Mister Terrific

What makes him so terrific?

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He hasn't been sued by Mister T

his metal BALLS


Smartest man on the planet, and that FUCKING T on his face like how based is that

He's basically good Lex Luthor

>Smartest man on the planet
He's the third smartest. Lex Luthor is the smartest man on the planet

Surree, stay mad Lex

Why dosent he just make a pill thats makes everyone smart?

No really, Mister Terrific can't shut the fuck up about earning the bronze medal in smarts for some reason. No.1 keeps shifting, but Mr. T has 3rd place on lock

Stay mad lex, admit it, Batman and Mr Terrific are best friends, and you cant even talk to either of them without being called an incel

Something about his balls

The jacket.

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Look user I'm actually trying to have a conversation here (strange I know). Take your larp autism elsewhere.

oh yeah, But your right, lex is smarter, sorry for fucking with you, its probally that Mister terrific is a good guy compared to lex, and how lex is seen as a crook, he may be smart, but terrific is seen better compared to the public

He gave Power Girl the T

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What does that T on his face stand for?

those tits aren't nearly big enough to be PG

He's a black guy who inherited a white guys' mantle before that was cool

He plays fair

Tom Selleck

>What makes him so Fantastic?

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Definitely not the beard.

>What makes him so terrific?
He both gay and atheist.

Half of his character is "muh dead wife", how is he gay?

>Half of his character is "muh dead wife", how is he gay?
Being straight been retcon after CW

Fair Play.
Easily the best race switch legacy character.

He's still straight in The Terrifics, CW shit isn't canon.

It's called "humble brag".

but his wifes been alive for while now user. that doesn't make any sense

His wife's still dead, the one he got with for a while was from Earth 11 where he's the one who died.

>supergenius character who completely sidesteps the usual bullshit that plagues supergenius characters
>uses gadgets to enhance his crimefighting instead of relying on them
>one of the few modern remnants of the two-fisted scientist archetype
>unique powerset that doesn't overshadow anything
>wealthy by his own merit while not falling into the paternalistic notions that pervade Batman nor the poverty fetishism that infects Green Arrow
>leading member of the best DC superteam
>schway jacket

It's the smartest thing because who wants to be in third? So all the super geniuses try to argue who is the the world's smartest man concedes that Michael is at least as smart as them.

wish i could find the page from Heroes In Crisis but the way it was explained is that Mr.Terrifics basically hiding his true powerlevel and is actually number one.

he is barely a good detective and no way on the same league as Luthor, Terrific and Ray Palmer. All his cool shit comes from Lucius Fox.

He fucked Power Girl

Balls of steel

Dick abs

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I wish I was blacked


He has Terrific Balls.

why would you want that

It literally reads on his sleeve: Fair Play.

When Terrific called himself "third smartest", he was including margin of error.

Uh, they're spheres, not balls, my friend.

You guys do know that Terrific does mean anything good, right? Mister Terrific is using it's original meaning. Terror.

He's Mister Terror because he's terrifying

because it would be an honor

Then what makes him so terrifying?

I'm going to say it.

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Is The Terrifics any good? I got turned off when I learnt it focused on Dark Multiverse shit, but maybe it's good in spite of that. If not, then what are some good stories featuring him? I want more fair play in my life

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>it focused on Dark Multiverse shit

It briefly touches it but that's it. It barely registers.

You're in luck, it doesn't focus on the dark multiverse at all. It's just fun adventures with a fun group of people

Oh sweet, nevermind then, I'll check it out

Just have someone shit in your asshole. Literally same thing.

because the only thing worse than a dumb nigga is a smart dumb nigga

twilek boipussy

what about a dumb smart nigga?

I like how in Justice League Action they said Mr. Terrific is the one who wrote the list and he intentionally put himself at third so people would underestimate him.

He's a good friend who won't be a jerk about religion and will have scrabble nights with you.
God I miss his friendship with Dr Mid-Nite


what the fuck reed

He can drive a firetruck

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