybe to people triggered by dangerhairs.

Can someone break this down for me?

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nuMarvel doesnt believe power higherarchies of editors any more.

It's post-irony. They take those words as badges of honor. You just don't get it because you're old.

>That like dislike ratio

And that is unironically a good thing
Sure you get shit like this but you don't have some hack mandating you don't get to have marriages line-wide because boohoo he got divorced

My middle school OCs are better than this. This is the opposite of professional work.

look their fucking names

Brainstorm some more SJW heroes and their powers.
Able to absorb and store kinetic energy, which can later be released as shockwave/explosion.
>Person of Color
Can change their skin tone and hair/eye pigment into the color of anything they touch. Once that color, they can bodily enter the touched surface or object and exit from anything that approximately shares the same color (within reasonable distance).
Over time able to make people within a limited area lose the motivation to do anything, speed of the effect is dependent on the quality of their lives.

Why not just replace the hack with someone good? Dont settle for a hack if you dont want shit like this.

Xer superpower is being unable to fall in love.

Stay mad, faggot.

This is spamming/flooding

Because he's editorial and he can't be removed unless there's numerous complaints against him from within the company, or he chooses to retire himself

See: Dan Didio, who stayed at DC for an ungodly time until complaints from writers/artists started rolling in. Reminder this is the guy who screamed "THE RAPE PAGES ARE IN" openly

>Latin X
Hix powers are all somehow related to number 10

You blind? Retard.

Androgynous-looking person whose genitals change depending on the pronouns people use towards... them(?)

The primary issue here is your mental handicap.

Triggered's power is literally Sebastian Shaw's.

So I can make him into a cute femboy by simply talking to him.

I don't get why trannies don't hate this too. It seems like some mocking parody towards them

>Twitter hates the new superheroes and all trannies are angry about that
Post screencaps

That's the only reason people are talking about it. because they are mad.

Or a cute tomboy. Truly the hero we deserve.

lol modern mutts in a nutshell
nothing is productive. only rage is caused lololol

thank god i dont read trash like amerishit comics. manga is the future

>failing to hit your target audience this badly

People get mad when you say white people shouldnt write/design POC or straight people shouldnt write/design LGBT but.....

you wanted this attention and now you got it

There was a picture running around about pc superheroes. There was even one girl called safespace girl in an astronaut suit.

Didn't save it but may be someone has it

Speaking as a tranny, every other trans person I know thinks this is stupid as fuck, and the worst type of pandering. Even the tumblr types. The names like "Snowflake" seem to be lampooning pc culture more than anything else. I don't understand why they did this, it's just gonna piss off everyone, especially the people who hate us. It's lazy, cynical, and honestly kind of offensive that we're seen as something that can be bought with the shittiest, shallowest "representation"

> I don't understand why they did this

because a group of 40 year old onions boys who havent seen daylight in 10 years think they can tap into the current woke zeitgeist and make megabucks


Some SJW writers don't know that gay men are attracted to masculinity. Maybe they hate manly gay.

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Because they think consumers are morons.

lol then dont demand anything.

There have been many debates about the line separating representation and blatant pandering as fuck

Think the consequences had been when you can tell they just took a bunch of tropes and mashed them together. It becomes an excessive, overdone caracature that tries to represent too many types at once and ends up not representing anyone at all

This is clearly in pander town

After being exposed to copious amounts of onions, he can bite his way through almost anything, smiling while he does.

Consumers are morons.

>Tranner has blatant Tumblr parodies literally called "Safespace" and "Snowflake"

Like, who the fuck didn't see this coming a mile away? They didn't buy Marvel's woke shit, so now they're the ones who are going to get flamebaited into giving them free advertising and we're the ones being pandered too.

And you know what? Mission fucking accomplished. I want to buy this just to see how far they take the joke.

>I don't understand why they did this, it's just gonna piss off everyone


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>What's wrong with them?
>obvious sodomite is obvious
>literally reads like a parody, but it's officially sanctioned by Marvel
>not a heavily pregnant Anne Frank being rescued by Confederate soldiers

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>safe space and snowflake
These are obviously joke characters

He summons ten homies to do a driveby on his enemies

Well yea, who actually thought this was a good idea that someone would like? Who did they think would praise them and shower them with inclusion awards for this?

This is just all a big joke right? It's so over the top you would never think it's anything other than satire

Well, it's finally happening. A non-white media future. But it's time to put up or shut up. We've said for so long you should be fine with all-white characters because you dont need to share races to identify with them. Well now there's going to be no white characters, so it's time to really sit down and meditate over this.
>she has a magic backpack

>Safespace and Snowflake
>we really wanted to hone those normally derogatory labels thrown at young people
>instead of combatting them, we wanted to embrace them as sources of strength
>one's a run-of-the-mill jock and the other is a strong woman

>young people get a bad rap for a lot of stereotypes
>again we wanted to combat that wih screentime
>he is hooked up to the internet 24/7
>he got his powers when he was a child and was exposed to INTERNET GAS

>he's a goth vampire
>he's also got a good blood type

the thing is these are actually pretty cool names and powers but if they were wanting to create a positive representation of young people they kind of failed

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It's meta-irony. They take those words as jokes. You just don't get it because you're old.

Trailblazer does not look like the first to charge into action. She looks like the last to do so. Is the name meant to be ironic like calling a giant "little Eddy" or is this hambeast actually meant to be fast?

as in "breaking the glass ceiling" sort of name
she's blazing a new trail

It's incredible how Kibblesmith managed to piss off everybody. Nobody is happy that ink is being wasted on these abominations.

lol to do irony blacks and asians are treated as absolutely bizarre characters.

thank you modern white progressive folks!

>A Meme obsessed super teen whose brain became connected to the internet after becoming exposed to his grandfather’s “experimental internet gas.” Now he can see augmented reality and real-time maps, and can instantly Google any fact



I can do that with my iPhone, does that mean I too, can be a superhero?

Perfect example of Poe's Law.

Honest to god thought this was a joke. This shit is so woke it did a complete 180 and looks like a high quality parody making fun of sensitive liberals would make.

I think we know what Yas Forums will be storytiming for the next few months.

A male feminist becomes stronger to protect women by groping them.


>Auto Gyno
A man who can transform into a hot woman, but only when it involves flirting or having sex with other men. He uses these amazing powers for recon and intel gathering.

>Google any fact

So his searches are always going to show mixed race couples?

You know that hack is still there and got promoted right?

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I take HRT and shit... Marvel has learned nothing. People like Miles and Kamala because they're interesting. Representation is good on the surface, but unless you have a very generic idea of superheroes, you gotta have personality to make people stay.

I'd like a trans superhero, but in the way Miles is black superhero. There was an issue where Miles explained to a fangirl that he didn't want to be the "black" Spider-Man, he was just Spider-Man. I'd like a superhero who is trans, not a trans superhero.

If Miles doesn't want to be "black Spider-Man" he shouldn't call himself Spider-Man and have the same name as an existing hero, forcing everyone to come up with some way to differentiate them.

>I'd like a superhero who is trans, not a trans superhero.
That's probably not going to be a thing for another 20/30-years at this rate. Marvel and co. are going to use "A TRANS SUPERHERO" to garner attention.