How come DC doesn't have any chubby heroines or villains?

How come DC doesn't have any chubby heroines or villains?

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Granny goodness

Amanda Waller

Because they'd be short winded if they tried to do something.

The better question is if any teenage fat girls characters exist. They have plenty of teenage fat male heroes and villains.

Seriously? There’s literally 2 right in OP’s picture

What editing software did you use to make that collage?

And being fat really works for those character. Especially for Amanda because the skinny interpretations of her don't seem as imposing on threatening.
I can't think of any and now I'm afraid some DC editor lurking here is going to try and introduce one because of this thread.

The one that came with my phone.

He's talking about DC Comics, the ones in OP's image are from Marvel.

bring back Big Bertha

It's funny how they all are fat and only the top left looks ugly

>Marxist accuse old media of existing just to tear down minorities and lift up white guys
>The moment they seize power they use it to tear down white guys and lift up minorities, thus showing in the end it was all projection

thread 13

This. The last GLA run was actually really good

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Whole lotta cushion for the pushin' there. Muy buneo.

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new Supergirl's a fatass

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My brother

yes it got canceled too soon

Is Faith Marvel or DC?


She's garbage is what she is.

I think it's the artist. Any other artist from OP could make her a qt

>not posting Auntie Mo

Attached: fuck auntie mo.jpg (1024x1561, 443K)

They are morbidly obese, and "morbid" is used i nits real meaning.

Do they even have fat heroes?
I would say that DC goes the route that heroes need to be fit to fight crime.
Which makes sense. Fat heroes should be only support or sniper/heavy artillary.

Sonny Sumo?

He's not fat. He's just big.

because DC stands for "Diet Comics"

Will I ever be able to forget I ever saw this :( I remember when I was innocent ...before Yas Forums...

Unless you know the hundreds of thousands characters that DC published then this is just cherry picking...

Bouncing Boy.

Anyone can crawl through the fan wiki and pull up some one shot character that fits the bill.
>Bookworm from Dan Jurgens Teen titans
Showed up for exactly one issue and never to be seen again.

Who's lower-right? She's a cute.

Gert from Runaways

Etta Candy

Somewhere, a monkey's paw curls...

The original Great Lakes Avengers was good( I really loved their initial appearance in West Coast Avengers, but that shitty one from 2016 killed any potential they had.

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When will Marvel have the balls to draw fat chicks like this again

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Etta Candy

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context? is it rape? whats going on???

I want cute art of Princess

probably never

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>what is bara?
>what is functional muscle with fat on top?
>what is the absurdly fun trope of characters being able to throw themselves around like a ninja and hit like a fucking truck?

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My nigga

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Normal women with big breasts aren't fat.

>Diet Comics Comics

Why did they make her black and gay in the New 52


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is there even a difference between Marvel and DC?

No user, the origional DC Comics said DC Cunt, so it would go as this
>Diet Comics, Cunt

All things that a male body is programmed for, not a female body.

Fat women are repulsive. Chubby men are pure kink.


You do realize that makes you a literal fag, user.

Slott's GL specials were pure amazing, the last time he was really good as a writer. The 2016 series was the most reddit thing Marvel made until now with the new New Warriors taking over. Why do they produce this shit?


For the same reason they turned Amanda Waller into a supermodel, the New 52 was a mistake.

Context, please.

Did you just assume my gender?

Imagine actually thinking this.

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