Reminder that dobson is a bad artist, a bad person, and stupid as fuck

Reminder that dobson is a bad artist, a bad person, and stupid as fuck.

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>unironically being a macfag in 2020

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This thing is old dude
Back in 2015 it was cool

fuck you too. get over him

I agree, he deserves some form of hell.
Windows, Mac and *nix are all okay, and have their strengths and weaknesses.
It's a little bit silly to restrict yourself to one for ideological reasons.

>he deserves some form of hell.
He is already in it, it's his own life

Wow,what a fucking hot take. Also tell us more about that up and coming "lulzcow" Christian Chandler. The world need to know about them constantly,we need to moderate entire Internet forums to those people so they know we dont care about them

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He compares Mac to fruits and vegetables yet he's still a numale with 36DD man tits.

>overpaying for an apple logo is good for you
What a faggot.

He denies being in this photo, which obviously inspired his terrible PG comic

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How can he be so spineless?

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I wonder what he is going to do if realizes that Linux exists. Poor man is gonna have a brain fart.

There's been worse

That fat guy is too generic to be Dobson

And....there are many PowerGirl's cosplays in the world....they don't live under just one convention

>Back in 2015 it was cool
It was never cool.

ok Dobby

>unironically being a macfag in ANY year

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Why should I be Dobson if I'm talking about how many girls like to wear a PG's costume?

Because you're also a faggot.

only Dobson denies being Dobson

The only proof we have of that guy being Dobson is a supposition.
Tell me if you know for sure he went there and I'll believe you and I'll slap my face with a brick
convenient desu

Enjoy your proprietary bullshit and arbitrary forced obsolescence. At least with Windows and Android I know I won't have to use iTunes to load media onto my phone and hope it's still supported, I can just drag and drop the files.

Seriously, who can defend Apple's retarded design choices? All they do is push you to consume more Apple products and make it harder to consider alternatives.

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Are YOU Dobson?

For me this was his absolutely lowest point

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Serves him right for involving himself with those LGBT wackos.

Ok dobson
Enjoy dobson

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you know, I think Dobson would be a happier man if he had just kept to the inflation fetish art

Why does son of dob cling so heavily to that murrican nintendo cartoon?

he is unbelievably stupid


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And he rocks the numale look as to be expected.

How was this never a meme format? Just replace the pictures with some offensive or controversial shit.

Even when supposedly apologizing he adds 15 lines about how he's totally blameless.

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Cause its shit retard.

He doesn't deserve the hate. We should find something else to hate on.

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If you're going to say that's his lowest point, you better post his follow up as well where he tried to weasle out of apologizing before giving a half assed one, then shifting the blame to others

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>words words words words words words words
Words words words words words.

It's just fucking lazy. Also the joke doesn't even make sense, because there are digital picture frames that cycle between pictures. I'm pretty sure they were around when he made this piece of shit

Because he's autistic and he experienced the cartoons first and firmly believe that they're canon despite being told they are not by official sources.

He lurks on every Carol board.

Being a complete sycophant to Captain Marvel and Gaslights other posters like she's beloved akin to John Byrne's She-Hulk.

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Imagine these four having a round-table discussion on the Sonic movie

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Is he a fucking retard or something?

Imagine being this fucking stupid

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Yes. He's actually a quite astounding person, because he's so blatantly wrong on almost every single topic he comments on.
He also cannot handle any form of artistic criticism at all. Any time someone tells him that his art can be improved, he writes them off as a nobody, or blocks them. And then sucks ass to them when they reveal that they actually are a well known artist who knows what they're talking about, but still doesn't take the advice

Methinks he dost protest too much

there is something wrong about him, behavior problems maybe. he was banned from school buses from childhood to highschool

I don't know why but i find Enter to be the most disgusting to look at.

I liked transformers because of the robots & the comradeship during a war of resources.

Plus the Toys!

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I believe you are referring to this encounter.
A truncated version is this:
>Dobson gives young artists terrible advice
>Someone warns against this and gives Dobson some constructive criticism
>Dobson immediately goes on the defensive and starts shitting on the poster
>Poster reveals he is actually successful as an artist
>Dobson backtracks and starts ass-licking like he didn't just insult the guy

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I thought it was a tv

the guy on the top right and the guy on the bottom left look like old friends i use to hang out with and gladly dont any more

I bet he bit other kids because some said Mareio.

>top right
>bottom left
Mr. Enter

God what a fucking worm he is

That's some slimy carton villain shit, Utterly spinless.

That doesn't invalidate the criticism

He definitely has problems conducting himself like a normal person in public, and understanding what is and isn't acceptable
>have job at airport putting bags onto the conveyor belt
>show up 30 minutes before there are any bags (doesn't say whether or not he's clocked in, which makes me think he was clocked in)
>"I'm so sleeepy"
>Lay down and start to sleep BUT ONLY FOR TWO MINUTES BRO
>Manager tells me to get the fuck up and I'm not allowed to sleep behind the counter where customers can see me
Somehow he went through this whole experience and still thinks he's in the right, constantly making excuses for himself. And there's no doubt he edited it before hand to try and make himself look better, and still fucked that up

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Don't know anything about it

>Other M
Haven't played it in... 10 YEARS?! Holy shit! Might have to replay to refresh my memory. All I can remember is the dull monologue, the murder mystery without a proper reveal, the poorly explained android shit and the terrible missile system. Don't remember it being all that bad from a purely gameplay focused angle but the plot is nonsense.

Never watched a Star Trek show in full. Seems OK, I get that the premise is somewhat wasted but it seems alright as just another episodic Star Trek series. Not sure why he likes Kim though, seems like there are more interesting characters.

>Lady in the Water
Never seen it but "best of Shyamalan" isn't very high praise as far as I'm concerned.

>Nero Wolfe
Don't know or care what that is.

>Zelda cartoon
Good for memes I guess? It's like another shitty 80's cartoon and it's only 13 episodes long, it's pretty easy to forget that it even exists at all. The most I can say about is that it's weird to watch now, given how different the games ended up being from it, like how the show assumes Ganon's demon pig form is his neutral appearence when we now know he only takes that form to fight at full power.

>Jeremy Brett
No idea who that is. Also, is Dobson implying he's attracted to men here?

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I want to know what was his fucking thought process here when he told Zelda Williams to "Calm her tits" over the suicide of her father. Like, I'm not a good people person, but in that situation you just post a simple "I'm sorry for your loss. You have my sincere condolences" and that's that. Like...what was his endgame here?

No it wasn’t

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>Other M

Literally the only reason he defended it is because he's a massive weeb and he loathes the Metroid Prime games literally because he thinks FPS' are jock games and he loathes anything he thinks jocks like because he got bullied in the 90s.

This is doubly ironic since Other M is probably one of the most openly misogynistic games of the past 20 years.

He's was trying to be funny with his numale xd marvel reference.

Yeah that's the exact one. It's just amazing how fucking simple minded Dobbo is
>people make fun of Dobbo at work and start a rumor about him dropping a radio into a poopy toilet
>he tells his supervisor it's not true and they believe him
>He's upset that the teasing won't stop though
>So naturally he pulls the lead supervisor out of a very important meeting to tell on the people making fun of him
>Doesn't understand why the lead supervisor didn't give a single shit and asked what he expected him to do about it
Can you even imagine taking your highest ranking supervisor out of a very important meeting, just to tell them you're being bullied and want them to make it stop?

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If the Goof was around during per-industrial times his head would be on a stick.

I mean the funniest part is he only ever apologized over posting the picture. He never apologized for basically mocking a person for mourning the loss of her father.

Other M isn't misogynistic, just retarded.

>Other M isn't misogynistic
It's pretty misogynistic, on top of being retarded.

>ther M is probably one of the most openly misogynistic games of the past 20 years.

So did he clock in early to be paid more to sleep?