Well, that aged poirly

Well, that aged poirly.

Attached: 0openborders.jpg.cf.jpg (400x519, 59.85K)

Why? When did it come out and what stance did it take?

And is there porn?

>stance did it take?
Look at the cover and guess.

This is the SMBC guy, isn't it?
What a massive faggot.

Lol yeah really how would ancapistan deal with the Chinavirus? What a joke.


is it bad that I thought the cowboy hat guy looks like the Australia shit post meme

Attached: aussieshitpiost.jpg (617x347, 38.94K)

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Now that you mention it...

God I feel so bad for that Asian profile lady. How does she even see?

>Does San Franscisco really scare you?
Yes? Any sensible person should be afraid of that hellhole.

a masterpiece

What's with the obsession with immigration? And don't give me that "JOOS GENICIDING THE WHITE FOLK" without some actual backing.

But that's literally the reason

Attached: forward-immigration-jewshighlight-1.jpg (634x555, 92.38K)

First worlders don't want their country to turn into the third world.

Fucking 10/10, user. A+++.

Fuck off Yas Forums

>how would ancapistan
The book was co-authored by a libertarian.
But that only serves to remind people that libertarians are just progressives with less gibs

Switch Soijack with the classic version and it'll look great.

Just the art. The author is actually a libertarian who places no value on ethnicity or culture and cares only about the almighty economy.

Regarding the sanitation issues, homeless people issues and high rent? Yes.

>Do these cities really scare you?
Y E S ! ! !

Some people have legitimate concerns about mexican drug and gang activity expanding north.
Others are just racist fucks who think every hispanic person is a threat even when it's just a family trying to make ends meet and leave the violence behind.

It appears to be in favor of immigration reform but it doesn't specify to what extent.
>inb4 "open borders means completely unregulated borders"
We can either discuss this like adults or discuss it like retards the way you want to, it's entirely up to you.

Don't run apologetics it's obviously a Chuck Dixon Clinton Cash type thing.
The SMBC guy is a massive faggot and this let's him say "see it's economically smart"

>high trust places mentions states
>low trust places mention cities instead of states

Attached: 972DA8CB-0557-4C00-BB36-0D7B91616A16.jpg (1600x900, 230.18K)

>leave the violence behind
Then why do they commit more crimes?

"They" being who specifically?
You're clearly just throwing vague ideas around with no real argument or facts.

If only we got the entire population of the world exposed all at once then we would develop immunity to the virus

Unironically the UK strategy

>Your life will be worse, your children will be more stupid and we will have to turn the entire country into one single dense city but that's ok because it will raise our gdp
I shit you not

Denver doesn't scare me, I just hate it and all the people that moved here and the rent and the increasing traffic and everything about it

>It appears to be in favor of immigration reform but it doesn't specify to what extent.
The comic makes the serious suggestion that we should let migrants into the US until the average population density of the continental US is on par with Los Angeles.

He wanted completely open borders because if you have more people in the country, GDP is raised.

That was his argument.

That's literally the stance the comic takes

Those cities are awful and I'd never even consider moving there. This man is a literal danger to humanity.

>do these cities really scare you
t. someone who doesn't live in a city

>only the good ones come here
>its our job to take care of Mexicans

Attached: stonetoss.png (469x470, 49.71K)

I liked living in England and not colder Pakistan. The mass rape, tribal warfare, active community enforcement of blasphemy laws, lowering of the economy, lack of education and rise of crime, combined with the destruction of the community I knew in the 90s and 2000s really aren't worth it being ever so slightly easier to get an overpriced, shit curry.

Attached: _20200319_000008.jpg (770x721, 78.17K)

>Well, that aged poirly.
Not really. nothing happned that woumd be against this.

>how would ancapistan deal with the Chinavirus?
Well, one thing is for certain, the current system we have didn't help at all. No matter what, open border doesn't prevent social distancing.

Get the fuck out of here you basedboy piece of shit

Attached: 49 - OZ2HlGJ.jpg (250x238, 15.7K)

I meant to say onions boy

>Regarding the sanitation issues
the sanitations issues were caused by the removal of public toilet. the public toilet were removed because of lobbying from home owner who wanted to get the value of their properties increase by thinking that removing toilet would make homeless people go away.

They literally got shit instead. Well deserved. Don't blame the poor for the mess caused by the riches.

Quit while you're ahead, newfriend.

Word filter user.

based word filter raping you into submission

Employment is a zero sum game. Every spot filled is a spot someone else either lost or cannot occupy. It's absolutely in the best interest of all American citizens, regardless of ethnicity, to enforce the law and prevent illegal immigration, as well as punish companies for outsourcing jobs. Whenever I hear people defend illegal immigration, all I hear is "I care more about looking good in my echo chamber than I do about my fellow Americans."

It's no wonder Californians are basically the wealthy-equivalent of illegal immigrants. They run the bay area into the ground then pack up for the states they disparaged all their lives because it's safer (and whiter, but they never admit this part) with cheaper land. Then they price out the locals from their lifelong home towns, vote for the same shit that made the bay area a nightmare, and act none the wiser.

It absolutely isn't.
there is no such thing as white genocide. there is zero indication at all, none, that white people is remotely close to any kind of extinction.

There's an old economics joke: Two guys are walking down the street. The old guy spots a dog turd and tells the young guy he'll pay him $50,000 to eat it. The young guy takes the money and eats it. Further down the road the young guy spots another dog turd and tells the old guy he'll pay *him* $50,000 to eat it. The old guy takes the money and eats it. They go a little further but don't make it far before both of them run into a nearby alley to retch and vomit. The young guy says,
>"Ugh, what a stupid idea - both of us feel like shit and neither of us is any richer."
The old guy turns to him and replies,
>"Yes, but we created two jobs and increased the GDP by $100,000!"

I like how this filter now allow to spot the newbies.

Funny how those who think open borders are good think we'll get intelligent, educated indians and asians, when all we'd get is barrio trash and nigerians coming from half a world away looking for handouts.

ok heres the classic head

Attached: statueoriginalhead.png (1945x2464, 3.88M)

Holy fucking shit this is pathetic. I was gone for 3 months and this board became more retarded.

>Employment is a zero sum game.
No, it's not.

You give even the most basice job a good enough pay to allow them to consume more, this increase the consumption, so the demand, which require to produce more to respond to the demand, which require more jobs to produce more.

Meanwhile worker who now are well paid get enough to put some money on the side and start their own business, which create the need for more jobs.

Its ironic isn't it? The people who voted for illegal immigration to go unmitigated in the state end up becoming as bad as the thing they voted for when they jump ship.

>It's rich people's fault junkies defecated on their lawn
>Clearly, the government needs to give them free needles.

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Our borders have been ridiculously open for the past several decades. Anyone who's arguing for "open border" immigration reform in the United States is arguing for effectively unregulated borders.

Immigration changes the people of country, and therefore communities and society at large. Some people like their communities the way they are, and don't want them to be replaced by foreign communities of a foreign culture.

Never said that.
>only the good ones come here
A faster, more efficient immigration department could sort out the drug dealers from the regular folks.
>its our job to take care of Mexicans
No one is asking you to help them move or babysit their kids.
Just treat them decently.

Those people are racist nazis.

Reminder that all races are combinations of older races. That is all.

Damn, what a fucking newfag.

>No one is asking you to help them move or babysit their kids.
Then you clearly didn't read the last Democrat "immigration reform" bill, because they were asking a shit lot more than that

The idea of maximum economic efficency being the most important part of the USA both is a slander on the nature of our identity of white men, (which it was from the start not our fucking farm equipment or scalping-happy squatters, ) and also reveals what these demons want for nations. They are disloyal to the nation and see it as an economic area to exploit and use for power discrepancy. Break not bread with the beast beyond, (((Bryan Caplan and (((Zach Weinersmith))) should hang like traitors.

White Pride. Worldwide.

>trust is overrated because it lowers GDP growth
>We should therefore aim for a society where poor people are forced to pay 20% interest payments to be able to afford to live
What an actual scumbag. Why does economics attract so many sociopaths?