Netflixvania Discussion

Why are they here? What is Dracula's endgame?

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Dracula wants his wife but he’s in hell so he settles for a succubus who can look like her

Next to Dracula is not Lisa, but an illusion created to torment him. One of the animators tweeted this.

>What is Dracula's endgame?
He ends up moving to Wellington with some other vampires.

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Let's talk about more important, what is HIS endgame? He's obviously playing 4d chess.

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Havent played the games but isnt Dracula best buds with Death himself? Is that how he keeps getting brought back to life?

One of the reasons. In-game Carmilla is 1000% loyal to Dracula and also does a few resurrection plots.

Dracula also has a philosopher's stone in games that he wears around his neck and makes him hard to permanently kill, I believe.

I heard someone familiar with the games say the girl in the library was Shanoa, who might be his daughter. And possibly in-game Shanoa too due to multiverse fuckery. But I have no idea about whether that's plausible based on the games.

it seems like dracula wasn't in a hurry to leave hell, his expression was like "close that portal fuckers i'm finally with my wife"

It is possible that Dracula somehow influenced the place of teleportation in the Infinite Corridor of St. Germain, yet he held out his hand to him.

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Only it turns out that's not really his wife, it's an illusion.

The show really needed to clarify this.

I'd like to see it kept ambiguous until the story needs it needs to be clarified.

>Drac is so broken he's fine with settling for an illusion of Lisa

Let’s talk Lenore

Lets hope thats season 4, then. If they really are doing Curse of Darkness, Drac might get revived, if only partially.

Let's post cute boys.

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More importantly what was with the PS1 era CGI of hell? Did they really need to save THAT MUCH money for the final episode?

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Eh kinda, Death is basically his right-hand man but doesn't directly resurrect him or anything, that part is usually down to spooky cultists. Death however does scheme to get in on it and is a savvy manipulator, most notably in Harmony of Dissonance and Portrait of Ruin.

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Those are pictures of pets at the local pet store.

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>not going to a rescue shelter
You're worse than the vampires.

I assumed she was also in hell for marrying and supporting a mass murderer.

Dracula did nothing wrong

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>Dracula's wife is in hell too
The church was right all along

Even in Ellis fanfiction, God is real.

If Hell exists, God exists. That's how it usually goes, anyway

how come they gave him pubes but not a beard after he was 1 month on the road

I just want to know why he isn't as hairy as every other Greek I've ever seen. Not a chest hair, knuckle hair, or back hair on him.

Sypha is cute and great!

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She needs to show her tiny tits

She needs her tits to get bigger when she's pregnant

So I'm guessing all those things what his name saw in the infinite corridor was references to other castlevania games?

I wasn't the only one turned on by this right?

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What was the shit he was seeing in his dream with the spaceship and the people running on the bridge?

Sypha is an adrenaline junkie who needs to be impregnated so she can settle down.

He was also the one pulling the strings in Curse of Darkness, but we can't have nice things so no Death here

>the Judge didn't turn out to be Zead
pretty disappointed

they knew what they were doing

Most media defaults to Hell and the devil existing, but God's existence is up in the air.

Metal Gear?

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He got it lasered off so he could be a cute little twink.

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Why, are you too stupid to infer this yourself? Not everything needs to be spoonfed to you, you fucking retard.

We've reached a point where an animalistic characer can't face away from the viewer without people getting horny and then everybody else saying "THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING HURRRR HUD DURRR HURHUUURR I'M COOOOMINGGG"


I want to imagine that he's just holding down that guy and sucking him off

nigga saw a metal gear in the savannah, a predator spaceship leaving a forest, an adventuring party in a pyramid and the clockwork fuckwork dimension

don't worry he will be back.

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Thoughts on my Lenore cosplay?

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It better include fangs
also make the ring

>an adventuring party in a pyramid
This one looked like some kind of Temple Run game.

all the way off

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He doesn't even say that, he tells Isaac to get his revenge but also think more about himself and what he really wants.

Her blush needs to be more prominent, like . Brows and lashes look pretty spot on though.

Ellis did a run of Moon Knight, so that may be where the crescent spaceship is from. And Metal Gear and Castlevania are both Konami properties.

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yfw your punishment is to finally chill with your wife and then see her dissapear minutes later.
Then you memory is wipped out and re-encounter her again and chill with her until she dissapears again
Repeat until the infinite.

MMMM, I mean, I understand is a quite terrible psicological torture but still feels a punishment pretty tame for someone that killed hundred of thousands. Those guys trapped into trees or pierced with needles had it worse

you seem pretty butt hurt over a pretty butt

What does it mean?

>tfw you will never got your mind and feelings played with as lenore's pet slave

feels bad man

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All the people except for the one furthest left look to be Aztecs/Indigenous. The leftmost looks like a Spanish matador by his hat and cape, plus the lack of Mesoamerican patterns.

There's also the guy to the right of the colorful poncho man who may not be indigenous. The high ponytail, shoulder pads, and white shirt say Japanese to me, but that's a stretch based on very little.

It's funny because Sypha is uncommonly stacked in a few of the games.

I need you to post evidence for strictly scientific purposes.

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