Based Ben has done it again!

Based Ben has done it again!
What comics are you going to get with your Trumpbux?

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donate to the DNC lol


Are Magapede unironic big government-supporting "conservatives?"

The fallacy was assuming that they at any point had any real principles by which they enacted policy. This whole time it was all a lie, they are motivated only by spite. Not even competition, just spite.

>the Republican are securing another four years by putting out more leftist policies the Democrats are scared of touching

The DNC should be embarrassed of themselves.

They are the purest form of Hypocrites imaginable.

It's literally giving me back at least part of my own money they take, and I'm confident i can spend my own money more efficiently than the federal government cab spend my money.

>getting reelected after causing a depression

>the Republican are securing another four years
Imagine believing this.

>blaming trump for chinese communist bioweapons

He claims he knew it was a Pandemic before anyone else, so I have to believe it was deliberate and malicious now.

Attached: trump.jpg (960x720, 49.93K)

>trump ever complementing anyone

>Worked last year but didn't pass the income threshold and didn't file taxes

I was willing to believe he was just distracted/asleep at the wheel, but now he's admitted he knew we were fucked months ago, and didn't tell us.

Oh so trump didn't bungle an epidemic, he bungled in responding to an attack against America.

When the stock market reaches 10k, he will have won the Trade War, perfectly.

What could he have feasibly done?
Remember, the DNC has opposed control of American borders since his first day in office. Do you honestly think they were going to suddenly let him lock it down and strand thousands of Americans abroad after they've been fighting to allow literal criminals to come into the US unopposed?

No, the "bungled response" amounted to companies fucking up in their manufacturing of test kits, and no amount of mental gymnastics would ever result in Trump being to blame for that.
Stop trying to let the communists off the hook for their crimes against humanity.

>What could he have feasibly done?
Not joined Hannity in mocking the experts who were trying to warn people to prepare?
Not tried to defund the Pandemic Response Team twice?
Not fired everyone leading the Pandemic Response Team (effectively destroying it)?
His budget guy was trying to slash the CDC budget (again) just 2 weeks ago.

Attached: Hannity.jpg (703x396, 33.61K)

>What could he have feasibly done?
Not fire our pandemic response team two years before? Let the CDC use the existing Cornavirus test kits from WHO?

How many children must die before the democrats stop crying crocodile tears, and allow the closing of American borders?

Trump would not give private labs the government permission they needed to get involved.
He literally stymied any early response to save political face.

nice lie


>companies fucking up in their manufacturing of test kits,
No other country has this problem though. SK can test more people in a day than we have so far in total.

The Corona Virus came through international flights, not from a Honduran migrant.
Now we want to close the barn door after all the horses have gotten out.


What are the border closure plans from Republicans anyways?

he claims a lot of things

>not Trump dumping a trillion dollars into a giant garbage disposal labeled "Stock Market"
One job Ben

Vote for Trump again, he deserves a Do-Over to try to do all the stuff he promised in 2015 that he hasn't gotten around to yet. He's been so busy tweeting, golfing, napping, vacationing, attending hate rallies, pardoning war criminals, and falling in love with foreign despots. This is a practice pandemic, he'll be able to stop the next one no problem.

So you're saying Trump didn't cripple our response to this because...

>Mr. President, people are criticizing you for not taking it seriously early on!
>Well I just tell them I knew how bad it was all along! That will fix things!

Sadly, he's gonna win anyway. "Glorious Trump gave us 2,000 bucks! Four more years!"

didnt fire the response team, stop getting your news from twitter and Yas Forums

>conservative means small government

Can we rangeban Americans already?

He told Obama in 2013 that leaderships is "everything that happens, you're to blame, everything that fails to happen, you're to blame."
This week he denied responsibility for any of this.


"I take no responsibility" is the first honest thing he's said in decades

>Not fire our pandemic response team two years before
You realize that's akin to saying he could have feasibly predicted the future, right?
I'd been keeping up with this since December and had already prepared. A lot of people told people to prepare and were ignored.

The defunding wasn't an active cut, it was running out of already given money.

And even if the pandemic response team was still operative, the usual suspects would have blocked an immediate and comprehensive travel ban for being racist.

Thats...thats not what you say...

I figured the bungling was the response to the crisis when the story initially broke in China, and nobody having the foresight to assume that self-quarantining wouldn't work and that it could or would eventually find its way to America if not across the world.

I just hope that this whole pandemic gets a book on the scale of "And The Band Played On". That's a good read about how damn near everybody fucked up during the AIDS Crisis.


It's in Art of The Deal. Friends made a game of it at work, basically you never NEVER say thank you. Instead, you make them thank YOU. For example, you ask Ted to finish up that story map for you because you're swamped. He does so, and presents it, essentially doing all the work. You don't say 'thanks' you say 'Congratulations, Ted! Fantastic, just beautiful.'

Then... Ted says 'thank you.' They tried doing this and it went on for weeks until people understood the game. Fucked up as it was.

So, good job poster, you figured it out!

I wish, maybe send some financial support to get better schooling, so they might finally tell the difference between conservatives and libertarians...

He totally did though. There's no way to spin this shill, Trump fired the first line of defense against this exact scenario.

>and were ignored.
yeah, by the government when they weren't being actively diminished and ridiculed

Its fascinating to watch someone have to spin all these lies together into a cover for Trump's obvious failure. A testament to human creativity.

oh, so he just has no control over his administration

>W. Bush uses a government subsidy to stabilise the global economy in 2008
>Trump is going to use a direct to consumer investment to kickstart the economy
Both are moves right out of FDR's playbook but "socialism doesn't work." The DNC are shamfu desu

I know it's a colloquial American term but he is an American president

It's a bandaid to the gaping chest wound that he self inflected on us. How many of his voters are gonna end up with a dead wife?

Identify the lies in that post.
You mean like the Chinese gov't imprisoning doctors and journalists?

this but unironically

He spent a month making the virus out to be no big deal which caused the mouth breathers of the country to go along with the idea

>China do bad
>that mean Trump do good!
do you get paid for this?

I really hope thats enough to get people to turn on him. But somehow it won't be.

>It's literally giving me back at least part of my own money they take
So is health care

>trump cuts our pandemic response team
>no effort to get anyone tested, shortage of testing kits has no end in sight
>because we don't know where the hot spots are, everyone has to do the most drastic thing to be safe
>but because there's no information, it MIGHT be safe and we MIGHT be overreacting, so people can still call it a hoax
>people who get sick can't afford to get treatment

but fox news says "DEMOCRAT OPEN BORDERS" so that's what we all have to believe now. because there isn't a problem that can't be solved with more racism amirite

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so how long until Zyklon Ben makes another comic about Bernie wanting to give away free stuff being bad

Economically and market wise we'd be in the exact same situation, just a month earlier. People were going to panic regardless of when he said it.

Give me one article where Trump suppressed media telling people to prepare earlier or otherwise made it impossible for people to take precautions.

>this thread
i cant who's trolling who

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>You realize that's akin to saying he could have feasibly predicted the future, right
Yeah, a president who can't see the threats America is facing should be voted out.

Literally no country in the world has been able to act effectively against this crises, yet you would all have me believe that it is all Trump's fault..


Great job "kickstarting the economy" when the underlying issue is not consumer spending, it's a healthcare issue and social infrastructure and soon it will be unemployment and personal bankruptcy and evictions. This is profligate burning of money, pure debt.


South Korea is absolutely dunking on corona-chan


>Give me one article where Trump suppressed media telling people to prepare earlier or otherwise made it impossible for people to take precautions.
you think Trump isn't actively preventing from taking precautions even now?

go to a doctor's office and ask for a COVID-19 test and see how long it takes to get one.

try to do it before the thread 404s. i'll wait though.

That applies to literally every president in our lifetimes.
Every president has either mishandled or exacerbated a threat to the US

>People were going to panic regardless of when he said it.
And now more people will die because he tried to softball it.

They have nothing on the Norks. Not a single reported case!

Are they really? What have they done differently?

Why the fuck are people blaming Trump for the virus China released?
No other country on the planet is trying to blame their leaders for what China did.

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I had to check Garrison's site to see if this wasn't a parody. This is really the weirdest fucking timeline.

shut up boco

I don't know what to tell you user, I've been telling people about this since Jan and can't feel sympathy for people that exclusively waited on the television to tell them how to feel.

No ones trolling anybody, Yas Forums is just a majority left wing board

>unironically ridin for Biden


Even china is doing better than us. We can only hope we're at where china in the few months time.

>Yeah, a president who can't see the threats America is facing should be voted out.

OK. SO. It's December 2019. 2 people in Wuhan, China, are sick. Trump goes on primetime TV.

>"America. We are facing an unprecedented threat from a microscopic organism originating from China. It's a big, big threat. Yuge. I am hereby shutting down all travel and instituting presidential war powers to combat this threat."

How do you think that would have gone over?

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We COULD have been testing people coming off of international flights. We have vastly more resources for this sort of thing than South fucking Korea.
All of these Pharma giants and private labs and taxpayer supported medical research facilities, and they all sat idle because the "leadership" was laughing at the idea of this being serious on television.
People in this very thread have been taking the blue pill from Hannity and Fox and Friends for so long that they can't even deal with objective reality.

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Because Americans don’t see themselves as Americans anymore, they see themselves as whites/blacks/dems/reps. It’s probably the most politically divided country in the world

testing absolutely everyone

You are posting unironic lies, the CDC didn't have any funding cut.

>can't afford to get treatment

Which matters how?

>open borders good! says man as open borders allowed for an international disease to enter the USA.

I actually hope this is bait.

The opinions of people who are unironically voting biden because fuck orange man might as well be considered bait at this point.

where's your god now?

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>What could he have feasibly done?
Not slashed funding for the Center of Stopping Shit Like This.

>No other country on the planet is trying to blame their leaders
Iranians are blaming their leadership for their shitty response, and that's in a country where it can land you in the gulag.
China's leadership would be taking intense heat if they hadn't Orwell'd the internet and media under Emperor Xi.

>What have they done differently?
Everything. They treated this virus seriously by ensuring everyone is tested which let them slow down infection rates which leads to less of a burden on their medical system which means the people who are infected are getting the care they need.

The DNC tried so hard to force Biden down everyone's throats that they're literally killing old people via Coronavirus. Amazing.

>the CDC didn't have any funding cut.
Yeah they have because that how trump runs his business. Cut everything essential and leave only the profits to him.

The pandemic response team was full of racist nazi bigots, so that was a thing in trump's favor.

>dude we need to close borders and quarantine people, just like the nazis did
>wtf why are people comparing us to hitler?!

This is really what it is. Most people will even admit it these days. "libs mad" is literally most trump supporter's main motivation.

Spamming cunts.

Its largely media hysteria anyway.

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>It's okay when Trump does it
I mean Ol' Ben was never particularly stable, but he's completely fucking lost it. How recent was his last "National debt is bad" cartoon? Last week? Now he's fine with the government handing out free money?

>It's a Depression and a Pandemic, but by Gawd we Owned the Libs!
Clinically retarded, you are.

Trump didn't cut CDC funding.

See, he got it right!

>can't feel sympathy for people
So you're a delusional sociopath who think he can ride out the collapse of society.

He would have a LOT of support. People want Presidents to DO shit, nationalist presidents who aren't going to cuck to business and lobbyists of any stroke. Obamacare was a big shovel of money to health industries and solved fuck all. The gulf wars are pointless. People want Trump because he's going to care about the white american stock implicitly and build infrastructure. If he'd done that, those voters would feel galvanized to take charge and deal with it.

It's that he's just another damn Neocon that's lost this ideological base with the nationalist right.

Those same people never helped me. I'm within my rights to be tired of sticking my neck out for a change.

They should've just postponed the elections until it was safe to vote. You don't need to be a a conservacuck to realize the DNC is a failure.

Fine, someone working for trump did with trump's permission.

For one, not laughing about it for weeks because a rival political party expressed concern about it.
Second, actually testing everyone they can.

>soon it will be unemployment and personal bankruptcy and evictions
Yes, a depression
>This is profligate burning of money, pure debt
You borrow against future earnings by increasing the deficit when the market is in the shitter and increasing taxes to repay your own loan after recovery. You wait for the market to bottom, then a month for the virus to stabilise it's numbers, then you give the consumer a direct fiscal incentive to start purchasing goods and services again which incentives producers to hire new employees and borrow money to increase inventory which pumps up the market.
You build an economy from the bottom up and not the top down, or did that trillion dollars trump shit straight into the market do fuck all?

postponing elections is a real slippery slope

Reminder actual shills exist.
Former mods have bragged about censoring threads and allowing their side to spam.

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