homestuck thread please. just this once mod/janny/whoever. we'll be good i promise just let us have this one time
Homestuck thread please. just this once mod/janny/whoever. we'll be good i promise just let us have this one time
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I haven't read any of Homestuck 2. Is it any good. Is it ANY good?
i would say no. the narrative meta wank is exhausting and so far from clever that it isn't funny; and there's a lot of useless character arc extension (from both the og comic and the (shitty) epilogues)
We've had our allotted monthly non-update thread
God no. Head writer is a deranged Vriska-"kin" tranny mentally still in high school.
i'm just waiting for hiveswap desu
>ANY good
Bits and pieces of seeing new "official" content of characters you still like, a promise of a new adventure with a new cast, and a notion of an "intellectual" discussion of narrative/morality, but even on those merits, it meanders around, leaving it just something most fans seem to accept exists.
Maybe if it was years along and its direction was more clear it'd be easier to gauge positively.
...i hate to doublepost, but what's the 4/10 timeline i've seen mentioned in Yas Forums hs threads?
Why is she wearing Misa Hayase's unifrom?
No, you guys don’t deserve a thread
>Is it ANY good?
>posts Shelby art
You don’t deserve any Jades
is it true that ultimate dirk will go full gay on trans roxy?
cherish nep
Fuck off, Pedos.
Is Kate literally an otherkin? Shit wouldn't surprise me.
he kinda maybe already did....?
Let me put it to you this way: when she was picking out her new name? K8
Dammit Feferi.
I hope the anons who suggested this in the last thread are here
Fucking amazing.
This is fucking gold
>Tavros is the bus
holy shit that's perfect 10/10
Fuck Fantrolls, give me your fan humans
feferi is a sea monkey
Very nice.
how is fef relevant to the pic?
Damn this thread is really slow
I love it
Holy based
yeah. she's completely nuts
>good homestuck OC
kek nice
Any good fanventures to talk about?
So is Jane alive? Or dead?
So what is the takeaway from Homestuck? A profound sense of fatalism? What about you lads who went to conventions and such?
Wait, conventions... cons... conventions... cons...
It's all bullshit man! Homestuck was never actually popular!
shelby drew art for some of the best homestuck fanwork ever though
God this music is making me so nostalgic
>just this one time
We’ve been having way too many lately, last one was the day before yesterday with another before that
Okay this thread was worth it for this
Believe in Nep
Move on already, your series and fandom are zombies.
That you have to be better and that simply being isn't always good enough.
guess no Dirk teaser huh
>So what is the takeaway from Homestuck?
it's a cautionary tale. mainly that you need to draw a fucking line at fan influence/interaction
teasers come out one week before the route, so we should get one next week
Know when to stop.
>one month between roxy and drik
For what purpose?
>fuck fantrolls
i mean, if that's what you WANT...
Making VN games is hard, please understand
probably to build hype and drag this pesterquest shit as long as possible since this is going to be the last route
I see we've resorted to bargaining now.
eridan will make a comeback screencap this
How would they fare in HS? I suppose they'd be the agents of Prospit? Sans MK.
it sucks the turds of a toilet specialist. it resembles Leonardo Da Vinci, one time he scraped his foot in some ugly soil a little bit. Dogs would think it is stupid if they saw it despite possessing no rational cognitive ability. It resembles the worst output of a cake shop ever, after being left out in the rain for 14 days, all discolored and nasty.
bro he already did
he's having sweet makeout sessions with fef in the epilogues
of course, he has gamzee's blessing
dont call it a comeback
ivve been here for years
So that's why he built robot legs for Tavros, I always wondered about that
I don't really know. I've heard some people speculate that PS would be Prospit's Archagent, as a counter to Jack Noir, but I personally think that's a little stupid. He'd probably be some generic unit on the battlefield, methinks, the PROSPITIAN SCOUT or something like that. AD would make a great court jester though, have you seen that guy's Truffle Shuffle?
>fan kids
this is a fan carapace thread