ITT: Characters you'd go gay for

ITT: Characters you'd go gay for.

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Sorry they're not all Yas Forums-related.

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i don't like men in any way
at most i'd like women with traditionally masculine characteristics but never an outright man
if you'd actually go gay for someone then you were already gay or bi to begin with

I'd go gay for you OP

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Bugs, always and forever. The crossdressing is just a plus that opened up my interests and my pants even more~

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Feminine boys and twinks are the best.

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Any of the Robins (especially nightwing and Tim). I'm already gay as fuck though so I guess they'd be the ones who'd go gay for me.

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What is the point of this post?

Oh that's just the classic normie that has to remind everyone how straight he is because he in reality the biggest faggot of them all.

fuck it

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>ITT: Characters you'd go gay for.
>Already had a chart of boys he would fuck prepared for this thread
I'm sorry to say it user, but you are already gay

Blow him until his balls are empty.

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OP this smooth customer is propositioning you

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There's one already, with a bit more than 100 posts.
But that's okay, the more to post in the merrier!

Your thread is shit.
For me, it's gotta be Trent.

And This

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forgot to post my husbando

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The fuck? Both are husbando threads, what is even the problem?

The other thread is full of furries and Steven Universe faggotry. Fuck that shit.

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Does this not count as furries and Steven Universe faggotry?

you don't have to tell us what to do fagot

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It does but there's a lot less of it.

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You aren't making sense. They stopped long ago (for fucks sake, they are right here) so that's not your reason.
You complain about them but it's you who gets so triggered by them and they're not even posting anymore.
But if you want more of that content, that can be fixed.

You can fuck off tho, I don't understand this shitty attitude for no reason. Like, seriously, we rarely have husbando threads but we have some and you guys just have to be assholes.
Why? Okay, I'll wait for your next insult since you have no arguments.

Since there's no use arguing with you and you shat on the other thread out of spite, I'll stay here instead.

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I posted him in the other thread, but here he is again.
Darnell from Buddy Thunderstruck, a kino series that unfortunately only got 1 season.

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Soos is a qt

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I don't like that no fagot tells me what to do or what to think
this is Yas Forums, if you don't like fuck off
what you have to do
is to stop reporting threads and comments
your fucking fagot

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this was for you fakin retard

Oh and I also think Big Tex would be very fun to cuddle with desu
What are you on about? Did you forget to take your medication today?

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funny kid

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Bolin was cute

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I mean, he WAS kinda cute...

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I don't see you contributing anymore. Here, let me help you.

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Your husbando looks like a young Alf.


Rocko was adorable


Not a criticism; just an observation.

I'm thinking
I really don't like any male character
and obviously I don't imagine myself as gay

twinks are for pussies

Hmm, well, maybe this thread could help change your mind. Nothing bad about that.

I have to say, he fulfills all the criteria.

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Crunch did it for me but Dingo is a very based choice

well i don't like
but if i had to choose one i would probably choose steven
hes cute

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I want steven to use his pent up trauma and rage to beat me up and then cuddle me after saying he didn't mean it uwu

Probably not a good idea to cross-post the thread in the other thread if you wanted to keep the SU and furfaggotry out, OP.

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>tfw no tauren metal bf

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That's a very good choice. See? And I didn't call you a faggot.

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None, for i do not want to be Flamebroiled on the menu for Demons.

I didn't. Someone else is deliberately trying to sabotage and derail this thread.

>implying im not gay for him already

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I like that
hahaha ok well whatever

Everything's fine now.

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I'm sorry your thread has devolved into this then.

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We already hace a /cm/ thread you cancerous faggotsd

>Steven Universe and Hazbin fuck up the thread
>Furries post their toxic trash

Fuck all of you for having such shit taste.

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Why not contribute with what you like, user? Clearly we won't judge with the things we're posting anyway.

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Because this thread is to fucking tainted. Like putting fresh basil on spoiled meat.

It's a shame. The last hot man thread was all Hercules and Cap's muscle tits.

And it's way better than the other husbando thread, go figure.

>Way better than any other husbando thread.

>at most i'd like women with traditionally masculine characteristics
Ah. Like a penis. Good taste, user.

I said better than the other thread, not better than any thread.


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I'd argue Bugs isn't a furry character. Furries don't ever seem to actually wanna look like the animals they represent, but always an idealized human form. Bugs is neither - he's a cartoon. No rabbit looks like that, and neither does any human. He's more of a /d/ kind of deal

Still a no. Cap tits > Furry shit.

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But doesn't have cape, that was the problem there. And it's the problem here too.