Post Yas Forums characters jobbing.
Post Yas Forums characters jobbing
99% of all Silver Surfer fights are jobbing
>can move and think entire sentences in less than a single nanosecond
>can turn intangible
>can control atoms
>can use telepathy
He was supposed to instantly win against anyone weaker than Thanos
The worst parts is Magik is a jobber herself and gets knocked out more often than jean. She has decent tricks in her bag most writers ignore that in favor of her swinging her sword around.
Carol getting her ass beat isn’t jobbing
what's up with heralds jobbing to black suits?
nice booty
Spidey wore that motherfucker down though and had to go through a a lot of shit
DC vs. Marvel was voted on by fans, but even the writers couldn't figure out how Wolverine could beat Lobo, so it happened offscreen.
and wolverine's healing factor wasn't even buffed to the max at that point in time while that was prime lobo.
Firelord also knew spidey by reputation and was trying not to kill him where pete was going all out in a desperate attempt to get him to not summon galactus, so it is a job and maybe I’m not hard on it because I don’t know firelord that well but it’s not that egregious in the full issue
That's the Hulk, you ignorant slut.
If Magik does use all her tricks it would basically be Claremonts New Mutants were she carries the team 4 out of 5 story arcs.
>le very funny office reference XD
Christ, man. I agree that's not jobbing, but try not to reddit so hard all over this thread.
That's only because the rest of the teams were scrubs by comparison. Magik lost to Forge in Limbo where his magic was weakened and she was limbo lord and in darkchylde mode. She also lost to or struggled with demons. Magik didn't really start getting wanked hard until she came back to life.
Who is much weaker than Carol is, so it's jobbing.
Ugh ... just admit you are a racist from Yas Forums?? ?
the silver surfer's one weakness: black people
Dan Akroyd, actually.
The always try to say Surfer was holding back but he is acting way too salty after every attack to be just fucking around with them. Norrin is a pretty stoic guy when dealing with people a lot weaker than he is.
Maybe she shouldn't have been written as being better in a magic fight than Dr. fucking Strange himself, then.
Something something Knull
Nice super strength you have there, be a shame if someone...tripped it
Firelord is faster than light and got cosmic awareness, "holding back" is not a valid excuse, this is bad writing.
Bro... spider-man is a joke now
Strange has never been a raw power guy even back when he was very very strong because his enemies were always stronger. Magik is like the lord of her own realm, she definitely has more power at that point than Dormmy, who trespassed into HER realm
Injustice is fucking retarded
>You got bested by a slope
She doesn't look Asian to me.
I mean a bunch of consecutive mosquito bites are going to frel pretty bad I guess
>a character named Magik is better at magick than Dtrange
Honestly it's probably the only time this could make senss
Dorm was in control of the realm at that point. She beat him while he was limbo lord
Hal getting KO'd by environment isn't jobbing, it's a staple
We're talking about someone who inexplicably trips over his own feet
Jobbing means you lose when you shouldn't have lost.
This is the Scary Hulk. Extremis-upgraded Savage with Banner-level intellect without it reducing his strength.
Real talk: usually it would be.
"Listen, chalky. Our universe's atstake. Xavier has given me some leeway. So here's the deal."
"Unless it involves a lot of booze and a lot of dough, I ain't interested."
"Heh. Twenty-five million, in gold, from the Xavier Foundation... and, hell, a case of Johnny Wallker's."
"Fuck off, shorty. A case?"
"Fine. Two."
"Make it ten and you got a deal."
She is always the rightful lord of limbo, like how Mephisto draws power from hell even if he’s not the lord of it now
Oh no. Oh no.
I just hope Cates doesn't think of that, too.
"Hey! I can totally affect yellow things!"
"We know. We changed the weakness on your ring, Lantern Jordan."
"..You did? Into what?"
"It will be revealed in time."
"You know what? Fine. Be that way. I'll just... GAH! God damn it!"
>Subdued snickering around the council room
I think problem with Magik is that she is that the X-men writers don't build any magic for her in the X-books. So whenever she does fight some it's from another franchise with way more established characters like Strange, Dormammu, or Enchantress. Then she goes back to the X-ghetto and losses robots, military, and mutant of week. Doesn't help that a lot of fights are off screen because she has no known spells besides soul sword/armor, and random energy blast Claremont did. That's the entire reason Bendis resorted to having her just get spells from Strange.
>get hit on the nose
>lose 2 random teeth
I wouldn't call needing to detonate an entire dimension to beat a guy jobbing.
She absorbed limbo, she didn't destroy it. Plus she was getting the better of him before doing that. Then she beats him in her normal form as if he is suddenly powerless without Limbo backing.
>aggghhhh black tom help meee!!
Normal form as in, post limbo absorption? That'll be stupidly powerful
They don't call him the Jobbernaut for no good reason.
And it has to be this way. If it wasn't, he'd simply end any battle he enters. Logically, he should be the top powerhouse on Earth, bar none, because he is the avatar of the demon-god of destruction, but in practice...
you would think eating Limbo would have powered her up but it didn't. It change anything for her power wise and she only went back in time to get strange's help to keep it from killing her or getting loose. Lemire or whoever wrote Extraordinary just made that anytime Magik slept or got knocked out the demons in limbo break out of her control.
and the teeth are just jumping out, like "we're free"
Fucking this.
The problem with Magik is that when she ISN'T offscreening people like fucking Dormammu, she doesn't seem like a Wanda-tier reality warper at all.
>Someone gets beaten by Thanos
>On a thread about jobbing
A few issues ago Adam managed to almost kill Thanos but got stopped by Adam before Adam could have finished it. So its still jobbing.